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Created July 21, 2010 04:09
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-- control frame ----------
c:0005 p:---- s:0016 b:0016 l:000015 d:000015 CFUNC :puts
c:0004 p:---- s:0014 b:0014 l:000013 d:000013 CFUNC :puts
c:0003 p:0100 s:0010 b:0010 l:001a78 d:001658 EVAL http_0mq.rb:13
c:0002 p:---- s:0004 b:0004 l:000003 d:000003 FINISH
c:0001 p:0000 s:0002 b:0002 l:001a78 d:001a78 TOP
-- control frame ----------
c:0011 p:---- s:0051 b:0051 l:000050 d:000050 CFUNC :undefine_finalizer
c:0010 p:---- s:0030 b:0030 l:000029 d:000029 CFUNC :free
c:0009 p:0019 s:0026 b:0026 l:0020a8 d:000025 BLOCK /Users/colin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/ffi-rzmq-0.5.0/lib/ffi-rzmq/wrapper.rb:50
c:0008 p:---- s:0022 b:0022 l:000021 d:000021 FINISH
c:0007 p:---- s:0020 b:0020 l:000019 d:000019 CFUNC :call
c:0006 p:---- s:0018 b:0018 l:000017 d:000017 CFUNC :write
c:0005 p:---- s:0016 b:0016 l:000015 d:000015 CFUNC :puts
c:0004 p:---- s:0014 b:0014 l:000013 d:000013 CFUNC :puts
c:0003 p:0100 s:0010 b:0010 l:001a78 d:001658 EVAL http_0mq.rb:13
c:0002 p:---- s:0004 b:0004 l:000003 d:000003 FINISH
c:0001 p:0000 s:0002 b:0002 l:001a78 d:001a78 TOP
http_0mq.rb:13: [BUG] cfp consistency error - call0
ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-darwin10.3.1]
-- control frame ----------
c:0006 p:---- s:0018 b:0018 l:000017 d:000017 CFUNC :write
c:0005 p:---- s:0016 b:0016 l:000015 d:000015 CFUNC :puts
c:0004 p:---- s:0014 b:0014 l:000013 d:000013 CFUNC :puts
c:0003 p:0100 s:0010 b:0010 l:001a78 d:001658 EVAL http_0mq.rb:13
c:0002 p:---- s:0004 b:0004 l:000003 d:000003 FINISH
c:0001 p:0000 s:0002 b:0002 l:001a78 d:001a78 TOP
-- Ruby level backtrace information-----------------------------------------
http_0mq.rb:13:in `write'
http_0mq.rb:13:in `puts'
http_0mq.rb:13:in `puts'
http_0mq.rb:13:in `<main>'
-- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
0x10010cc8d 0 libruby.dylib 0x000000010010cc8d rb_vm_bugreport + 77
0x10002b074 1 libruby.dylib 0x000000010002b074 report_bug + 260
0x10002b208 2 libruby.dylib 0x000000010002b208 rb_bug + 200
0x100106cb2 3 libruby.dylib 0x0000000100106cb2 vm_call0 + 1314
0x100106f2f 4 libruby.dylib 0x0000000100106f2f rb_funcall + 527
0x1000455c2 5 libruby.dylib 0x00000001000455c2 rb_io_puts + 114
0x100106ae1 6 libruby.dylib 0x0000000100106ae1 vm_call0 + 849
0x1000fe1a8 7 libruby.dylib 0x00000001000fe1a8 rb_funcall2 + 296
0x1000fcfe4 8 libruby.dylib 0x00000001000fcfe4 vm_call_cfunc + 340
0x1000fe8b0 9 libruby.dylib 0x00000001000fe8b0 vm_call_method + 896
0x1000ff7fc 10 libruby.dylib 0x00000001000ff7fc vm_exec_core + 3180
0x100104a93 11 libruby.dylib 0x0000000100104a93 vm_exec + 1203
0x100104c40 12 libruby.dylib 0x0000000100104c40 rb_iseq_eval_main + 176
0x10002d802 13 libruby.dylib 0x000000010002d802 ruby_exec_node + 178
0x10002ed54 14 libruby.dylib 0x000000010002ed54 ruby_run_node + 84
0x100000ecf 15 ruby 0x0000000100000ecf main + 79
0x100000e74 16 ruby 0x0000000100000e74 start + 52
You may encounter a bug of Ruby interpreter. Bug reports are welcome.
For details:
Abort trap
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