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Last active April 25, 2023 14:28
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$ docker --help
$ docker image --help
$ docker image ls --help


See the Docker version
	$ docker --version
See the Docker client and server versions
	$ docker version


docker image ls
docker container ls
docker network ls
docker volume ls


docker image rm -f $(docker image ls -q)
docker container rm -f $(docker container ls -a -q)


system df
	to see space usage
system prune
	to remove dangling (not associated to a container) images, containers, volumes, and networks
		also remove stopped resources
search [keyword_to_search_in_repository_registry]
	To find an image. Same as doing it from
	To login to your account


An image is every file that makes up just enough of the Operating System to perform a task.
The Dockerfile provides the instructions to build a container image using the 'build' command.
It starts from a previously existing Base image (through the FROM clause) followed by any other needed Dockerfile instructions.

$ docker image...

	list all images
pull [image_name]
	downloads the latest version of image to local repo. This is done automatically when you 'docker container run...'
		e.g. docker image pull centos
		e.g. docker image pull centos:latest
history [image_name]
	show history of image changes or additions
inspect [image_name]
	see all configurations and properties
tag [image_name] [new_image_name]
	associates a new tag to an existing tag
	e.g. $ docker image tag old_name:old_version new_name:new_version
push [image_name]
	pushes image to Docker Hub
		e.g. docker image push percyvega/nginx


The image at runtime; it's a process. There can be multiple containers off the same image.
Uses an image and creates from it a container with a running process.

$ docker container...

	list all running containers
		list all running and non-running containers
		list the last container run
commit [container_name] [[image_name:image_tag]]
	creates a new image from a container
start [container_name]
	start an existing container currently stopped
stop [container_name]
	stop a container gracefully (if that doesn't work after a few seconds, then forcefully)
	crtl + d
		if you are inside the main process, this will stop the container (same as exit in bash)
kill [container_name]
	stop a container forcefully
attach [container_name]
	jump into the main process of the container
	ctrl + p, ctrl + q
		to detach (jump out) of the container without stopping it
exec -ti [container_name] [[process_to_run]]
	connect to a running container and execute a (non-main) process
	e.g. exec -ti [container_name] bash
rm [container_name]
	remove a container that is not running
		remove a container forcefully (even if it’s running)
	e.g. docker container rm -f $(docker container ls | grep percyvega_hello | awk '{print $1}')
logs [container_name]
	look at logs
		look at logs by tailing them
inspect [service_id]
	see all configurations and properties
	--format <json path>
		to find a specific value
			e.g. docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' percy_new
stats [container_name]
	see usage statistics of the container

$ docker container run [-options] <image_name[:tag]> [process_to_run]

Same as `docker run ...`
Creates a new container from an image and runs it
		$ docker container run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongo_trs mongo:4.4.19 
		$ docker container run -p 8080:8080 --name my_container_name my_image_name
		$ docker container run -ti <image_name> bash
		$ docker container run -d -ti <image_name> bash
		$ docker container run --rm -ti <image_name> bash -c "sleep 5; echo all done"
	name of the image from which the container will be created
	name of the process to execute. This is the main process of the container.
	The container will stop as soon as this specific process stops.
	Delete the container when its main process stops.
	For manually running commands.
	terminal interactive, tty (-t, terminal on foreground) and interactive mode (-i)
	detached mode; to leave the container running in the background instead of hanging the terminal until exit.
--name [container_name]
	give this container a specific name
-p [external_port:internal_port]
	the container will expose its internal port to the external port
	if external_port is not specified, Docker randomly chooses one available.
	To show the port for a running container, you can enter:
		$ docker ports [container_name]
	to turn off some of the Docker security features
	to turn off even more of the Docker security features


- Two main varieties: Persistent and Ephemeral (unpopular).
- Volumes are the best alternative for holding state between container runs.
- Volumes can safely be shared between several running containers.
- Volumes are not part of images. Docker manages its state.
- Shared container resource (folders or files) are created automatically.
- Sharing persistent data between host and containers
	- Ensure specified host folders and files exist before mapping.
	- Specified container folders and files will be created if they don't exist.
		docker container run -ti -v [host_file_path]:[container_file_path] [image_name] [process_to_run]
		docker container run -ti -v [host_folder_path]:[container_folder_path] [image_name] [process_to_run]
		$ echo "<h1>Hello from Host</h1>" > ./target/index.html
		$ docker container run -it --rm --name nginx -p 8080:80 -v "$(pwd)"/target:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
- Sharing ephemeral data between containers
	- Shared "disks" that exist only until the last container uses it.
		e.g. docker container run -ti -v [container_folder_path] [image_name] [process_to_run]
			then the other containers have to run
				docker container run -ti --volumes-from [the_other_container_path] [image_name] [process_to_run]


- Programs in container are isolated from the internet by default.
- You can group your containers into "private" networks.
- You explicitly choose who can connec to whom.
- Use host.docker.internal to refer to the container's hosting pod.
$ docker network
		will show the networks created by default to be used by containers
			- bridge: by default
			- host: that need to access the host's networking stack; turns off all the protections
			- none: with no network at all
	create [network_name]
		this will create a network to which containers will be able to connect
			$ docker container run --rm -ti --net [network_name] ubuntu bash
				this container will join a network with name [network_name]
	connect [network_name] [container_name]
		will make [container_name] join the [network_name] network

DOCKERFILES (Dockerfile)

- A Dockerfile is a simple text file that contains a list of commands that the Docker client calls while creating an image.
- Each line in the Dockerfile file is its own call to `docker run...` and then its own call to `docker commit...`.
- Each command takes the image from the previous line and makes another image.
- If you need to have one program start and then another program start, they need to be on the same line, so that they are in the same container.
- Environment Variables persist across lines if you use the ENV command to set them.
- Processes you start on one line will not be running on the next line.
- It's a simple way to automate the image creation process.


FROM <image_name:[tag]> [as <stage_name>]
	FROM must be the first command in the Dockerfile.
		e.g. FROM ubuntu
	A Dockerfile can have multiple FROM statements, where you can copy artifacts from one stage to another.
		e.g. to first build and then to run the application using the same Dockerfile.
			- FROM maven ...
			- FROM openjdk:jre ...
	to run a command through the shell.
		e.g. RUN unzip /opt/install/
		e.g. RUN echo hello docker
		e.g. # Install Node
			RUN apt-get update \
			&& apt-get install curl -y \
			&& curl -fsSL | bash \
			&& apt-get install -y nodejs \
			&& npm install

	If there are multiple CMD instructions, only the last one will take effect.
	Provides default commands to execute when the container launches.
	Runs a command when the container starts.
		e.g. CMD ["java", "-jar", "/absolute_or_relative_to_WORKDIR/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar]
	replaced if a command is specified at the end of docker run [image_name]...
	used to add a local file/directory into the image file system path.
		e.g. COPY /
	Can be used with --from when running on a different stage
		e.g. COPY --from=<another_stage> /my/files/target /opt/target
	used to add a local file/directory, compressed file contents, or remote file URL into the image file system path.
		e.g. ADD /
	add the contents of a tar archive (uncompressed)
		e.g. ADD PromiseRejectionEvent.tar.gz /install/
	add the contents of a URL
		e.g. ADD /music/
	add environment variables to both the Dockerfile and to the resulting image.
		e.g. DB_PORT=5432
		e.g. ENV _JAVA_OPTIONS '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005'
	the command to run when the container runs
	allows for the user to specify arguments to this entry point by appending them after the image_name
		e.g. ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/", "","-jar","/usr/local/bin/app.jar"]

	maps ports into a container
		e.g. EXPOSE 8080
	defines shared or ephemeral volumes
		e.g. VOLUME ["/host/path/" "/container/path/"]
			VOLUME ["/shared-data"]
	sets the directory the container starts in
		e.g. WORKDIR /install/
	sets the user the container will run under
		e.g. USER root
		e.g. USER ${SERVICE_USER} # back to not root (read-only)
		e.g. USER 1000

Build an image from a Dockerfile

docker image build -t <name:[tag=latest]> <build_context=.>
	Creates an image created using the Dockerfile in . directory
	e.g. docker image build -t my_name:my_tag ./new_image
	e.g. docker image build -t my_image:1.0 .
	e.g. # pack everything a Java/Spring application needs, create image, run image
		mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=./repository clean package
		docker image build -t percyvega/hello .
		docker container run -p 8080:8080 --name percyvega_hello percyvega/hello
If no tag is provided, then the latest tag is used.

Dockerfile examples

FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as BUILD
COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=./repository package
FROM openjdk:8-jre
EXPOSE 8080 5005
COPY --from=BUILD /usr/src/app/target /opt/target
WORKDIR /opt/target
ENV _JAVA_OPTIONS '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005'
CMD ["java", "-jar", "hello-docker-k8s.war"]

FROM ubuntu as builder
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install curl
RUN curl | wc -c > google-size
ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
FROM alpine
COPY --from=builder /google-size /google-size
ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
# then build with: docker image build -t hellojava .
# then run with: docker container run --rm -ti hellojava bash

FROM openjdk:alpine
COPY myapp/target/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /deployments/
CMD java -jar /deployments/myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

DOCKER COMPOSE (docker-compose.yml)

  • Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications.
  • The context of all operations is the default: current folder name context.

docker compose...

	Start docker compose
up -d
	Start docker compose in detached mode
-f docker-compose.yml up
	Start docker compose with a non-default docker-compose.yml file
-p non-default-context up
	Start docker compose with a non-default context
	List name and status of docker compose components
	List information for all docker compose components
logs -f
	Look at all logs by tailing them
	Stop all services
	Delete all services


version: "3.9"
		image: "jboss/wildfly"
			- ~/deployments:/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments
			- "8080:8080"

version: "3.9"
		image: "arungupta/couchbase-javaee:travel"
			- "8080:8080"
			- "9990:9990"
			- "db"
		image: "arungupta/couchbase:travel"
			- "8091:8091"
			- "8092:8092"
			- "8093:8093"
			- "11210:11210"

version: "3.9"
			- "80:8080"
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