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Last active April 29, 2018 00:01
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module PhoneExercise where
import Data.Char
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
data DaPhone = DaPhone [(Digit, String)] deriving (Eq, Show)
type Digit = Char
type Presses = Int
phone = DaPhone [ ('1', " ")
, ('2', "ABC")
, ('3', "DEF")
, ('4', "GHI")
, ('5', "JKL")
, ('6', "MNO")
, ('7', "PQRS")
, ('8', "TUV")
, ('9', "WXYZ")
, ('0', "+_")
, ('*', "^")
, ('#', ".,") ]
convo :: [String]
convo = [ "Wanna play 20 questions",
"U 1st haha",
"Lol ok. Have u ever tasted alcohol",
"Lol ya",
"Wow ur cool haha. Ur turn",
"Ok. Do u think I am pretty lol",
"Lol ya",
"Just making sure rofl ur turn" ]
reverseTaps :: DaPhone -> Char -> [(Digit, Presses)]
reverseTaps (DaPhone (p:ps)) c
| elem c $ snd p
= (fst p, fromJust $ elemIndex c $ snd p) : []
| elem (toUpper c) $ snd p
= ('*', 1)
: (fst p, fromJust $ elemIndex (toUpper c) $ snd p) : []
| c == fst p
= (fst p, 4) : []
| otherwise
= reverseTaps (DaPhone ps) c
cellPhonesDead :: DaPhone -> String -> [(Digit, Presses)]
cellPhonesDead p = concatMap $ reverseTaps p
fingerTaps :: [(Digit, Presses)] -> Presses
fingerTaps = foldr ((+) . snd) 0
type Freq = Int
incFreq' :: Eq a => a -> (a, Freq) -> (a, Freq)
incFreq' c x@(c', f)
| c == c' = (c, f + 1)
| otherwise = x
incFreq :: Eq a => a -> [(a, Freq)] -> [(a, Freq)]
incFreq c xs
| elem c $ map fst xs
= map (incFreq' c) xs
| otherwise
= (c, 1) : xs
freqs :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Freq)]
freqs = foldr incFreq []
maxFreqs :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [(a, Freq)] -> (a, Freq)
maxFreqs (x:[]) = x
maxFreqs (x:y:xs)
| (snd x) > (snd y)
= maxFreqs (x:xs)
| otherwise
= maxFreqs (y:xs)
mostPopularLetter :: String -> Char
mostPopularLetter = fst . maxFreqs . freqs
mostPopularLetterCost :: String -> Int
mostPopularLetterCost =
(\(c, f) ->
(fingerTaps $ reverseTaps phone c) * f) .
maxFreqs . freqs
coolestLtr :: [String] -> Char
coolestLtr = mostPopularLetter . concat
coolestWord :: [String] -> String
coolestWord = fst . maxFreqs . freqs . words . concat
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