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Last active April 6, 2022 12:35
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JSON parser from scratch
module JSONParser
( JSONValue
, Parser(..)
, parseExact
, parseWhile
, separateBy
, jsonNull
, jsonBool
, jsonNumber
, jsonString
, jsonArray
, jsonObject
, jsonValue
import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
import Control.Monad ( Monad(..) )
import Data.Tuple ( swap )
import Data.Char ( isDigit
, isSpace
import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
data JSONValue =
JSONNull |
JSONBool Bool |
JSONNumber Integer |
JSONString String |
JSONArray [JSONValue] |
JSONObject [(String, JSONValue)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a) }
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f p = Parser $ \s -> do
(s', a) <- runParser p s
return (s', f a)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \s -> Just (s, a)
l <*> r = Parser $ \s -> do
(s' , f) <- runParser l s
(s'', a) <- runParser r s'
return (s'', f a)
instance Monad Parser where
l >>= r = Parser $ \s -> do
(s' , a) <- runParser l s
(s'', a) <- runParser (r a) s'
return (s'', a)
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ const Nothing
l <|> r = Parser $ \s -> runParser l s <|> runParser r s
parseExact :: String -> Parser String
parseExact x = Parser $ \s -> do
let (y, s') = splitAt (length x) s
if x == y then Just (s', y) else Nothing
parseWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
parseWhile f = Parser $ Just . swap . span f
separateBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [b]
separateBy sep element = (:) <$> element <*> many (sep *> element) <|> pure []
check :: Maybe a -> Parser a
check a = Parser $ \s -> do
b <- a
return (s, b)
jsonNull :: Parser JSONValue
jsonNull = do
parseExact "null"
return JSONNull
jsonBool :: Parser JSONValue
jsonBool = do
x <- parseExact "true" <|> parseExact "false"
return $ JSONBool (x == "true")
jsonNumber :: Parser JSONValue
jsonNumber = do
x <- parseWhile isDigit
x' <- check (readMaybe x)
return $ JSONNumber x'
jsonString :: Parser JSONValue
jsonString = do
parseExact "\""
x <- parseWhile (/= '"')
parseExact "\""
return $ JSONString x
jsonArray :: Parser JSONValue
jsonArray = do
values <- separateBy (whitespace *> comma <* whitespace) jsonValue
return $ JSONArray values
openBracket = parseExact "["
closeBracket = parseExact "]"
whitespace = parseWhile isSpace
comma = parseExact ","
jsonObject :: Parser JSONValue
jsonObject = do
entries <- separateBy (whitespace *> comma <* whitespace) entry
return $ JSONObject entries
openParenthesis = parseExact "{"
closeParenthesis = parseExact "}"
whitespace = parseWhile isSpace
comma = parseExact ","
entry = do
key <- parseKey
parseExact ":"
value <- jsonValue
return (key, value)
whitespace = parseWhile isSpace
parseKey = do
parseExact "\""
key <- parseWhile (/= '"')
parseExact "\""
return key
jsonValue :: Parser JSONValue
jsonValue =
<|> jsonBool
<|> jsonNumber
<|> jsonString
<|> jsonArray
<|> jsonObject
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Lib
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
cli args
cli :: [String] -> IO ()
cli [] = help
cli ["--help" ] = help
cli ["-h" ] = help
cli ["--version"] = version
cli ["-v" ] = version
cli (s : _ ) = case runParser jsonValue s of
Just (_, json) -> print json >> exitSuccess
Nothing -> putStrLn "Invalid input data" >> exitFailure
help = putStrLn "Usage: json-parser [-vh] [jsonstring...]" >> exitSuccess
version = putStrLn "json-parser" >> exitSuccess
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