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Last active December 20, 2015 06:18
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# The Standards of Conduct for YAPC::NA 2014
It appears the most common complaint about the Code of Conduct and the
ensuing events at YAPC::NA 2013 was about the meta-conversation about
the Code of Conduct at YAPC::NA 2013. As the lead organizer for 2014,
I would like to make some comments early so as to (hopefully) quell
this meta-conversation long before anyone has to make a decision to
attend the conference.
1) There will be a Standards of Conduct for 2014.
The last time I organized a YAPC::NA there was a Standards of Conduct,
the reasons I had for implementing a Code then have not changed.
The Standards of Conduct is a lot like a Contributors Guide to the Perl Community.
It is written for people who may not have participated in the Perl community
before as to what we consider the line for being "That Guy" is.
If you don't feel we need to define where that line is, well not everyone has lived
a life that leads them to that same feeling. It costs us nothing to state in
general terms what we find acceptable, and if it makes people more
comfortable with an explicit line then why on earth should we *not* make that
If you're someone who feels that any discussion about a Code of Conduct should
be obvious, well not everyone has lived a life that leads them to that same feeling.
Telling reasonable people they need to guard against the bad behavior of people they
consider friends, makes them feel defensive unwelcome.
The point of a Standards of Conduct is to make *more* people feel welcome in our community,
we will not do that if we make the current people feel unwelcome.
2) The Code of Conduct does not prohibit swearing.
The Code of Conduct explicitly prohibits abusive and offensive behavior.
It gives some examples of such behavior, none of the examples includes swearing.
All of the examples involve actions from one person (or group) against another
person (or group) of a harassing or abusive nature.
It says "Don't be That Guy" and gives some examples of what being a That Guy
looks like. Reasonable people have a reasonable understanding of what being
abused or abusive is.
In the last six years I've been organizing Perl events we have never had an incident
that wasn't handled by the reasonable person principle. We will be prepared in case
this isn't true in the future, but for now we hope that it reamins to be the case.
3) #yapc on has its own Code of Conduct.
I am confident that the The IRC Operators *will* enforce this. I know an
incidient last year involved an IRC operator, and it was handled by a
more senior operator and the people involved have all explicitly acknowledge
their offending behavior or removed themselves.
I am personally present on for far more hours than are probably
healthy, issues with that network's administration are something I am very
aware of and will respond to quickly.
4) will be moderated, will be read-only
John Anderson (genehack) has volunteered already to be the moderator for
This is a position he already fills for the perl-beginner's list. I expect him to
wield the Cudgel of Tender Mercy and Cluefulness on He has said that he
will develop an independent Code of Conduct for the list.
For those who do not wish to deal with the conversational tone, and the resulting Cudgel of
Tender Mercy, we have created an announce-list that will only be official
announcements from the YAPC organizing committee. Going forward attendees will only be
auto-subscribed to the list.
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