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Created March 30, 2012 13:51
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Save peta/2251688 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Slightly improved version of 960gridder. Now the overlay won't catch pointer events anymore, meaning that the overlay can stay visible while working on the DOM/CSS.
* Release: 1.3.1 2009-04-26
* Copyright (c) Andr?e Hansson (peolanha AT gmail DOT com)
* MIT License -
* Idea loosely based on JASH,
* Website:
* Changelog:
* - New GUI! The new GUI should be less obtrusive and has been repositioned.
* It is also featuring a slight delay on inputs so that you'll have a chance
* to change the settings before it is re-rendering the grid
* - Due to a lot of inquries regarding affiliation with jQuery the filenames has
* been changed, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience!
* - CSS issues with the GUI should also be fixed in more websites, please report
* in any issue you stumble upon
* - A small bug in IE that made the paragraph lines not position correctly has been
* fixed
* - A dropdown box has replaced the columns input box, 960 Gridder calculates the
* proper number of columns that can be used with the specified grid width
* - The 960 Gridder is now displaying perfectly (into the very pixels) in all
* A-grade browsers (according to
* - An option to invert the gutters has been added, set this to 'true' if
* you want to use it, OR use the shortcut CTRL+ALT+A
* - Some other minor changes...
function Grid() {
var c = this;
c.settingsDef = {urlBase:"", gColor:"#EEEEEE", gColumns:12, gOpacity:0.45, gWidth:10, pColor:"#C0C0C0", pHeight:15, pOffset:0, pOpacity:0.55, center:true, invert:false, gEnabled:true, pEnabled:true, size:960, fixFlash:true, setupEnabled:true, pressedKeys:[], delayTimer:""};
c.settings = (typeof(window.gOverride) === "undefined") ? {} : window.gOverride;
for (var a in c.settingsDef) {
if (typeof(c.settings[a]) === "undefined") {
c.settings[a] = c.settingsDef[a];
if (typeof(window.jQuery) === "undefined" || jQuery().jquery.match(/^1\.3/) === null) {
window.jQuery = undefined;
var b = document.createElement("script");
b.type = "text/javascript";
b.src = c.settings.urlBase + "jquery.js";
c._createEntity = function (e, d) {
jQuery('<div class="g-' + e + '">&nbsp;</div>').appendTo("#g-grid").css(d);
c._setVariable = function (d, e) {
d = d.replace(/g-setup-/, "");
if (isNaN(parseInt(e, 10)) || parseInt(e, 10) === 0) {
c.settings[d] = e;
} else {
c.settings[d] = parseInt(e, 10);
if (e === true) {
jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).attr("checked", "checked");
} else {
if (e === false) {
jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).removeAttr("checked");
} else {
jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).val(e);
c.setupWindow = function () {
jQuery('<style type"text/css">#g-setup{position:absolute;top:150px;left:-310px;padding:6px;margin:0;list-style:none;width:320px!important;background-color:#d1cfe6;border:2px solid #a19bd1;z-index:2100;}#g-setup *{background:transparent!important;border:0!important;color:#58517c!important;font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif!important;font-size:10px!important;font-weight:normal!important;letter-spacing:normal!important;line-height:1!important;list-style-type:none!important;margin:0!important;padding:0!important;text-decoration:none!important;text-indent:0!important;text-transform:none!important;word-spacing:0!important;z-index:2100!important;}#g-setup .head{font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #7cb267!important;}#g-setup ul{width:150px;float:left!important;}#g-setup li{clear:left;padding:5px!important;}* html #g-setup li{clear:none!important;padding:4px!important;}#g-setup span{float:left!important;width:50px;padding:1px 4px 0 0!important;text-align:right!important;line-height:1.5!important;}#g-setup input,#g-setup select{float:left!important;width:70px;border:1px solid #a19bd1!important;background-color:#e7e6ee!important;padding:2px!important;}#g-setup select{width:77px;padding:0!important;}#g-setup-misc{margin-top:5px!important;clear:left;float:none!important;width:300px!important;border-top:1px solid #7cb267!important;}#g-setup-misc span{line-height:1.1!important;width:200px;}#g-setup-misc input{width:15px;padding:0!important;height:15px;}#g-setup-tab{width:26px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;left:100%;margin-left:-26px!important;z-index:2100!important;}#g-setup-tab img{left:0;position:relative;}#g-grid{left:0;position:absolute;z-index:500;top:0;pointer-events:none;}#g-grid .g-vertical,#g-grid .g-horizontal{position:absolute;z-index:1000;pointer-events:none;}*:first-child+html #g-grid .g-horizontal,*:first-child+html #g-grid .g-vertical{margin-left:-1px;}#g-grid .g-horizontal{min-height:1px;height:1px;font-size:0;line-height:0;}</style>').appendTo("head");
c.settings.height = jQuery(document).height();
if (c.settings.setupEnabled) {
jQuery('<div id="g-setup"><ul><li class="head">Vertical</li><li><span>Color</span><input id="g-setup-gColor" /></li><li><span>Opacity</span><input id="g-setup-gOpacity" /></li><li><span>Width</span><input id="g-setup-gWidth" /></li><li><span>Columns</span><select id="g-setup-gColumns"></select></li></ul><ul><li class="head">Horizontal</li><li><span>Color</span><input id="g-setup-pColor" /></li><li><span>Opacity</span><input id="g-setup-pOpacity" /></li><li><span>Height</span><input id="g-setup-pHeight" /></li><li><span>Offset</span><input id="g-setup-pOffset" /></li></ul><ul id="g-setup-misc"><li><span>Enable vertical (gutters)</span><input id="g-setup-gEnabled" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Enable horizontal (paragraphs)</span><input id="g-setup-pEnabled" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Invert vertical</span><input id="g-setup-invert" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Center grid</span><input id="g-setup-center" type="checkbox" /></li></ul><div style="clear: left;"></div><div id="g-setup-tab"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div></div>').appendTo("body");
for (var d = 2; d < 48; d++) {
if (Math.round((c.settings.size / d)) === (c.settings.size / d)) {
jQuery('<option value="' + d + '">' + d + "</option>").appendTo("#g-setup-gColumns");
for (var d in c.settings) {
if (jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).length !== 0) {
if (jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).parent().parent().is("#g-setup-misc") && c.settings[d]) {
jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).attr("checked", "checked");
} else {
jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).val(c.settings[d]);
jQuery("#g-setup").css("top", jQuery(window).scrollTop() + 150);
jQuery("#g-setup-tab a").click(function () {
jQuery("#g-setup input").keyup(function () {
var e = this;
c.settings.delayTimer = setTimeout(function () {
c.setVariable(jQuery(e).attr("id"), jQuery(e).val());
}, 700);
jQuery("#g-setup-gColumns").change(function () {
c.setVariable("gColumns", $(this).val());
jQuery("#g-setup-misc input").click(function () {
c.setVariable(jQuery(this).attr("id"), jQuery(this).attr("checked"));
jQuery().keydown(function (f) {
if (jQuery.inArray(f.which, c.settings.pressedKeys) === -1) {
jQuery(window).scroll(function () {
jQuery("#g-setup").css("top", jQuery().scrollTop() + 150);
jQuery().keyup(function (g) {
if (jQuery.inArray(17, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1 && jQuery.inArray(18,
c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) {
if (jQuery.inArray(90, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) {
c.setVariable("gEnabled", !c.settings.gEnabled);
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray(88, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) {
c.setVariable("pEnabled", !c.settings.pEnabled);
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray(65, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) {
c.setVariable("invert", !c.settings.invert);
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray(67, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) {
c.setVariable({gEnabled:!c.settings.gEnabled, pEnabled:!c.settings.pEnabled});
var f = jQuery.inArray(g.which, c.settings.pressedKeys);
c.settings.pressedKeys.splice(f, f);
c.setVariable = function () {
if (typeof(arguments[0]) === "object") {
for (var d in arguments[0]) {
c._setVariable(d, arguments[0][d]);
} else {
c._setVariable(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
c.toggleSetupWindow = function () {
var d = jQuery("#g-setup-tab img");
d.css("left", d.position().left === 0 ? -26 : 0);
if (parseInt(jQuery("#g-setup").css("left"), 10) === 0) {
jQuery("#g-setup").animate({left:-310}, 200);
} else {
jQuery("#g-setup").animate({left:0}, 200);
c.createGrid = function () {
jQuery("embed").each(function () {
if (c.settings.fixFlash) {
jQuery(this).attr("wmode", "transparent");
} else {
var i = jQuery(this).wrap("<div></div>").parent().html();
jQuery('<div id="g-grid"></div>').appendTo("body").css("width", c.settings.size);
if ( {
jQuery("#g-grid").css({left:"50%", marginLeft:-((c.settings.size / 2) + c.settings.gWidth)});
if (c.settings.gEnabled && c.settings.gColumns > 0) {
if (c.settings.invert) {
jQuery().css("overflow-x", "hidden");
var e = (jQuery(window).width() - c.settings.size) / 2;
{left:-e, width:e, height:c.settings.height, backgroundColor:c.settings.gColor, opacity:c.settings.gOpacity});
for (var g = 0; g < c.settings.gColumns; g++) {
var f = (c.settings.size / c.settings.gColumns) - (c.settings.gWidth * 2);
var h = (c.settings.gWidth * 2);
{left:((f + h) * g) + h, width:f + "px", height:c.settings.height, backgroundColor:c.settings.gColor, opacity:c.settings.gOpacity});
if ((c.settings.height + 10) > jQuery(window).height()) {
e -= 10;
{left:"100%", marginLeft:20, width:e, height:c.settings.height, backgroundColor:c.settings.gColor, opacity:c.settings.gOpacity});
} else {
for (var g = 0; g <= c.settings.gColumns; g++) {
{left:((c.settings.size / c.settings.gColumns) * g), width:(c.settings.gWidth * 2), height:c.settings.height, backgroundColor:c.settings.gColor, opacity:c.settings.gOpacity});
if (c.settings.pEnabled && c.settings.pHeight > 1) {
var d = ((c.settings.height - c.settings.pOffset) / c.settings.pHeight);
for (g = 0; g <= d; g++) {
{top:((c.settings.height / d) * g) + c.settings.pOffset, left:"50%", marginLeft:-(c.settings.size / 2), width:(c.settings.size + (c.settings.gWidth * 2)), backgroundColor:c.settings.pColor, opacity:c.settings.pOpacity});
var checkJQuery = function () {
if (typeof(window.jQuery) === "undefined") {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
} else {
if (typeof(window.grid) === "undefined") {
window.grid = new Grid();
} else {
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