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Forked from aammd/
Created March 30, 2020 06:03
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Simple data manipulations in R

Many years ago, I was introduced to R by Cam Webb . At the time, his website contained a list of common data manipulations (original here). This list dated from Cam's early experience with R, and contained the R-help mailing list responses to a series of data manipulations. For a long time, I kept this file as a handy reference. I printed it out. I recommended it to friends.

Now I have been using R for years, and the state of the art has advanced considerably. Particulary, Hadley Wickham's reshape2 and dplyr packages have transformed the way most useRs manipulate their data. I decided that it would be interesting to revisit my favourite resource and try my hand at solving these problems with tools from these two packages.



Turn this table (A):

c1 c2 c3
A a 1
A a 3
A a 1
A b 1
A b 2
B c 2
B d 1

into this (B):

Group1 Group2 Nrows SumOfCol3
A a 3 5
A b 2 3
B c 1 2
B d 1 1
A <- data.frame(
       c1 = c('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B'),
       c2 = c('a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
       c3 = c(1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1))

B <- A %.%
  group_by(c1,c2) %.%
c1 c2 Nrows SumOfCol3
A a 3 5
A b 2 3
B c 1 2
B d 1 1


Turn col3 of the second table (B) into this (C):

row a b c d
A 3 2 . .
B . . 1 1
C <- dcast(B,c1~c2,value.var="Nrows")
c1 a b c d
A 3 2 NA NA
B NA NA 1 1

Many original responders suggested the use of table, referring to the original dataset:

id a b c d
A 3 2 0 0
B 0 0 1 1

although that solution is not "tidy" in the Hadlian sense -- i.e., it does not return a data.frame, but rather a table object. You can obtain a data.frame with dcast directly:

c1 a b c d
A 3 2 0 0
B 0 0 1 1


Turn the above table (C) into this (D):

c1 V1 V2
A a 3
A b 2
A c .
A d .
B a .
B b .
B c 1
B d 1
D <- melt(C,id="c1") %.%
c1 variable value
A a 3
A b 2
A c NA
A d NA
B a NA
B b NA
B c 1
B d 1


Join these tables (E, F):

c1 c2
A 1
B 2
C 3
c1 c3
A a
B a
B a
B b
C c
A b

to give (G):

c1 c3 c2
A a 1
B a 2
B a 2
B b 2
C c 3
A b 1
E<-data.frame(c1=c("A","B","C"), c2=1:3)
FF <- data.frame(c1=c("A","B","B","B","C","A"), c3=c("a","a","a","b","c","b"))
G <- left_join(FF, E)
## Joining by: "c1"
c1 c3 c2
A a 1
B a 2
B a 2
B b 2
C c 3
A b 1

the dplyr package supplies left_join(), which preserves the sequence of rows in its left argument. Alternative, as was originally suggested, one could use merge() :

G_merge <- merge(FF,E)
c1 c3 c2
A a 1
A b 1
B a 2
B a 2
B b 2
C c 3

Although columns now come out sorted.


subset Table G to give H:

c1 c3 c2
A a 1
A b 1
H <- filter(G,c1=="A")
c1 c3 c2
A a 1
A b 1


transpose H to give:

V1 V2
a b
1 1
H_transpose <- data.frame(t(H))
id X1 X2
c1 A A
c3 a b
c2 1 1


In the original, the question suggested "up to three keys".

A_arranged <- arrange(A,c1,c2,c3)
c1 c2 c3
A a 1
A a 1
A a 3
A b 1
A b 2
B c 2
B d 1


To my surprise, each of these was actually a single line. The only exception was the first (GROUP), and that was because there are really two separate steps here -- the first to actually group the data, the second to apply summary functions to the data. dplyr automates both tasks, and supplies great readability.

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