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Created December 5, 2009 22:53
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-- PF.WrapSelectionWithFolder.applescript
-- Created by Peter Geil on 05.12.09.
-- Copyright 2009 Peter Geil. All rights reserved.
tell application "Path Finder"
set pfSelectionList to selection
if length of pfSelectionList = 0 then
end if
set cwd to (POSIX path of container of first item of pfSelectionList)
set folderName to text returned of ¬
(display dialog cwd ¬
default answer ¬
"Untitled folder" with title "Enter folder name")
set joinedPath to (cwd & "/" & folderName)
if not (exists joinedPath) then
if (do shell script "mkdir '" & joinedPath & "'") is not equal to "" then
displayGrowlMessage("Error occured", "Folder couldn't be created") of me
end if
end if
set listOfWrappedFiles to ""
repeat with i in pfSelectionList
set listOfWrappedFiles to (listOfWrappedFiles & name of i & return)
if (do shell script "mv '" & (POSIX path of i) & "' '" & (joinedPath & "/" & name of i) & "'") is not equal to "" then
error "File '" & (POSIX path of i) & "' couldn't be moved"
end if
end repeat
on error
displayGrowlMessage("Error occured", "Files couldn't be move to target folder") of me
end try
displayGrowlMessage("Wrapped " & length of pfSelectionList & " file(s)", listOfWrappedFiles) of me
end tell
on displayGrowlMessage(headline, msg)
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
notify with name ¬
"DefaultMsg" title ¬
(headline) description ¬
(msg) application name "Path Finder"
end tell
end displayGrowlMessage
on registerWithGrowl()
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
register as application ¬
"Path Finder" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "Path Finder"
end tell
end registerWithGrowl
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