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Last active September 8, 2022 22:29
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DDD Cheatsheet


Message types:

  1. Command: an expression of intent to trigger an action in the domain.
    • Routing: routed to a single handler (via consistent hashing).
    • Outcome: provides confirmation/result (sync or async).
  2. Event: a notification (if subscribed) that something relevant has happened inside the domain.
    • Routing: distributed to all logical handlers (ordering required).
    • Outcome: no results from handling.
  3. Query: a request for information or state.
    • Routing: route with load balancing.
    • Outcome: always provides result.

Location Transparency:

  • A component should neither be aware of nor make any assumptions about the location of other components it interacts with.

Message Bus

  • Moves messages from one component to another.
  • Enables location transparency.


  • Events should represent business/domain events, not necessarily database events; so their names should match the language that our customers speak.
  • Use domain semantics instead of CRUD semantics for naming events (e.g. Employees are not Created/Updated/Deleted, they are Hired/Promoted/Terminated/Retired).
  • Have a granular (instead of broad) "Updated" event model so that transport as few fields as possible and so that event handlers handle only those event relevant to them.

Event Store

  • An event store stores the published events.


  • Great for Event Streaming not for Event Sourcing.

Event Streaming

  • Service A published an event, Service B consumes the event.

Event Sourcing

  • Service A published an event, Service B picks all older events and consumes the latest event to process it.
  • The state of an application is not stored within a single record/event, instead it is stored in an array of events.

Event Store

  • Single source of truth.
  • Events are appended only (not deletions or modifications).
  • Event sequence is validated to maintain the order.
  • Full sequential read (for all aggregates, e.g. to construct projections).
  • Able to read a particular aggregate's events.


  • An invariant is a constraint enforced by a validation.

Bounded Context

  • A bounded context groups together a model that may have 1 or many objects.


  • An event sourced aggregate is not a view of the aggregate or its underlying entities. It’s a transactional boundary.
  • Before any processing of commands, the aggregate must be brought up to date by running all past historical events (or maybe commands).
  • The purpose of the aggregate is to:
    1. help validate incoming commands (enforcing the invariants within a bounded context)
    2. produce any resulting events
  • A command-side aggregate only needs to maintain enough state (i.e. fields) necessary to validate commands and to allow for the creation of the resulting events.
  • May have very few fields from the “view” or underlying entity, and may have additional details not found in the “view”, but required for validation.


  • An entity is an object that differs by ID.

Use input validation -> Command runnable validation (by Aggregate) -> Event generation.

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