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Created July 27, 2022 23:01
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Don't read this
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; Explanation for the `mini-stats` command in this script:
; - I customised my shell prompt to show the output of `git.clj mini-stats .`
; - Then I get in my prompt information like:
; `main` - if the current branch is main and there are no unpushed changes, in any branch.
; Or something more complicated like:
; `main 2/4/hack(2),bugfix(5)`
; Meaning that:
; - the current branch is main
; - there are 2 untracked files
; - there are 4 modified but not-committed files
; - there are 2 unpushed commits on branch `hack`
; - there are 5 unpushed commits on branch `bugfix`
(ns henri.bin.git)
(load-file (str (System/getenv "HOME") "/bin/utils.clj"))
(require '[babashka.deps :as deps])
(deps/add-deps '{:deps {selmer {:mvn/version "1.12.52"}}})
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[babashka.process :as p]
'[clojure.string :as str]
'[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [spy]]
'[henri.bin.utils :refer [exit pather home home-path]])
(def script-name (fs/file-name *file*))
(def cache-path (pather home ".cache" script-name))
(def src-path (pather home "src"))
(defn- sh-or-throw [& cmd]
#_(spy p/*defaults*)
(let [proc (p/process cmd {:out :string})
status (:exit @proc)]
(if (zero? status)
(throw (ex-info (str "exit " status) {})))))
(defn- sh-out
"Returns trimmed stdout for command, exception on failure"
[& argv]
(let [res (apply sh-or-throw argv)
out (:out res)]
(when-not (empty? out)
(str/trim out))))
(defmacro with-dir
[dir & forms]
`(binding [p/*defaults* (merge p/*defaults*
; FIXME multiple evals of dir
{:dir (if (string? ~dir)
(str ~dir))})]
(defn- git-url-for-dir
"Returns url or nil"
(let [config (fs/path dir ".git" "config")]
(when (fs/exists? config)
(let [_ (->> config str slurp)]
(->> config
(re-find #"\s+url\s*=\s*([^\s]+)\s+")
(defn- git-branches-stats
"Returns seq of maps with stats about each branch"
(letfn [(branch-stats [local remote]
(with-dir dir
(let [cmd ["git" "rev-list" "--left-right" (str local "..." remote) "--"]
out (apply sh-out cmd)]
(when out
(let [lines (str/split out #"\n")
;_ (spy lines)
count-prefix (fn [lines prefix]
(count (filter #(str/starts-with? % prefix)
ahead (count-prefix lines "<")
behind (count-prefix lines ">")]
{:ahead ahead
:behind behind
:local local
:remote remote})))))]
(with-dir dir
(let [; [[local remote] ...]
local-remotes (when-let [out (sh-out "git" "for-each-ref"
"--format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)"
(map #(str/split % #"\s+")
(str/split out #"\n")))
branches-stats (map #(let [[local remote] %]
(branch-stats local remote))
(filter boolean branches-stats)))))
(defn- git-stats
"Returns map describing dir state"
(with-dir dir
(let [branches-stats (git-branches-stats dir)
branch (let [out (or (sh-out "git" "branch") "")
lines (str/split out #"\n")
current-line (filter #(str/starts-with? % "*") lines)]
(when (seq current-line)
(second (str/split (first current-line) #"\s+"))))
status-lines (if-let [out (sh-out "git" "status" "-s")]
(str/split out #"\n")
untracked (if-let [out (sh-out "git" "status" "-s")]
(count (filter #(str/starts-with? % "?")
(str/split out #"\n")))
modified (- (count status-lines) untracked)]
{:branches-stats branches-stats
:branch branch
:modified modified
:untracked untracked})))
(defn- parse-dir-git
"Returns map with some git stats, or nil if not a git repo"
(when (fs/exists? (fs/path dir ".git"))
(let [stats (git-stats dir)
;_ (spy stats)
{branches-stats :branches-stats
branch :branch
modified :modified
untracked :untracked} stats
branches-stats (filter #(> (:ahead %) 0) branches-stats)
branch-aheads (map :ahead branches-stats)
total-branch-ahead (apply + branch-aheads)
ahead-summary (when (seq branches-stats)
(str/join "," (map #(str (:local %) "(" (:ahead %) ")") branches-stats)))
total-issues (+ modified untracked total-branch-ahead)]
{:branch branch
:branches-stats branches-stats
:total-issues total-issues
:modified modified
:untracked untracked
:ahead-summary ahead-summary
:total-branch-ahead total-branch-ahead})))
(defn- parse-dir
"Returns [type long-msg short-msg]"
(let [dir (sh-out "readlink" "-f" dir)
stats (parse-dir-git dir)]
(str/ends-with? dir "-tmp") [:throwaway-dir "throwaway dir" nil]
(not stats) [:no-git-dir "no git" nil]
(not (git-url-for-dir dir)) [:no-remote-dir "no remote" nil]
:else (let [{branch :branch
_branches-stats :branches-stats
total-issues :total-issues
modified :modified
untracked :untracked
ahead-summary :ahead-summary
_total-branch-ahead :total-branch-ahead} stats]
(if (pos-int? (+ untracked modified (if ahead-summary 1 0)))
(str total-issues " changes: " branch "/" untracked "/" modified "/" (or ahead-summary 0)
#_"\tbranch/untracked/modified/commits ahead")
(str branch " " untracked "/" modified "/" (or ahead-summary "0"))]
(str "0 changes: " branch " branch")
(defn check-dir
"WARNING don't fuck it up, dangerous - used atm by alias `srm`, maybe by other things
Exits 0 if deletable, else exits 1"
(let [[type long-msg _short-msg] (parse-dir dir)]
(case type
:pushed-dir (exit 0 long-msg)
:throwaway-dir (exit 0 long-msg)
(exit 1 long-msg))))
(defn- print-dirs-stats [& dirs]
(let [prefix? (> (count dirs) 1)]
(doseq [dir dirs]
(let [[type long-msg _short-msg] (parse-dir dir)]
(when-not (some #{type} [:throwaway-dir :pushed-dir])
(println (str (if prefix?
(str dir ": \n\t")
(defn- print-mini-stats [dir]
(let [[_ _ short-msg] (parse-dir dir)]
(when short-msg
(println short-msg))))
(defn- git-status [dirs]
(let [parsed-dirs (map parse-dir dirs)
with-issues (filter #(some #{(first %)} [:no-git-dir :no-remote-dir :unpushed-dir])
issues-count (count with-issues)]
(println (if (zero? issues-count)
(str issues-count " dirty")))))
(defn- commit-push []
(let [{branches-stats :branches-stats
modified :modified} (git-stats ".")]
(when-not (zero? (:exit @(p/process ["git" "status" "-s"]
{:inherit true})))
(exit 1 "git status error"))
(when-not (or (seq branches-stats) (> modified 0))
(exit 0 "Nothing to push"))
(let [p (p/process ["git" "diff"] {:inherit true})
status (:exit @p)]
(when-not (zero? status)
(exit 1 "git diff error")))
(print "Commit and push? (y/n) ")
(when (= (read) 'y)
(when (zero? (:exit @(p/process ["git" "commit" "-amx"]
{:inherit true})))
@(p/process ["git" "push"]
{:inherit true})))
(sh-or-throw "status_bar.clj" "trigger" "git")
(when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file"))
(let [[cmd & args] *command-line-args*
default-dirs (list* (home-path) (fs/list-dir (home-path "src")))]
(case cmd
"mini-stats" (apply print-mini-stats args)
"stats" (apply print-dirs-stats (or args default-dirs))
"status" (git-status default-dirs)
"check-dir" (apply check-dir args)
"commit-push" (commit-push)
; for dev
"parse-git-dir" (prn (parse-dir-git (first args)))
"git-branches-stats" (prn (git-branches-stats (first args)))
"git-stats" (prn (git-stats (first args)))
"parse-dir" (prn (parse-dir (first args)))
(println (str script-name ": unknown command: " cmd)))))
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