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Created December 8, 2015 08:17
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@cheatsheetSection Class decorators @cheatsheetIndex 4 @description {@target ts js}import {Directive, ...} from 'angular2/angular2';{@endtarget} {@target dart}import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';{@endtarget}

@cheatsheetItem syntax(ts js): @Component({...}) class MyComponent() {}|@Component({...}) syntax(dart): @Component(...) class MyComponent() {}|@Component(...) description: Declares that a class is a component and provides metadata about the component.

@cheatsheetItem syntax(ts js): @Pipe({...}) class MyPipe() {}|@Pipe({...}) syntax(dart): @Pipe({...}) class MyPipe() {}|@Pipe({...}) description: Declares that a class is a pipe and provides metadata about the pipe.

@cheatsheetItem syntax: @Injectable() class MyService() {}|@Injectable() description: Declares that a class has dependencies that should be injected into the constructor when the dependency injector is creating an instance of this class.

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