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Last active August 26, 2018 09:28
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Script that converts biblatex (bibtex) styled latex document bibliography to standard bibitem bibliography (thebibliography)
# #
# BibTeX (BibLaTeX) to LaTeX \bibitem converter #
# #
# #
# This script converts a file containing #
# BibTeX (BibLaTeX) entries to a list of \bibitems, #
# suitable for use in LaTeX. #
# #
# Special thanks to this blog post: #
# -> #
# /08/fundamental-thinking-convert-bibtex.html #
# for pointing me in the correct direction #
# and giving the instruction on how to do #
# this. #
# #
# Dependencies: perl, awk, sed, tr, latex, bibtex, bash #
# #
# Usage: #
# ./ file1.tex file2.tex > out.bib #
# #
# config
# it can be something more interesting e.g.:
# bibliographystyle="ugost2008"
# variables
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
tmp_tex_basename=$(basename $tmp_tex .tex)
# extract keys
# split keys separated by commas
# uniq without sorting to preserve order
keys=$(cat $tex_filenames | perl -lne 'print join "\n", m/\\cite\{([^}]+)}/g' | sed 's/,\s*/\n/g' | awk '!x[$0]++')
# DEBUG: print found keys
# for key in ${keys[@]}
# do
# echo $key 1>&2
# done
echo "Count Keys: " $( expr $(echo "${keys[@]}" | wc -l) - 1 ) 1>&2
# extract bib entries by keys
if [ -f $tmp_bib ]; then
echo "rm $tmp_bib"
rm $tmp_bib
# bib_files=("${@:2}")
# Extract name of bib files from tex files
bib_files=$(cat $tex_filenames | perl -lne '/\\bibliography\{([^}]+)}/ or next; print $1' | sed 's/,\s*/\n/g' | sed '/\.bib$/! s/$/\.bib/' | tr '\n' ' '| awk '!x[$0]++')
for key in $keys
sed -n "/${key}/,/^\s*}\s*$/p" ${bib_files} >> $tmp_bib
# Create template
printf "\\\\documentclass[${documentclass}]{article}\\n" > $tmp_tex
printf '\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n' >> $tmp_tex
printf '\\usepackage{babel}\n' >> $tmp_tex
printf '\\begin{document}\n' >> $tmp_tex
printf '\\nocite{*}\n' >> $tmp_tex
printf "\\\\bibliography{${tmp_bib}}\\n" >> $tmp_tex
printf "\\\\bibliographystyle{${bibliographystyle}}\\n" >> $tmp_tex
printf '\\end{document}\n' >> $tmp_tex
# Create references
cd $tmp_dir
latex ${tmp_tex_basename} &>/dev/null
bibtex ${tmp_tex_basename} &>/dev/null
bibtex ${tmp_tex_basename} &>/dev/null
latex ${tmp_tex_basename} &>/dev/null
cat ${tmp_tex_basename}.bbl
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petRUShka commented Aug 26, 2018

See also

There is an alternative to parsing tex-file for \cites and extracting necessary items by keys from extracted bib-files. And it is:

biber --output_format=bibtex tex-file.bcf

Dummy file:


So v2 of this script should do it with biber instead of straightforward tex-file parser.

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