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Last active April 4, 2024 15:50
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openqa scenarios
make fetch-db-data
make get-template ID=1
perl 1
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
use YAML::PP;
use JSON::PP;
my $yp = YAML::PP->new;
use YAML::PP::Common qw/ :PRESERVE /;
my $yp_preserve = YAML::PP->new(
indent => 2,
use Data::Dumper;
exit 1 unless @ARGV;
sub main {
my ($group_id) = @_;
my $ts_list = $yp->load_file("testsuites.json")->{TestSuites};
my $ma_list = $yp->load_file("machines.json")->{Machines};
my $jg = $yp_preserve->load_file("job-group-$group_id.yaml");
my $scenarios = $yp_preserve->preserved_mapping({});
my $sc = $jg->{scenarios};
my $all_defaults = $jg->{defaults};
my $all_ts = {};
for my $item (@$ts_list) {
delete $item->{id};
delete $item->{description};
my $settings_list = delete $item->{settings};
my $name = delete $item->{name};
my $settings = settings_list_to_hash($settings_list);
$item->{settings} = $settings;
$all_ts->{ $name } = $item;
my $all_ma = {};
for my $machine (@$ma_list) {
$machine->{settings} = settings_list_to_hash($machine->{settings});
my $name = delete $machine->{name};
delete $machine->{id};
$all_ma->{ $name } = $machine;
my %ts;
my %ma;
my $templates = $yp_preserve->preserved_mapping({});
for my $arch (keys %$sc) {
$templates->{ $arch } = $yp_preserve->preserved_mapping({});
warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": ===================== $arch\n";
my $defaults = $all_defaults->{ $arch } || {};
my $products = $sc->{ $arch };
for my $pr (keys %$products) {
$templates->{ $arch }->{ $pr } = $yp_preserve->preserved_mapping({});
warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": ========= $pr\n";
my $tests = $products->{ $pr };
for my $i (0..$#$tests) {
my $test = $tests->[$i];
my $ref = ref $test;
my $machine = $defaults->{machine};
my $testname;
my $suite;
my %template;
my $def = {};
if (not ref $test eq 'HASH') {
$testname = $test;
$suite = $all_ts->{ $test };
$ts{ $test } ||= $suite;
$ma{ $machine } ||= $all_ma->{ $machine };
$templates->{ $arch }->{ $pr }->{ $testname } = {};
elsif (ref $test eq 'HASH') {
(my $name, $def) = %$test;
if (my $merge = $def->{"<<"}) {
$machine = $merge->{machine} if $merge->{machine};
$def->{testsuite} = $merge->{testsuite} if exists $merge->{testsuite};
$machine = $def->{machine} if $def->{machine};
my $test_machine = ref $machine eq 'ARRAY' ? '(' . join(',', @$machine) . ')' : $machine;
if (not exists $def->{testsuite}) {
$testname = "$name";
$suite = $all_ts->{ $name };
$ts{ $name } ||= $suite;
elsif ($def->{testsuite}) {
$testname = "\$$name";
$suite = $all_ts->{ $def->{testsuite} };
$ts{ $def->{testsuite} } ||= $suite;
else {
$testname = "\$$name";
$testname .= '@' . $test_machine unless $test_machine eq $defaults->{machine};
if (ref $machine eq 'ARRAY') {
$ma{ $_ } ||= $all_ma->{ $_ } for @$machine;
else {
$ma{ $machine } ||= $all_ma->{ $machine };
$templates->{ $arch }->{ $pr }->{ $testname } = $def;
$yp->dump_file("testsuites-$group_id.yaml", { testsuites => \%ts });
$yp->dump_file("machines-$group_id.yaml", { machines => \%ma });
my $group_products = $jg->{products};
my $pr_list = $yp->load_file("products.json")->{Products};
my %products;
for my $product (@$pr_list) {
$product->{settings} = settings_list_to_hash($product->{settings});
my $arch = $product->{arch} // '*';
my $str = "$product->{distri}-$product->{version}-$product->{flavor}-$arch";
next unless $group_products->{ $str };
$products{ $str } = $product;
$yp->dump_file("products-$group_id.yaml", { products => \%products });
# Remove keys not needed anymore
for my $arch (keys %$templates) {
my $products = $templates->{ $arch };
for my $product (keys %$products) {
my $tests = $products->{ $product };
for my $testname (sort keys %$tests) {
my $test = $tests->{ $testname };
ref $test eq 'HASH' or next;
delete $test->{machine};
delete $test->{testsuite} if exists $test->{testsuite} && not $test->{testsuite};
$scenarios->{defaults} = $all_defaults;
$scenarios->{job_templates} = $templates;
my $yaml = $yp_preserve->dump_string($scenarios);
# Comment out for easier comparison to existing job group definition
# $yaml =~ s/^(?= +machine: )/# /mg;
# $yaml =~ s/^(?= +testsuite: null)/# /mg;
open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "scenario-$group_id.yaml";
print $fh $yaml;
close $fh;
sub settings_list_to_hash {
my ($list) = @_;
my %settings;
for my $set (@$list) {
my $key = $set->{key};
my $val = $set->{value};
$settings{ $key } = $val;
return \%settings;
openqa-cli api --o3 test_suites | jq . >testsuites.json
openqa-cli api --o3 products | jq . >products.json
openqa-cli api --o3 machines | jq . >machines.json
openqa-cli api --o3 job_templates_scheduling/$$ID | jq . -r >job-group-$$ID.yaml
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