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Last active June 22, 2017 07:45
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// This was mostly done as a fun experiment to see how much I could minimize LUT count and combinational delays.
// Vivado synthesizes this to 17-18 LUTs for the default parameters (32-bit addresses, 8 KB cache, 32-byte cachelines).
// About half those LUTs are for the tag comparator. Note that the LUT count is carefully designed to be independent
// of the cacheline width by avoiding any output muxes (e.g. rather than forwarding the fill response, which would
// create an output mux between the fill response and the cache array, it just repeats the cache lookup). The downside
// of this general kind of design is that it takes 3 cycles to report a hit. You could easily do a design with combinational
// outputs that produces a result in 1 cycle, albeit with very restrictive setup times and combinational output delays.
// See if you can reduce the LUT count further! (Yes, it's silly, since the cacheline-to-word shifter is going to dominate.)
`define ASSERT(x)
module cache#(
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 32 - 5,
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32*8,
parameter CACHE_SIZE = 256,
parameter INDEX_WIDTH = $clog2(CACHE_SIZE),
input clk,
input cache_req_enable,
input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] cache_req_addr,
output reg cache_req_ready,
output reg cache_resp_enable,
output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] cache_resp_data,
output reg mem_req_enable,
output [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_req_addr,
input mem_req_ready,
input mem_resp_enable,
input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_resp_data,
output mem_resp_ready
localparam IDLE = 0, START_READ = 1, READ = 2, HIT = 3, START_FILL = 4, FILL = 5;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_array[0:CACHE_SIZE-1];
reg [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_array[0:CACHE_SIZE-1];
reg [2:0] state;
reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] req_addr;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
reg [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] read_tag;
wire [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] req_tag = req_addr[ADDR_WIDTH-1:INDEX_WIDTH];
wire [INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] req_index = req_addr[INDEX_WIDTH-1:0];
wire [INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] cache_req_index = cache_req_addr[INDEX_WIDTH-1:0];
assign cache_resp_data = read_data;
assign mem_req_addr = req_addr;
assign mem_resp_ready = 1;
initial begin
cache_resp_enable = 0;
mem_req_enable = 0;
cache_req_ready = 1;
state = IDLE;
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
IDLE: begin
if (cache_req_enable) begin
req_addr <= cache_req_addr;
cache_req_ready <= 0;
state <= START_READ;
read_data <= data_array[req_index];
read_tag <= tag_array[req_index];
state <= READ;
READ: begin
if (read_tag == req_tag) begin
cache_resp_enable <= 1;
state <= HIT;
end else begin
mem_req_enable <= 1;
state <= START_FILL;
HIT: begin
cache_resp_enable <= 0;
cache_req_ready <= 1;
state <= IDLE;
if (mem_req_ready) begin
mem_req_enable <= 0;
state <= FILL;
FILL: begin
if (mem_resp_enable) begin
data_array[req_index] <= mem_resp_data;
tag_array[req_index] <= req_tag;
state <= START_READ;
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pervognsen commented Jun 21, 2017

Something Fabian said just reminded me of a reason not to design a component like this with a wide 256-bit memory interface with an external down converter. Which is, it means if you want to do anything in say word-sized units like a bitwise permutation on fill to ease the later word selection muxes during reads, you can't pipeline it with the converter's action since the interface stipulates that 256 bits are presented at a time. Another example of that is critical-word-first fills so you can unblock the client immediately and then fill the remaining words over the next several cycles, again in pipeline fashion. And by a similar token, you're more limited in how the array BRAMs are structured since you're expressing things in terms of 256-bit reads and writes rather than smaller units. If you're okay with filling at 32-bit granularity, you can easily do direct word reads as well with the right addressing scheme, obviating the 8:1 word selection mux. So, I retract my statement that this kind of decoupling is a good idea in this instance, even if it's more modular and makes things cleaner.

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jdryg commented Jun 22, 2017

Thanks for the replies!

Typically you'd design these components at their natural width and insert separate bus serializers and deserializers as appropriate depending on your bandwidth requirements and what widths are natural for the other connected components. In this specific instance, yeah, you'd almost certainly have an interstitial component between the cache and the system bus that takes the 256-bit-wide request and serializes it into 8-burst 32-bit reads and deserializes the responses with a shift buffer.

Regarding your second question, this design actually doesn't have a LUT count that depends on the cache line size or the memory interface width (though the flip-flop count and the BRAM required does, obviously), though it'd affect adjacent units, like the shifting gearbox to the system bus, or the word selection mux that picks out a naturally aligned word from a cache line based on the lowest address bits.

What I was thinking was a cache module which includes the serializer and deserializer you described in it. I.e. an memory address calculator (row start + offset) + a counter for the current word. The cache would stay in the FILL state for N cycles, where N = cache-line size / word size. The larger the difference between the two, the larger the required counter so more LUTs. That's why I asked if the LUT count will change depending on those :)

Is there a reason to have a separate component do the serialization and deserialization? Or is it just a matter of keeping things as simple as possible? Would this particular serializer instance in front of the cache be able to be used for something else other than this cache?

Something Fabian said just reminded me of a reason not to design a component like this with a wide 256-bit memory interface with an external down converter. Which is, it means if you want to do anything in say word-sized units like a bitwise permutation on fill to ease the later word selection muxes during reads, you can't pipeline it with the converter's action since the interface stipulates that 256 bits are presented at a time. Another example of that is critical-word-first fills so you can unblock the client immediately and then fill the remaining words over the next several cycles, again in pipeline fashion.

I forgot about the critical-word-first fill optimization. I guess having the address calculator inside the cache and fetching individual words from memory, as I mentioned above, would help in this case. Just have a special FILL_CRITICAL_WORD state which will be executed first and then switch to the existing FILL state (or something like that; I guess it depends on how your RAM behaves, if it supports burst reads and the size of those bursts).

Thanks again for the explanations. Looking forward to your streams/course to learn new stuff :)

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