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Created March 27, 2012 12:23
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AngularJS 1.0 - Masked Input Widget
<input ng-model="" ui-mask='"(9999) 9999 9999"' placeholder="(01234)-5678-8901" required />
Widgets = angular.module('WidgetModule', [])
Widgets.directive 'uiMask', ()->
require: 'ngModel'
uiMask: 'evaluate'
link: ($scope, el, attrs, controller)->
# Add a parser that only allows the model value through if the mask is valid
controller.$parsers.push (value)->
isValid = $(el).data('mask-isvalid')
controller.$setValidity('mask', isValid)
value = if isValid then el.mask() else null
# When the element blurs, update the viewvalue
$(el).bind 'blur', ()->
$scope.$apply ()->
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