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Last active December 16, 2023 18:01
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vector outline to raster mask
import numpy as np
def outline_to_mask(line, x, y):
"""Create mask from outline contour
line: array-like (N, 2)
x, y: 1-D grid coordinates (input for meshgrid)
mask : 2-D boolean array (True inside)
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> poly = Point(0,0).buffer(1)
>>> x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
>>> y = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
>>> mask = outline_to_mask(poly.boundary, x, y)
import matplotlib.path as mplp
mpath = mplp.Path(line)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
points = np.array((X.flatten(), Y.flatten())).T
mask = mpath.contains_points(points).reshape(X.shape)
return mask
def _grid_bbox(x, y):
dx = dy = 0
return x[0]-dx/2, x[-1]+dx/2, y[0]-dy/2, y[-1]+dy/2
def _bbox_to_rect(bbox):
l, r, b, t = bbox
return Polygon([(l, b), (r, b), (r, t), (l, t)])
def shp_mask(shp, x, y, m=None):
"""Use recursive sub-division of space and shapely contains method to create a raster mask on a regular grid.
shp : shapely's Polygon (or whatever with a "contains" method and intersects method)
x, y : 1-D numpy arrays defining a regular grid
m : mask to fill, optional (will be created otherwise)
m : boolean 2-D array, True inside shape.
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> poly = Point(0,0).buffer(1)
>>> x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
>>> y = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
>>> mask = shp_mask(poly, x, y)
rect = _bbox_to_rect(_grid_bbox(x, y))
if m is None:
m = np.zeros((y.size, x.size), dtype=bool)
if not shp.intersects(rect):
m[:] = False
elif shp.contains(rect):
m[:] = True
k, l = m.shape
if k == 1 and l == 1:
m[:] = shp.contains(Point(x[0], y[0]))
elif k == 1:
m[:, :l//2] = shp_mask(shp, x[:l//2], y, m[:, :l//2])
m[:, l//2:] = shp_mask(shp, x[l//2:], y, m[:, l//2:])
elif l == 1:
m[:k//2] = shp_mask(shp, x, y[:k//2], m[:k//2])
m[k//2:] = shp_mask(shp, x, y[k//2:], m[k//2:])
m[:k//2, :l//2] = shp_mask(shp, x[:l//2], y[:k//2], m[:k//2, :l//2])
m[:k//2, l//2:] = shp_mask(shp, x[l//2:], y[:k//2], m[:k//2, l//2:])
m[k//2:, :l//2] = shp_mask(shp, x[:l//2], y[k//2:], m[k//2:, :l//2])
m[k//2:, l//2:] = shp_mask(shp, x[l//2:], y[k//2:], m[k//2:, l//2:])
return m
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@perrette would be very great if you could share any rasterio sample code which could use any shape file and can crop the data using that shape file only.

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