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Per Lundberg perlun

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perlun / EmberHandlebars.rb
Last active December 15, 2015 15:59
Guard helper to be able to compile Handlebars files for Ember.js
require 'guard/guard'
# Based on the guard-handlebars gem, which uses the following license:
# Copyright (C) 2012 by Chris Homer
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
perlun / gist:ce77212a330765ed746a
Last active September 20, 2016 09:59 — forked from Tobba/gist:5720dc8ee4d32606062c
Baremetal Rust

What you need to write low level Rust code

  • Avoid cargo, it it may seem tempting, but you'll just keep running into untested code paths and design flaws; it's not meant to do it.
  • Using a target specification to describe your platform is recommended, and you'll likely need one for one reason or another anyways (example: ). Pass it to rustc via --target=target.json
  • You wan work without the standard library, by following those instructions:
  • Inline assembly (asm!) blocks are fed directly into LLVM and have horrible error checking, tread lightly and verify the output.
  • LLVM can end up generating dodgy versions of certain instructions on certain versions, it may for example turn "lgdt" into the utterly useless 16-bit version (which truncates the upper 8 bits of the address). Specify operand sizes.
  • An "intel" option is supported, but it seems to be somewhat dodgy (for example, it seemed to d
perlun / mozjs_sys compile
Created June 11, 2016 17:41
mozjs_sys compile error
   Compiling mozjs_sys v0.0.0 (
error: failed to run custom build command for `mozjs_sys v0.0.0 (`
Process didn't exit successfully: `V:/3rd-party/servo-clean/target\debug\build\mozjs_sys-661d4efe7c7ca939\build-script-build` (exit code: 101)
--- stdout
touch /v/3rd-party/servo-clean/.cargo/git/checkouts/mozjs-fa11ffc7d4f1cc2d/master/mozjs/js/src/configure
cd /v/3rd-party/servo-clean/target/debug/build/mozjs_sys-661d4efe7c7ca939/out && \
PYTHON=""c:/python27/python.exe"" \
MOZ_TOOLS="/" CC="gcc" CPP="gcc -E" CXX="g++" AR="ar" \
/v/3rd-party/servo-clean/.cargo/git/checkouts/mozjs-fa11ffc7d4f1cc2d/master/mozjs/js/src/configure --disable-jemalloc --disable-js-shell --disable-tests --disable-shared-js --without-intl-api --disable-export-js --without-pthreads || (cat config.log && exit 1)
perlun / .travis.yml
Last active April 14, 2019 07:52
Super-fast Travis JRuby install
# Background: JRuby installs on Travis is painfully slow. The version which is preinstalled is very old. Here are some GitHub
# issues about it:
# Since the upstream issue is still unresolved, and a JRuby install takes anywhere from 100 to 200 seconds (!), we decided to
# implement this workaround. With this in place, the JRuby install takes about 10 seconds.
# Attempt to work around an incorrect line number in a JRuby stack trace. Thus far, unsuccessful.
module PipelineSteps
class Auth
class << self
def some_method
app = nil
app[:auth_object] ||= begin
file_contents = 'puts "gurka"'
perlun /
Last active August 4, 2017 12:37
mongo leak test

To import this data, use the following command:

$ mongoimport --db time --collection holidays --upsert < holidays.json

Then run the leaktest.rb like this (adding a Gemfile with the mongo gem etc):

$ bundle exec ./leaktest.rb
perlun / route-bad1.ts
Created March 26, 2018 12:03
ember-cli-typescript with Route mixins
// Almost works, but it still complains about a few missing properties with this approach
export default class ProtectedRoute extends Ember.Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin) {
public actions: null;
public activate: null;
public afterModel: null;
public beforeModel: null;
public controller: null;
public controllerFor: null;
public controllerName: null;
public deactivate: null;
perlun / Program.cs
Created August 3, 2018 19:23
goto example
namespace Foo
// This program illustrates an arguable case where the usage of goto could be said to be warranted.
class Program
private static int ParseArgumentsAndRun(string[] args)
int returnValue;
if (args.Length != 1)
perlun /
Last active November 6, 2018 07:32
Bad Javascript code

The screenshot below illustrates a problem I see sometimes, where people try to make code that is far too dense to be readable. On my screen I see a fulll page of code, with very little surrounding whitespace. This makes the code very unreadable to me.

The code in question is taken from WebSSH2, more specifically this file. Note: I am not in any way saying that this code is much worse than all other code that exists (including code that I've authored myself), but the spontaneous feeling I had when looking at this code was that it felt like a "big wall of text". If we write code like this, other people are likely to get the same feeling, which unfortunately will likely scare some people away from our (open source) code bases.

So: the problem is not with a particular project, but rather with a particular style of writing code.