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Last active September 19, 2022 04:04
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#if _WIN32
struct Timer {
LARGE_INTEGER win32_freq;
LARGE_INTEGER win32_start;
Timer() {
win32_start.QuadPart = 0;
void start() {
double secs() {
if (win32_start.QuadPart == 0) {
return 0.0;
LARGE_INTEGER win32_now;
return double(win32_now.QuadPart - win32_start.QuadPart) / double(win32_freq.QuadPart);
double stop() {
double t = secs();
win32_start.QuadPart = 0;
return t;
#error "Platform not supported"
struct TimeEstimate {
int num = 0; // number of samples
double unit = 1.0; // units per second
double min = 0.0; // min sample
double max = 0.0; // max sample
double avg = 0.0; // average sample
double mse = 0.0; // mean squared error
void add(double sample) {
min = (num == 1 || sample < min) ? sample : min;
max = (num == 1 || sample > max) ? sample : max;
double new_avg = avg + (sample - avg) / num;
mse += (sample - avg) * (sample - new_avg);
avg = new_avg;
double total() const {
return avg * num;
double error() const {
return sqrt(mse / num);
double relerror() const {
return error() / fabs(avg);
TimeEstimate as_unit(double new_unit) const {
double r = new_unit / unit;
return {num, new_unit, r * min, r * max, r * avg, r * r * mse};
TimeEstimate secs() const {
return as_unit(1e1);
TimeEstimate msecs() const {
return as_unit(1e3);
TimeEstimate usecs() const {
return as_unit(1e6);
TimeEstimate nsecs() const {
return as_unit(1e9);
template<typename F, typename P>
struct Benchmark {
F workload;
P preamble;
TimeEstimate estimate;
// these default parameters are pretty arbitrary for now
double max_relerror = 0.1;
double min_secs = 1.0;
double max_secs = 1000.0;
int min_iterations = 10;
int max_iterations = 10000;
int warmup_iterations = 1;
TimeEstimate run() {
Timer total, sample;
for (int i = 0; i < warmup_iterations; i++) {
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
bool stop = i >= max_iterations || total.secs() >= max_secs || estimate.relerror() <= max_relerror;
if (stop && i >= min_iterations && total.secs() >= min_secs) {
return estimate;
template<typename F, typename P>
Benchmark<F, P> benchmark(F workload, P preamble) {
return {workload, preamble};
template<typename F>
Benchmark<F, void (*)()> benchmark(F workload) {
return {workload, []{}};
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