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Created July 18, 2018 02:10
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Map noaa average wind speed data given a cdf4 file
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
class MonthMean(object):
def __init__(self, data, month, year): = data
self.month = month
self.year = year
def __repr__(self):
return self.month + ',' + str(self.year)
class NOAAData(object):
def __init__(self, filep, variable=None):
self._month_names = [
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
dataset = Dataset(filep)
date = dataset.variables['time'].units = datetime.strptime(date[12:-2], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
start, end = dataset.variables['time'].actual_range
self.start = + timedelta(hours=start)
self.end = + timedelta(hours=end)
self.lon = dataset.variables['lon'][:]
if self.lon.max() > 180:
self.lon -= 180 = dataset.variables['lat'][:]
variable = variable if variable else dataset.variables.keys()[-1] = dataset[variable]
self.dataset = dataset
self.months = self.sort_data(
self.months_dict = self._make_months_dict()
def sort_data(self, data):
months = self._month_names
year = self.start.year
m = 0
months_data = []
for month in data:
months_data.append(MonthMean(month, months[m], year))
if m == 11:
m = 0
year += 1
m += 1
return months_data
def _make_months_dict(self):
months = self._month_names
months_dict = {}
for month in months:
months_dict[month] = [
month_data for month_data in self.months if
month_data.month == month]
return months_dict
def _filter_months(self, month_names, start=None, end=None):
start = start if start else self.start.year
end = end if end else self.end.year
months = [self.months_dict[month] for month in month_names]
filtered_months = []
years = range(start, end+1)
for month in months:
filtered_months += [ for year in month if year.year in
return np.array(filtered_months)
def before_data_base_map(
self, llcrnrlon=None, llcrnrlat=None, urcrnrlon=None,
urcrnrlat=None, llcrnrx=None, llcrnry=None, urcrnrx=None,
urcrnry=None, width=None, height=None, projection='cyl',
resolution='c', area_thresh=None, rsphere=6370997.0, ellps=None,
lat_ts=None, lat_1=None, lat_2=None, lat_0=None, lon_0=None,
lon_1=None, lon_2=None, o_lon_p=None, o_lat_p=None, k_0=None,
no_rot=False, suppress_ticks=True, satellite_height=35786000,
boundinglat=None, fix_aspect=True, anchor='C', celestial=False,
round=False, epsg=None, ax=None):
base_map = Basemap(
llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, llcrnrx, llcrnry,
urcrnrx, urcrnry, width, height, projection, resolution,
area_thresh, rsphere, ellps, lat_ts, lat_1, lat_2, lat_0, lon_0,
lon_1, lon_2, o_lon_p, o_lat_p, k_0, no_rot, suppress_ticks,
satellite_height, boundinglat, fix_aspect, anchor, celestial,
round, epsg, ax)
fig = plt.figure()
# Adjust Map to be in Center of Map
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Make the Map have Coastlines
return base_map, ax
def after_data_base_map(self, base_map, mer_labels=None, par_labels=None,
mer_range=np.arange(-180, 180, 20),
par_range=np.arange(-90, 90, 5)):
# Plot Meridian/Longitude Lines 20 Degrees Apart
# Label on the Left and Bottom of Graph
base_map.drawmeridians(mer_range, labels=mer_labels)
# Plot Latitude Lines Starting From 60 Degrees to 90, 5 Degrees Apart
# Label on the Left
base_map.drawparallels(par_range, labels=par_labels)
def make_contour_map(
self, months=None, start=None, end=None, lon=None, lat=None,
llcrnrlon=None, llcrnrlat=None, urcrnrlon=None,
urcrnrlat=None, llcrnrx=None, llcrnry=None, urcrnrx=None,
urcrnry=None, width=None, height=None, projection='cyl',
resolution='c', area_thresh=None, rsphere=6370997.0, ellps=None,
lat_ts=None, lat_1=None, lat_2=None, lat_0=None, lon_0=None,
lon_1=None, lon_2=None, o_lon_p=None, o_lat_p=None, k_0=None,
no_rot=False, suppress_ticks=True, satellite_height=35786000,
boundinglat=None, fix_aspect=True, anchor='C', celestial=False,
round=False, epsg=None, ax=None,
mer_labels=[False, False, False, False],
par_labels=[False, False, False, False],
mer_range=np.arange(-180, 180, 20),
par_range=np.arange(-90, 90, 5), fill=True
start = start if start else self.start.year
end = end if end else self.end.year
if not months:
months = self._month_names
filtered_months = self._filter_months(months, start, end)
data = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, filtered_months)/len(filtered_months)
# Set Up Latitude and Longitude into Arrays that can be Mapped
lon = lon if lon is not None else self.lon
lat = lat if lat is not None else
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
# Set Latitiude and Longitude to Mappable
base_map, ax = self.before_data_base_map(
llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, llcrnrx, llcrnry,
urcrnrx, urcrnry, width, height, projection, resolution,
area_thresh, rsphere, ellps, lat_ts, lat_1, lat_2, lat_0, lon_0,
lon_1, lon_2, o_lon_p, o_lat_p, k_0, no_rot, suppress_ticks,
satellite_height, boundinglat, fix_aspect, anchor, celestial,
round, epsg, ax)
x, y = base_map(lon, lat)
# Plot Data as Filled in Contours
if fill:
base_map.contourf(x, y, data)
base_map.contour(x, y, data)
self.after_data_base_map(base_map, mer_labels, par_labels, mer_range,
# Title Plot
if len(months) > 1:
months_title = months[0] + '-' + months[-1]
years = range(start, end + 1)
years_title = str(years[0]) + '-' + str(years[-1])
'%s, %s in %s, %s' % (,, months_title, years_title)
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