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Last active February 27, 2022 09:55
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Encryption and decryption using AES CBC in NodeJS, with key derivation
const { pbkdf2: deriveKey } = require("pbkdf2");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const DERIVATION_ROUNDS = 200000;
const HMAC_KEY_SIZE = 32;
function pbkdf2(password, salt, rounds, bits) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
deriveKey(password, salt, rounds, bits / 8, "sha256", (err, key) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(key);
function deriveFromPassword(password, salt, rounds) {
if (!password) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Failed deriving key: Password must be provided"));
if (!salt) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Failed deriving key: Salt must be provided"));
if (!rounds || rounds <= 0 || typeof rounds !== "number") {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Failed deriving key: Rounds must be greater than 0"));
const bits = (PASSWORD_KEY_SIZE + HMAC_KEY_SIZE) * 8;
return pbkdf2(password, salt, rounds, bits)
.then(derivedKeyData => derivedKeyData.toString("hex"))
.then(function(derivedKeyHex) {
const dkhLength = derivedKeyHex.length;
const keyBuffer = new Buffer(derivedKeyHex.substr(0, dkhLength / 2), "hex");
const output = {
salt: salt,
key: keyBuffer,
rounds: rounds,
hmac: new Buffer(derivedKeyHex.substr(dkhLength / 2, dkhLength / 2), "hex")
return output;
function constantTimeCompare(val1, val2) {
let sentinel;
if (val1.length !== val2.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i <= val1.length - 1; i += 1) {
sentinel |= val1.charCodeAt(i) ^ val2.charCodeAt(i);
return sentinel === 0;
function generateIV() {
return Promise.resolve(new Buffer(crypto.randomBytes(16)));
function generateSalt(length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(`Failed generating salt: Invalid length supplied: ${length}`)
let output = "";
while (output.length < length) {
output += crypto.randomBytes(3).toString("base64");
if (output.length > length) {
output = output.substr(0, length);
return Promise.resolve(output);
function encryptText(text, password) {
return generateSalt(12)
.then(salt => Promise.all([
deriveFromPassword(password, salt, DERIVATION_ROUNDS)
.then(([iv, salt, derivedKey]) => {
const ivHex = iv.toString("hex");
const encryptTool = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-256-cbc", derivedKey.key, iv);
const hmacTool = crypto.createHmac("sha256", derivedKey.hmac);
// Perform encryption
let encryptedContent = encryptTool.update(text, "utf8", "base64");
encryptedContent +="base64");
// Generate hmac
const hmacHex = hmacTool.digest("hex");
// Output encrypted components
const components = {
m: "cbc",
h: hmacHex,
i: ivHex,
s: salt,
return packageComponents(encryptedContent, components);
function decryptText(encryptedString, password) {
let encryptedComponents;
return Promise
.then(() => {
encryptedComponents = unpackageComponents(encryptedString);
console.log(JSON.stringify(encryptedComponents, undefined, 2));
return deriveFromPassword(password, encryptedComponents.s, encryptedComponents.r);
.then(derivedKey => {
const iv = new Buffer(encryptedComponents.i, "hex");
const hmacData = encryptedComponents.h;
// Get HMAC tool
const hmacTool = crypto.createHmac("sha256", derivedKey.hmac);
// Generate the HMAC
const newHmaxHex = hmacTool.digest("hex");
// Check hmac for tampering
if (constantTimeCompare(hmacData, newHmaxHex) !== true) {
throw new Error("Authentication failed while decrypting content");
// Decrypt
const decryptTool = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-256-cbc", derivedKey.key, iv);
const decryptedText = decryptTool.update(encryptedComponents.encryptedContent, "base64", "utf8");
return `${decryptedText}${"utf8")}`;
function packageComponents(encryptedContent, components) {
return `$myencryption$${Object.keys(components).map(key => `${key}=${components[key]}`).join(",")}$${encryptedContent}`;
function unpackageComponents(payload) {
const [, encryptor, componentsStr, encryptedContent] = payload.split("$");
if (encryptor !== "myencryption") {
throw new Error("Failed decrypting: unrecognised encrypted payload");
const components = componentsStr.split(",").reduce((output, item) => {
const [key, value] = item.split("=");
return Object.assign(output, {
[key]: value
}, {});
components.r = parseInt(components.r, 10);
components.encryptedContent = encryptedContent;
return components;
// Example:
encryptText("test text", "myPass")
.then(out => {
console.log("Encrypted:", out);
return decryptText(out, "myPass");
.then(decrypted => {
console.log("Decrypted:", decrypted);
"name": "encryption",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "Encryption example",
"main": "encryption-example.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"pbkdf2": "^3.0.17"
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sshcrack commented Aug 8, 2021

Thank you so much, didn't understand on how to encrypt data using a password, it was just too confusing with IV's, Keys and what not, but you explained it very well. Thank you!

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