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Last active April 17, 2020 19:55
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Suppose you are writing a simple one-pass compiler in the Wirth style, and you want to
target non-RISC architectures like the x86 where conditional operations use shared condition state.
Case 1:
if (x <= y) z = w
CMP x, y
JGT skip
MOV z, w
Case 2:
z = (x <= y)
CMP x, y
Case 3:
z = w if x <= y
CMP x, y
How do you handle this kind of thing simply and efficiently? You don't want to materialize
logical values to registers if they're going to be immediately used for a conditional operation.
But you do need to materialize logical values to registers if there are instructions intervening
between the CMP and the use of the CMP-generated condition state that might clobber the state. E.g.
a lot of instructions, including non-logical operations like ADD, update the condition state on x86.
(You could also try to use code motion to move the CMP closer to its use, or to rematerialize the
logical value on demand to reduce register pressure, but that is beyond the scope of this note.)
When compiling a logical expression such as x <= y, rather than emitting its value to a general purpose
register, we emit its value to the implicit register that represents the condition state. We handle the
allocation, spilling and use of this implicit register as follows:
Operand *condition_operand;
ConditionCode condition_code; // Specifies how to interpret the condition state as a boolean.
void FreeOperand(Operand *operand) {
// ...
if (operand == condition_operand)
condition_operand = NULL;
void SetCondition(Operand *new_condition_operand, Condition new_condition_code) {
condition_operand = new_condition_operand;
condition_code = new_condition_code;
void SpillCondition() {
if (condition_operand && condition_operand->kind == OPERAND_LOGICAL) {
// An OPERAND_LOGICAL's home location is the condition state, so we have to spill it to a register.
EmitConditionalSet(condition_operand, condition_code); // SETcc
void EmitCondition(Operand *operand) {
if (operand != condition_operand) {
EmitCmp0(operand); // CMP operand, 0
SetCondition(operand, NONZERO);
void EmitComparison(Operand *destination, Operand *source, ConditionCode condition_code) {
EmitCmp(destination, source); // CMP destination, source
destination->kind = OPERAND_LOGICAL;
SetCondition(destination, condition_code);
void EmitAddition(Operand *destination, Operand *source) {
EmitAdd(destination, source); // ADD destination, source
SetCondition(destination, NONZERO);
void CompileIfStatement() {
// ...
Operand conditional_operand;
EmitConditionalBranch(NegateConditionCode(condition_code), skip_target); // Jcc skip_target
// ...
This approach also lends itself well to simple one-pass optimizations. For example, if you want to compile
!<expression> and <expression> resides in the condition operand, you just negate the condition code at compile
time, so the negation operator actually doesn't emit any code here!
void CompileNegationExpression(Operand *destination) {
SetCondition(destination, NegateConditionCode(condition_code));
Let's see an example of how z = !!(x + y) would compile with this scheme:
MOV r, [RBP + x.offset]
ADD r, [RBP + y.offset]
SETNZ [RBP + z.offset]
The double negation idiom for boolean coercion is translated to the optimal x86 code sequence. There's
no CMP r, 0 after the ADD because ADD registers itself as the current condition.
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