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Created February 13, 2014 13:35
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How to run Piwik in a subdirectory
# -*- mode: nginx; mode: flyspell-prog; mode: autopair; ispell-local-dictionary: "american" -*-
## Try all locations and relay to index.php as a fallback.
location /piwik/ {
## Disallow any usage of piwik assets if referer is non valid.
location ~* ^.+\.(?:css|gif|jpe?g|js|png|swf)$ {
## Defining the valid referers.
valid_referers none blocked *;
if ($invalid_referer) {
return 444;
expires max;
## No need to bleed constant updates. Send the all shebang in one
## fell swoop.
tcp_nodelay off;
## Set the OS file cache.
open_file_cache max=500 inactive=120s;
open_file_cache_valid 45s;
open_file_cache_min_uses 2;
open_file_cache_errors off;
## Redirect to the root if attempting to access a txt file.
location ~* (?:DESIGN|(?:gpl|README|LICENSE)[^.]*|LEGALNOTICE)(?:\.txt)*$ {
return 404;
## Disallow access to several helper files.
location ~* \.(?:bat|html?|git|ini|sh|svn[^.]*|txt|tpl|xml)$ {
return 404;
try_files $uri /piwik/index.php?$query_string;
## Support for favicon. Return a 1x1 transparent GIF it it doesn't
## exist. doesn't exist.
location = /piwik/favicon.ico {
try_files /piwik/favicon.ico @empty;
location @empty {
## Relay all index.php requests to fastcgi.
location = /piwik/index.php {
fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
## FastCGI cache.
## cache ui for 5m (set the same interval of your crontab)
include apps/piwik/fcgi_piwik_cache.conf;
## To use Apache for serving PHP uncomment the line bellow and
## comment out the above.
#proxy_pass http://phpapache;
### Use the proxy cache if proxying to Apache.
include apps/piwik/proxy_piwik_cache.conf;
## Relay all piwik.php requests to fastcgi.
location = /piwik/piwik.php {
fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
include apps/piwik/fcgi_piwik_long_cache.conf;
## To use Apache for serving PHP uncomment the line bellow and
## comment out the above.
#proxy_pass http://phpapache;
## Proxy cache.
#include apps/piwik/proxy_piwik_long_cache.conf;
## Any other attempt to access PHP files returns a 404.
location ~* ^.+\.php$ {
return 404;
## No crawling of this site for bots that obey robots.txt.
location = /piwik/robots.txt {
return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
## Including the php-fpm status and ping pages config.
## Uncomment to enable if you're running php-fpm.
#include php_fpm_status_vhost.conf;
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Do you have any updates to this configuration?

I added some stuff, e.g. blocking access to ./tmp/ and *.md files.


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