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Created December 6, 2010 05:02
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veewee configuration files (definitions)
# definition.rb
Veewee::Session.declare( {
:cpu_count => '1', :memory_size=> '256',
:disk_size => '10140', :disk_format => 'VDI',:disk_size => '10240' ,
:os_type_id => 'Ubuntu',
:iso_file => "ubuntu-10.10-server-i386.iso",
:iso_src => "",
:iso_md5 => "ce1cee108de737d7492e37069eed538e",
:iso_download_timeout => "1000",
:boot_wait => "10",:boot_cmd_sequence => [
'/install/vmlinuz noapic preseed/url=http://%IP%:%PORT%/preseed.cfg ',
'debian-installer=en_US auto locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us ',
'hostname=%NAME% ',
'fb=false debconf/frontend=noninteractive ',
'console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/modelcode=pc105 console-setup/layoutcode=us ',
'initrd=/install/initrd.gz -- <Enter>'
:kickstart_port => "7122", :kickstart_timeout => "10000",:kickstart_file => "preseed.cfg",
:ssh_login_timeout => "10000",:ssh_user => "vagrant", :ssh_password => "vagrant",:ssh_key => "",
:ssh_host_port => "2222", :ssh_guest_port => "22",
:sudo_cmd => "echo '%p'|sudo -S sh '%f'",
:shutdown_cmd => "shutdown -H",
:postinstall_files => [ ""],:postinstall_timeout => "10000"
#Updating the box
apt-get -y update
#apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential
apt-get -y install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline5-dev
apt-get clean
#Setting up sudo
cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.orig
sed -i -e 's/%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL/%admin ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
#Installing vagrant keys
mkdir /home/vagrant/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/vagrant/.ssh
cd /home/vagrant/.ssh
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O authorized_keys
chown -R vagrant /home/vagrant/.ssh
#INstalling the virtualbox guest additions
VBOX_VERSION=$(cat /home/vagrant/.vbox_version)
#INstalling the virtualbox guest additions
cd /tmp
mount -o loop VBoxGuestAdditions_$VBOX_VERSION.iso /mnt
sh /mnt/
umount /mnt
rm VBoxGuestAdditions_$VBOX_VERSION.iso
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