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Created April 2, 2021 22:41
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Migrate Gitlab projects to Gitea repos.
import argparse
import gitlab
import sys
import log
import requests
import json
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script will migrate all repos from a Gitlab, to a Gitea, to their corresponding user.')
parser.add_argument("--gitlab-url", nargs=1, help="The gitlab URL that you wish to clone to. Please include the 'https://' if the URL includes it.")
parser.add_argument("--gitlab-access-token", nargs=1, help="Please provide the gitlab access token you would like to use.")
parser.add_argument("--gitea-url", nargs=1, help="The gitea URL that you wish to clone to. Please include the 'https://' if the URL includes it.")
parser.add_argument("--gitea-access-token", nargs=1, help="Please provide the gitea access token you would like to use.")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help="Use this flag if you want to debug the output.")
# Parse the list of arguments from argparse
args = parser.parse_args()
logger = log.get_logger("", debug=args.debug)
if not args.gitlab_url:
print("Please enter the URL to the Gitlab (e.g. ")
args.gitlab_url = input("Gitlab URL: ")
if not args.gitlab_access_token:
print(f"Please enter the Gitlab access token for your account at {args.gitlab_url}: ")
args.github_access_token = input("Gitlab Token: ")
if not args.gitea_url:
print("Please enter the URL to the Gitea (e.g. ")
args.gitea_url = input("Gitea URL: ")
if not args.gitea_access_token:
print(f"Please enter the Gitea access token for your account at {args.gitea_url}: ")
args.gitea_access_token = input("Gitea Token: ")
## Gitlab work
gitlab_object = gitlab.Gitlab(args.gitlab_url[0], private_token=args.gitlab_access_token[0])
# Get the user incase we need to amend any repo names further down the line.
gitlab_user = gitlab_object.user
logger.debug("Current user is: ")
if not gitlab_user.can_create_project:
logger.error("This user is not allowed to create projects, exiting...")
headers = {
params = {
checked = 0
for project in gitlab_object.projects.list(all=True):
logger.debug("Gitlab repo name: " +
logger.debug("Added: " +
# Check to see if it's owned by a group instead
projowner = project.owner["username"]
except AttributeError as e:
logger.warning(f"The project {} does not have an owner, please enter the Username that you would like to attribute this repo to in Gitea")
projowner = input("Username to attribute repo to: ")
payload = {
# Because the args.gitlab_access_token is a list, grab the 0th element
# Because the args.gitea_url is a list, grab the 0th element
response = requests.request("POST", url=args.gitea_url[0]+"/api/v1/repos/migrate", data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, params=params)"Response code from Gitea: {str(response.status_code)} for project {}.")
if response.status_code != 201:
if response.status_code == 409:
logger.warn(f"A repository with the same name '{}' already exists, continuing.")
checked = checked + 1"Checked, and attempted, to bring " + str(checked) + " projects over from gitlab to gitea.")"Completed migration.")
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