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Created July 18, 2019 16:39
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package TW::Functional;
=head1 NAME
TW::Functional -- functions for helping write more functional code
=head1 WARNING
This module must contain no TW-specific code. These are purely abstract functions.
use warnings;
use strict;
use parent 'Exporter';
no warnings 'experimental::signatures'; ## no critic ( TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings )
use feature 'signatures';
# All the importing shenanigans is copied from List::AllUtils.
use List::Util 1.45 ();
use List::MoreUtils 0.428 ();
use List::UtilsBy 0.10 ();
our @_functions_in_this_file = qw( in sum_by sum0_by );
# Figure out which functions we are going to import. Don't import any functions defined in this file.
my %imported = map { $_ => 'TW::Functional' } @_functions_in_this_file;
for my $module (qw( List::Util List::MoreUtils List::UtilsBy )) {
my @ok = do {
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
no strict 'refs';
@{ $module . '::EXPORT_OK' };
$module->import( grep { !$imported{$_} } @ok );
@imported{@ok} = ($module) x @ok;
our @EXPORT_OK = List::Util::uniqstr(
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
=head1 EXPORTS
Nothing by default, but everything can be requested.
This includes all the exports of List::Util, List::MoreUtils and List::UtilsBy.
These are original functions that aren't just imported from elsewhere.
=head2 in( $needle, \@haystack )
=head2 in( qr/needle/, \@haystack )
Returns a boolean saying if C<$needle> is found in C<@haystack>.
If C<$needle> is a regex ref, each element in C<@haystack> is regex
matched against C<$needle>. Otherwise, each element in C<@haystack>
is matched with C<eq> operator against C<$needle>.
# Search for a specific country in a list.
if ( in( $country, [qw( US UK GB )] ) ) { ....
# Search for anything matching "ERROR" in a list.
if ( in ( qr/ERROR/, $results ) ) { ...
sub in : prototype($$) {
my $needle = shift;
my $haystack = shift;
if ( !defined($needle) ) {
return 1 if List::Util::any { !defined } @{$haystack};
elsif ( ref($needle) eq 'Regexp' ) {
return 1 if List::Util::any { defined && /$needle/ } @{$haystack};
else {
return 1 if List::Util::any { defined && ($_ eq $needle) } @{$haystack};
return 0;
=head2 sum_by
=head2 sum0_by
$sum = sum_by { VALUEFUNC } @vals;
$sum = sum0_by { VALUEFUNC } @vals;
Returns the sum of the results of VALUEFUNC applied to each of the values
in C<@vals>.
For example:
$total_salary = sum_by { $_->salary } @employees;
This is the same as using C<sum> from L<List::Util> like
$total_salary = sum map { $_->salary } @employees;
but without the intermediate results of the C<map>.
If called on an empty list, C<sum_by> returns undef, and C<sum0_by>
returns 0.
These functions are in here until they get added to List::UtilsBy.
sub sum_by : prototype(&@) {
my $code = shift;
return undef unless @_;
local $_; ## no critic ( Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars )
my $sum = 0;
foreach ( @_ ) {
$sum += $code->();
return $sum;
sub sum0_by : prototype(&@) {
my $code = shift;
local $_; ## no critic ( Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars )
my $sum = 0;
foreach ( @_ ) {
$sum += $code->();
return $sum;
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