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Implementation in Common Lisp of the algorithms for calendrical calculations from the book ¨Calendrical Calculations" by Dershowitz and Rheingold, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
;; The following Lisp code is from ``Calendrical
;; Calculations'' by Nachum Dershowitz and Edward
;; M. Reingold, Software---Practice & Experience, vol. 20,
;; no. 9 (September, 1990), pp. 899--928 and from
;; ``Calendrical Calculations, II: Three Historical
;; Calendars'' by Edward M. Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz,
;; and Stewart M. Clamen, Software---Practice & Experience,
;; vol. 23, no. 4 (April, 1993), pp. 383--404.
;; This code is in the public domain, but any use of it
;; should publically acknowledge its source.
(defun quotient (m n)
(floor (/ m n)))
(defun extract-year (date)
;; Year field of $date$ = (year month day).
(first date))
(defun extract-month (date)
;; Month field of $date$ = (year month day).
(second date))
(defun extract-day (date)
;; Day field of $date$ = (year month day).
(third date))
(defmacro sum (expression index initial condition)
;; Sum $expression$ for $index$ = $initial$ and successive integers,
;; as long as $condition$ holds.
(let* ((temp (gensym)))
`(do ((,temp 0 (+ ,temp ,expression))
(,index ,initial (1+ ,index)))
((not ,condition) ,temp))))
(defun last-day-of-gregorian-month (month year)
;; Last day in Gregorian $month$ during $year$.
(if ;; February in a leap year
(and (= month 2)
(= (mod year 4) 0)
(not (member (mod year 400) (list 100 200 300))))
;; Then return
;; Else return
(nth (1- month)
(list 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))))
(defun absolute-from-gregorian (date)
;; Absolute date equivalent to the Gregorian $date$.
(let* ((month (extract-month date))
(year (extract-year date)))
;; Return
(+ (extract-day date) ;; Days so far this month.
(sum ;; Days in prior months this year.
(last-day-of-gregorian-month m year) m 1 (< m month))
(* 365 (1- year)) ;; Days in prior years.
(quotient (1- year) 4);; Julian leap days in prior years...
(- ;; ...minus prior century years...
(quotient (1- year) 100))
(quotient ;; prior years divisible...
(1- year) 400)))) ;; 400.
(defun gregorian-from-absolute (date)
;; Gregorian (month day year) corresponding absolute $date$.
(let* ((approx (quotient date 366));; Approximation from below.
(year ;; Search forward from the approximation.
(+ approx
(sum 1 y approx
(>= date
(list (1+ y) 1 1))))))
(month ;; Search forward from January.
(1+ (sum 1 m 1
(> date (absolute-from-gregorian
(list year
(last-day-of-gregorian-month m year)))))))
(day ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
(- date (1- (absolute-from-gregorian
(list year month 1))))))
;; Return
(list year month day)))
(defun Kday-on-or-before (date k)
;; Absolute date of the $k$day on or before $date$.
;; $k=0$ means Sunday, $k=1$ means Monday, and so on.
(- date (mod (- date k) 7)))
(defun absolute-from-iso (date)
;; Absolute date equivalent to ISO $date$ = (week day year).
(let* ((week (first date))
(day (second date))
(year (third date)))
;; Return
(+ (Kday-on-or-before
(absolute-from-gregorian (list year 1 4))
1) ;; Days in prior years.
(* 7 (1- week)) ;; Days in prior weeks this year.
(1- day)))) ;; Prior days this week.
(defun iso-from-absolute (date)
;; ISO (week day year) corresponding to the absolute $date$.
(let* ((approx
(extract-year (gregorian-from-absolute (- date 3))))
(year (if (>= date
(absolute-from-iso (list 1 1 (1+ approx))))
;; Then
(1+ approx)
;; Else
(week (1+ (quotient
(- date (absolute-from-iso (list 1 1 year)))
(day (if (= 0 (mod date 7))
;; Then
;; Else
(mod date 7))))
;; Return
(list week day year)))
(defun last-day-of-julian-month (month year)
;; Last day in Julian $month$ during $year$.
(if ;; February in a leap year
(and (= month 2) (= (mod year 4) 0))
;; Then return
;; Else return
(nth (1- month) (list 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))))
(defun absolute-from-julian (date)
;; Absolute date equivalent to Julian $date$.
(let* ((month (extract-month date))
(year (extract-year date)))
;; Return
(+ (extract-day date) ;; Days so far this month.
(sum ;; Days in prior months this year.
(last-day-of-julian-month m year) m 1 (< m month))
(* 365 (1- year)) ;; Days in prior years.
(quotient (1- year) 4);; Leap days in prior years.
-2))) ;; Days elapsed before absolute date 1.
(defun julian-from-absolute (date)
;; Julian (month day year) corresponding to absolute $date$.
((approx ;; Approximation from below.
(quotient (+ date 2) 366))
(year ;; Search forward from the approximation.
(+ approx
(sum 1 y approx
(>= date
(absolute-from-julian (list 1 1 (1+ y)))))))
(month ;; Search forward from January.
(1+ (sum 1 m 1
(> date
(list m
(last-day-of-julian-month m year)
(day ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
(- date (1- (absolute-from-julian (list month 1 year))))))
;; Return
(list month day year)))
(defun islamic-leap-year (year)
;; True if $year$ is an Islamic leap year.
(< (mod (+ 14 (* 11 year)) 30) 11))
(defun last-day-of-islamic-month (month year)
;; Last day in $month$ during $year$ on the Islamic calendar.
(if (or (oddp month)
(and (= month 12) (islamic-leap-year year)))
;; Then return
;; Else return
(defun absolute-from-islamic (date)
;; Absolute date equivalent to Islamic $date$.
(let* ((month (extract-month date))
(year (extract-year date)))
(+ (extract-day date) ;; Days so far this month.
(* 29 (1- month)) ;; Days so far...
(quotient month 2) ;; ...this year.
(* (1- year) 354) ;; Non-leap days in prior years.
(quotient ;; Leap days in prior years.
(+ 3 (* 11 year)) 30)
227014))) ;; Days before start of calendar.
(defun islamic-from-absolute (date)
;; Islamic date (month day year) corresponding to absolute $date$.
(if ;; Pre-Islamic date.
(<= date 227014)
;; Then return
(list 0 0 0)
;; Else
(let* ((approx ;; Approximation from below.
(quotient (- date 227014) 355))
(year ;; Search forward from the approximation.
(+ approx
(sum 1 y approx
(>= date
(list 1 1 (1+ y)))))))
(month ;; Search forward from Muharram.
(1+ (sum 1 m 1
(> date
(list m
(last-day-of-islamic-month m year)
(day ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
(- date (1- (absolute-from-islamic
(list month 1 year))))))
;; Return
(list month day year))))
(defun hebrew-leap-year (year)
;; True if $year$ is a leap year.
(< (mod (1+ (* 7 year)) 19) 7))
(defun last-month-of-hebrew-year (year)
;; Last month of Hebrew $year$.
(if (hebrew-leap-year year)
;; Then return
;; Else return
(defun last-day-of-hebrew-month (month year)
;; Last day of $month$ in Hebrew $year$.
(if (or (member month (list 2 4 6 10 13))
(and (= month 12) (not (hebrew-leap-year year)))
(and (= month 8) (not (long-heshvan year)))
(and (= month 9) (short-kislev year)))
;; Then return
;; Else return
(defun hebrew-calendar-elapsed-days (year)
;; Number of days elapsed from the Sunday prior to the start of the
;; Hebrew calendar to the mean conjunction of Tishri of Hebrew $year$.
(* 235 ;; Months in complete cycles so far.
(quotient (1- year) 19))
(* 12 ;; Regular months in this cycle.
(mod (1- year) 19))
(quotient ;; Leap months this cycle
(1+ (* 7 (mod (1- year) 19)))
;; (parts-elapsed (+ 5604 (* 13753 months-elapsed)))
;; (day ;; Conjunction day
;; (+ 1 (* 29 months-elapsed) (quotient parts-elapsed 25920)))
;; (parts (mod parts-elapsed 25920)) ;; Conjunction parts
;; The above lines of code are correct, but can have intermediate
;; values that are too large for a 32-bit machine. The following
;; lines of code that replace them are equivalent, but avoid the
;; problem.
(+ 204
(* 793 (mod months-elapsed 1080))))
(+ 5
(* 12 months-elapsed)
(* 793 (quotient months-elapsed 1080))
(quotient parts-elapsed 1080)))
(day ;; Conjunction day
(+ 1
(* 29 months-elapsed)
(quotient hours-elapsed 24)))
(parts ;; Conjunction parts
(+ (* 1080 (mod hours-elapsed 24))
(mod parts-elapsed 1080)))
(if (or
(>= parts 19440) ;; If new moon is at or after midday,
(= (mod day 7) 2);; ...or is on a Tuesday...
(>= parts 9924) ;; at 9 hours, 204 parts or later...
(not (hebrew-leap-year year)));; of a common year,
(= (mod day 7) 1);; ...or is on a Monday at...
(>= parts 16789) ;; 15 hours, 589 parts or later...
(hebrew-leap-year;; at the end of a leap year
(1- year))))
;; Then postpone Rosh HaShanah one day
(1+ day)
;; Else
(if ;; If Rosh HaShanah would occur on Sunday, Wednesday,
;; or Friday
(member (mod alternative-day 7) (list 0 3 5))
;; Then postpone it one (more) day and return
(1+ alternative-day)
;; Else return
(defun days-in-hebrew-year (year)
;; Number of days in Hebrew $year$.
(- (hebrew-calendar-elapsed-days (1+ year))
(hebrew-calendar-elapsed-days year)))
(defun long-heshvan (year)
;; True if Heshvan is long in Hebrew $year$.
(= (mod (days-in-hebrew-year year) 10) 5))
(defun short-kislev (year)
;; True if Kislev is short in Hebrew $year$.
(= (mod (days-in-hebrew-year year) 10) 3))
(defun absolute-from-hebrew (date)
;; Absolute date of Hebrew $date$.
(let* ((month (extract-month date))
(day (extract-day date))
(year (extract-year date)))
;; Return
(+ day ;; Days so far this month.
(if ;; before Tishri
(< month 7)
;; Then add days in prior months this year before and
;; after Nisan.
(+ (sum (last-day-of-hebrew-month m year)
m 7 (<= m (last-month-of-hebrew-year year)))
(sum (last-day-of-hebrew-month m year)
m 1 (< m month)))
;; Else add days in prior months this year
(sum (last-day-of-hebrew-month m year) m 7 (< m month)))
(hebrew-calendar-elapsed-days year);; Days in prior years.
-1373429))) ;; Days elapsed before absolute date 1.
(defun hebrew-from-absolute (date)
;; Hebrew (month day year) corresponding to absolute $date$.
(let* ((approx ;; Approximation from below.
(quotient (+ date 1373429) 366))
(year ;; Search forward from the approximation.
(+ approx (sum 1 y approx
(>= date
(list 7 1 (1+ y)))))))
(start ;; Starting month for search for month.
(if (< date (absolute-from-hebrew (list 1 1 year)))
;; Then start at Tishri
;; Else start at Nisan
(month ;; Search forward from either Tishri or Nisan.
(+ start
(sum 1 m start
(> date
(list m
(last-day-of-hebrew-month m year)
(day ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
(- date (1- (absolute-from-hebrew (list month 1 year))))))
;; Return
(list month day year)))
(defun independence-day (year)
;; Absolute date of American Independence Day in Gregorian $year$.
(absolute-from-gregorian (list year 7 4)))
(defun Nth-Kday (n k month year)
;; Absolute date of the $n$th $k$day in Gregorian $month$, $year$.
;; If $n$<0, the $n$th $k$day from the end of month is returned
;; (that is, -1 is the last $k$day, -2 is the penultimate $k$day,
;; and so on). $k=0$ means Sunday, $k=1$ means Monday, and so on.
(if (> n 0)
;; Then return
(+ (Kday-on-or-before ;; First $k$day in month.
(list year month 7)) k)
(* 7 (1- n))) ;; Advance $n-1$ $k$days.
;; Else return
(+ (Kday-on-or-before ;; Last $k$day in month.
(list year
(last-day-of-gregorian-month month year)))
(* 7 (1+ n))))) ;; Go back $-n-1$ $k$days.
(defun labor-day (year)
;; Absolute date of American Labor Day in Gregorian $year$.
(Nth-Kday 1 1 9 year));; First Monday in September.
(defun memorial-day (year)
;; Absolute date of American Memorial Day in Gregorian $year$.
(Nth-Kday -1 1 year 5));; Last Monday in May.
(defun daylight-savings-start (year)
;; Absolute date of the start of American daylight savings time
;; in Gregorian $year$.
(Nth-Kday 1 0 year 4));; First Sunday in April.
(defun daylight-savings-end (year)
;; Absolute date of the end of American daylight savings time
;; in Gregorian $year$.
(Nth-Kday -1 0 year 10));; Last Sunday in October.
(defun christmas (year)
;; Absolute date of Christmas in Gregorian $year$.
(absolute-from-gregorian (list year 12 25)))
(defun advent (year)
;; Absolute date of Advent in Gregorian $year$.
(Kday-on-or-before (absolute-from-gregorian (list year 12 3)) 0))
(defun epiphany (year)
;; Absolute date of Epiphany in Gregorian $year$.
(+ 12 (christmas year)))
(defun eastern-orthodox-christmas (year)
;; List of zero or one absolute dates of Eastern Orthodox
;; Christmas in Gregorian $year$.
(let* ((jan1 (absolute-from-gregorian (list year 1 1)))
(dec31 (absolute-from-gregorian (list year 12 31)))
(y (extract-year (julian-from-absolute jan1)))
(c1 (absolute-from-julian (list 12 25 y)))
(c2 (absolute-from-julian (list 12 25 (1+ y)))))
(if ;; c1 occurs in current year
(<= jan1 c1 dec31)
;; Then that date; otherwise, none
(list c1) nil)
(if ;; c2 occurs in current year
(<= jan1 c2 dec31)
;; Then that date; otherwise, none
(list c2) nil))))
(defun nicaean-rule-easter (year)
;; Absolute date of Easter in Julian $year$, according to the rule
;; of the Council of Nicaea.
(let* ((shifted-epact ;; Age of moon for April 5.
(mod (+ 14
(* 11 (mod year 19)))
(paschal-moon ;; Day after full moon on or after March 21.
(- (absolute-from-julian (list 4 19 year))
;; Return the Sunday following the Paschal moon
(Kday-on-or-before (+ paschal-moon 7) 0)))
(defun easter (year)
;; Absolute date of Easter in Gregorian $year$.
(let* ((century (1+ (quotient year 100)))
(shifted-epact ;; Age of moon for April 5...
(+ 14 (* 11 (mod year 19));; Nicaean rule
(- ;; ...corrected for the Gregorian century rule
(quotient (* 3 century) 4))
(quotient;; ...corrected for Metonic cycle inaccuracy.
(+ 5 (* 8 century)) 25)
(* 30 century));; Keeps value positive.
(adjusted-epact ;; Adjust for 29.5 day month.
(if (or (= shifted-epact 0)
(and (= shifted-epact 1) (< 10 (mod year 19))))
;; Then
(1+ shifted-epact)
;; Else
(paschal-moon;; Day after full moon on or after March 21.
(- (absolute-from-gregorian (list year 4 19))
;; Return the Sunday following the Paschal moon.
(Kday-on-or-before (+ paschal-moon 7) 0)))
(defun pentecost (year)
;; Absolute date of Pentecost in Gregorian $year$.
(+ 49 (easter year)))
(defun islamic-date (month day year)
;; List of the absolute dates of Islamic $month$, $day$
;; that occur in Gregorian $year$.
(let* ((jan1 (absolute-from-gregorian (list 1 1 year)))
(dec31 (absolute-from-gregorian (list 12 31 year)))
(y (extract-year (islamic-from-absolute jan1)))
;; The possible occurrences in one year are
(date1 (absolute-from-islamic (list month day y)))
(date2 (absolute-from-islamic (list month day (1+ y))))
(date3 (absolute-from-islamic (list month day (+ 2 y)))))
;; Combine in one list those that occur in current year
(if (<= jan1 date1 dec31)
(list date1) nil)
(if (<= jan1 date2 dec31)
(list date2) nil)
(if (<= jan1 date3 dec31)
(list date3) nil))))
(defun mulad-al-nabi (year)
;; List of absolute dates of Mulad-al-Nabi occurring in
;; Gregorian $year$.
(islamic-date 3 12 year))
(defun yom-kippur (year)
;; Absolute date of Yom Kippur occurring in Gregorian $year$.
(absolute-from-hebrew (list 7 10 (+ year 3761))))
(defun passover (year)
;; Absolute date of Passover occurring in Gregorian $year$.
(absolute-from-hebrew (list 1 15 (+ year 3760))))
(defun purim (year)
;; Absolute date of Purim occurring in Gregorian $year$.
(last-month-of-hebrew-year (+ year 3760));; Adar or Adar II
(+ year 3760))))
(defun ta-anit-esther (year)
;; Absolute date of Ta'anit Esther occurring in Gregorian $year$.
(let* ((purim-date (purim year)))
(if ;; Purim is on Sunday
(= (mod purim-date 7) 0)
;; Then return prior Thursday
(- purim-date 3)
;; Else return previous day
(1- purim-date))))
(defun tisha-b-av (year)
;; Absolute date of Tisha B'Av occurring in Gregorian $year$.
(let* ((ninth-of-av
(absolute-from-hebrew (list 5 9 (+ year 3760)))))
(if ;; Ninth of Av is Saturday
(= (mod ninth-of-av 7) 6)
;; Then return the next day
(1+ ninth-of-av)
;; Else return
(defun hebrew-birthday (birthdate year)
;; Absolute date of the anniversary of Hebrew $birthdate$
;; occurring in Hebrew $year$.
(let* ((birth-day (extract-day birthdate))
(birth-month (extract-month birthdate))
(birth-year (extract-year birthdate)))
(if ;; It's Adar in a normal year or Adar II in a leap year,
(= birth-month (last-month-of-hebrew-year birth-year))
;; Then use the same day in last month of $year$.
(list (last-month-of-hebrew-year year) birth-day year))
;; Else use the normal anniversary of the birth date,
;; or the corresponding day in years without that date
(absolute-from-hebrew (list birth-month birth-day year)))))
(defun yahrzeit (death-date year)
;; Absolute date of the anniversary of Hebrew $death$-$date$
;; occurring in Hebrew $year$.
(let* ((death-day (extract-day death-date))
(death-month (extract-month death-date))
(death-year (extract-year death-date)))
;; If it's Heshvan 30 it depends on the first anniversary; if
;; that was not Heshvan 30, use the day before Kislev 1.
((and (= death-month 8)
(= death-day 30)
(not (long-heshvan (1+ death-year))))
(1- (absolute-from-hebrew (list 9 1 year))))
;; If it's Kislev 30 it depends on the first anniversary; if
;; that was not Kislev 30, use the day before Teveth 1.
((and (= death-month 9)
(= death-day 30)
(short-kislev (1+ death-year)))
(1- (absolute-from-hebrew (list 10 1 year))))
;; If it's Adar II, use the same day in last month of
;; year (Adar or Adar II).
((= death-month 13)
(list (last-month-of-hebrew-year year) death-day year)))
;; If it's the 30th in Adar I and $year$ is not a leap year
;; (so Adar has only 29 days), use the last day in Shevat.
((and (= death-day 30)
(= death-month 12)
(not (hebrew-leap-year year)));; Corrected 5/19/93 by EMR
(absolute-from-hebrew (list 11 30 year)))
;; In all other cases, use the normal anniversary of the
;; date of death.
(t (absolute-from-hebrew
(list death-month death-day year))))))
(defconstant mayan-days-before-absolute-zero
;; Number of days of the Mayan calendar epoch before absolute day 0,
;; according to the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation.
(defun absolute-from-mayan-long-count (count)
;; Absolute date corresponding to the Mayan long count $count$,
;; which is a list ($baktun$ $katun$ $tun$ $uinal$ $kin$).
(+ (* (first count) 144000);; Baktun.
(* (second count) 7200) ;; Katun.
(* (third count) 360) ;; Tun.
(* (fourth count) 20) ;; Uinal.
(fifth count) ;; Kin (days).
(- ;; Days before absolute date 0.
(defun mayan-long-count-from-absolute (date)
;; Mayan long count date of absolute date $date$.
(let* ((long-count (+ date mayan-days-before-absolute-zero))
(baktun (quotient long-count 144000))
(day-of-baktun (mod long-count 144000))
(katun (quotient day-of-baktun 7200))
(day-of-katun (mod day-of-baktun 7200))
(tun (quotient day-of-katun 360))
(day-of-tun (mod day-of-katun 360))
(uinal (quotient day-of-tun 20))
(kin (mod day-of-tun 20)))
(list baktun katun tun uinal kin)))
;; (defun quotient (m n)
;; (floor m n))
(defconstant mayan-haab-at-epoch '(8 18))
(defun mayan-haab-from-absolute (date)
;; Mayan haab date of absolute date $date$.
(let* ((long-count (+ date mayan-days-before-absolute-zero))
(mod (+ long-count
(first mayan-haab-at-epoch)
(* 20 (1- (second mayan-haab-at-epoch))))
(day (mod day-of-haab 20))
(month (1+ (quotient day-of-haab 20))))
(list day month)))
(defun mayan-haab-difference (date1 date2)
;; Number of days from Mayan haab date $date1$ to the next
;; occurrence of Mayan haab date $date2$.
(mod (+ (* 20 (- (second date2) (second date1)))
(- (first date2) (first date1)))
(defun mayan-haab-on-or-before (haab date)
;; Absolute date of latest date on or before absolute date $date$
;; that is Mayan haab date $haab$.
(- date
(mod (- date
(mayan-haab-from-absolute 0) haab))
(defun adjusted-mod (m n)
;; Positive remainder of $m/n$ with $n$ instead of 0.
(1+ (mod (1- m) n)))
(defconstant mayan-tzolkin-at-epoch '(4 20))
(defun mayan-tzolkin-from-absolute (date)
;; Mayan tzolkin date of absolute date $date$.
(let* ((long-count (+ date mayan-days-before-absolute-zero))
(adjusted-mod (+ long-count
(first mayan-tzolkin-at-epoch))
(adjusted-mod (+ long-count
(second mayan-tzolkin-at-epoch))
(list number name)))
(defun mayan-tzolkin-difference (date1 date2)
;; Number of days from Mayan tzolkin date $date1$ to the next
;; occurrence of Mayan tzolkin date $date2$.
(let* ((number-difference (- (first date2) (first date1)))
(name-difference (- (second date2) (second date1))))
(mod (+ number-difference
(* 13 (mod (* 3 (- number-difference name-difference))
(defun mayan-tzolkin-on-or-before (tzolkin date)
;; Absolute date of latest date on or before absolute date $date$
;; that is Mayan tzolkin date $tzolkin$.
(- date
(mod (- date (mayan-tzolkin-difference
(mayan-tzolkin-from-absolute 0)
(defun mayan-haab-tzolkin-on-or-before (haab tzolkin date)
;; Absolute date of latest date on or before $date$ that is Mayan
;; haab date $haab$ and tzolkin date $tzolkin$; returns nil if such
;; a haab-tzolkin combination is impossible.
(let* ((haab-difference
(mayan-haab-difference (mayan-haab-from-absolute 0)
(mayan-tzolkin-difference (mayan-tzolkin-from-absolute 0)
(difference (- tzolkin-difference haab-difference)))
(if (= (mod difference 5) 0)
(- date
(mod (- date
(+ haab-difference (* 365 difference)))
nil)));; haab-tzolkin combination is impossible.
(defun french-last-day-of-month (month year)
;; Last day of {\em month, year} on the French Revolutionary calendar.
(if (< month 13)
(if (french-leap-year year)
(defun french-leap-year (year)
;; True if {\em year} is a leap year on the French Revolutionary calendar.
(or (member year '(3 7 11));; Actual.
(member year '(15 20)) ;; Anticipated.
(and (> year 20) ;; Proposed.
(= 0 (mod year 4))
(not (member (mod year 400) '(100 200 300)))
(not (= 0 (mod year 4000))))))
(defun absolute-from-french (date)
;; Absolute date of French Revolutionary {\em date}.
(let* ((month (first date))
(day (second date))
(year (third date)))
(+ 654414;; Days before start of calendar.
(* 365 (1- year));; Days in prior years.
;; Leap days in prior years.
(if (< year 20)
(quotient year 4);; Actual and anticipated practice,
;; that is, years 3, 7, 11, and 15.
;; Proposed rule--there were 4 leap years before year 20.
(+ (quotient (1- year) 4)
(- (quotient (1- year) 100))
(quotient (1- year) 400)
(- (quotient (1- year) 4000))))
(* 30 (1- month));; Days in prior months this year.
day)));; Days so far this month.
(defun french-from-absolute (date)
;; French Revolutionary date (month day year) of absolute {\em date};
;; returns nil if $date$ is before the French Revolution.
(if (< date 654415)
nil;; pre-French Revolutionary date.
(let* ((approx ;; Approximate year from below.
(quotient (- date 654414) 366))
(year ;; Search forward from the approximation.
(+ approx
(sum 1 y approx
(>= date
(absolute-from-french (list 1 1 (1+ y)))))))
(month ;; Search forward from Vendemiaire.
(1+ (sum 1 m 1
(> date
(list m
(french-last-day-of-month m year)
(day ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
(- date
(1- (absolute-from-french (list month 1 year))))))
(list month day year))))
(defconstant solar-sidereal-year (+ 365 279457/1080000))
(defconstant solar-month (/ solar-sidereal-year 12))
(defconstant lunar-sidereal-month (+ 27 4644439/14438334))
(defconstant lunar-synodic-month (+ 29 7087771/13358334))
(defun solar-longitude (days)
;; Mean sidereal longitude of the sun, in degrees,
;; at date and fraction of day $days$.
(* (mod (/ days solar-sidereal-year) 1) 360))
(defun zodiac (days)
;; Zodiacal sign of the sun, as integer in range 1..12,
;; for date and fraction of day $days$.
(1+ (quotient (solar-longitude days) 30)))
(defun old-hindu-solar-from-absolute (date)
;; Hindu solar month, day, and year of absolute date $date$.
(let* ((hdate (+ date 1132959 1/4));; Sunrise on Hindu date.
(year (quotient hdate solar-sidereal-year))
(month (zodiac hdate))
(day (1+ (floor (mod hdate solar-month)))))
(list month day year)))
(defun absolute-from-old-hindu-solar (date)
;; Absolute date corresponding to Hindu solar date $date$.
(let* ((month (first date))
(day (second date))
(year (third date)))
(floor (+ (* year solar-sidereal-year);; Days in elapsed years.
(* (1- month) solar-month) ;; In months.
day -1/4 ;; Whole days until midnight.
-1132959)))) ;; Days before absolute day 0.
(defun lunar-longitude (days)
;; Mean sidereal longitude of the moon, in degrees,
;; at date and fraction of day $days$.
(* (mod (/ days lunar-sidereal-month) 1) 360))
(defun lunar-phase (days)
;; Longitudinal distance between the sun and the moon, as an integer
;; in the range 1..30, at date and fraction of day $days$.
(1+ (quotient
(mod (- (lunar-longitude days) (solar-longitude days))
(defun new-moon (days)
;; Time of the most recent mean conjunction at or before
;; date and fraction of day $days$.
(- days (mod days lunar-synodic-month)))
(defun old-hindu-lunar-from-absolute (date)
;; Hindu lunar month, day, and year of absolute date $date$.
(let* ((hdate (+ date 1132959)) ;; Hindu date.
(sunrise (+ hdate 1/4)) ;; Sunrise on that day.
(last-new-moon ;; Last new moon.
(new-moon sunrise))
(next-new-moon ;; Next new moon.
(+ last-new-moon lunar-synodic-month))
(day (lunar-phase sunrise)) ;; Day of month.
(month ;; Month of lunar year.
(adjusted-mod (1+ (zodiac last-new-moon)) 12))
(leapmonth ;; If next month the same.
(= (zodiac last-new-moon)
(zodiac next-new-moon)))
(next-month ;; Beginning of next month.
(+ next-new-moon
(if leapmonth lunar-synodic-month 0)))
(year ;; Solar year of next month.
(quotient next-month solar-sidereal-year)))
(list month leapmonth day year)))
(defun old-hindu-lunar-precedes (date1 date2)
;; True if Hindu lunar $date1$ precedes $date2$.
(let* ((month1 (first date1))
(month2 (first date2))
(leap1 (second date1))
(leap2 (second date2))
(day1 (third date1))
(day2 (third date2))
(year1 (fourth date1))
(year2 (fourth date2)))
(or (< year1 year2)
(and (= year1 year2)
(or (< month1 month2)
(and (= month1 month2)
(or (and leap1 (not leap2))
(and (equal leap1 leap2)
(< day1 day2)))))))))
(defun absolute-from-old-hindu-lunar (date)
;; Absolute date corresponding to Hindu lunar date $date$;
;; returns nil if no such date exists.
(let* ((years (fourth date)) ;; Elapsed years.
(months (- (first date) 2));; Elapsed whole months,
;; minus a month's possible difference between the
;; solar and lunar year.
(approx;; Approximate date from below by adding days...
(+ (floor (* years solar-sidereal-year)) ;; in years,
(floor (* months lunar-synodic-month));; in months,
-1132959)) ;; and before absolute date 0.
(+ approx ;; Search forward to correct date,
(sum 1 i approx ;; or just past it.
(old-hindu-lunar-from-absolute i)
(if (equal (old-hindu-lunar-from-absolute try) date)
nil))) ;; $date$ non-existent on Hindu lunar calendar.
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epatels commented Dec 4, 2020


I tried to run this code on online LISP compiler at

But unfortunately it did not work.

Am I missing something?

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