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Last active June 13, 2021 03:09
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#define MAXN 65536
#define MAXLG 17
char A[MAXN];
struct entry {
int nr[2], p;
} L[MAXN];
int P[MAXLG][MAXN], N, i, stp, cnt;
int cmp(struct entry a, struct entry b)
return[0] ==[0] ? ([1] <[1] ? 1 : 0) : ([0] <[0] ? 1 : 0);
int main()
for (N = strlen(A), i = 0; i < N; i ++)
P[0][i] = A[i] - 'a';
// O(log n) doubling steps, so O(sort(n) * log n) total time: O(n log n) with radix sort, otherwise O(n (log n)^2).
for (stp = 1, cnt = 1; cnt >> 1 < N; stp ++, cnt <<= 1)
for (i = 0; i < N; i ++)
L[i].nr[0] = P[stp - 1][i];
L[i].nr[1] = i + cnt < N ? P[stp - 1][i + cnt] : -1;
L[i].p = i;
std::sort(L, L + N, cmp); // O(n log n) comparison sort. Can replace with O(n) radix sort on (nr[0], nr[1]).
for (i = 0; i < N; i ++)
P[stp][L[i].p] = i > 0 && L[i].nr[0] == L[i - 1].nr[0] && L[i].nr[1] == L[i - 1].nr[1] ? P[stp][L[i - 1].p] : i;
return 0;
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