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Created January 6, 2022 17:29
QuPath-Convert nuclei to cells with measurements in QuPath v0.3.x
* Convert detected nuclei to cells and add measurements.
* Written for v0.3.x to answer
* Because adding intensity measurements is especially awkward, this should be improved in a future version.
* Note that the cell measurements are *not* equivalent to QuPath's built-in cell detection.
* They are calculated in a different way and have different names.
* @author Pete Bankhead
// Convert nuclei to cells, with a fixed expansion (here 10 pixels)
def detections = getDetectionObjects().findAll {d -> !d.isCell()}
def cells = CellTools.detectionsToCells(detections, 10, -1)
removeObjects(detections, true)
// Add measurements (in v0.3 - currently awkward, may be changed/improved in a later version!)
import qupath.lib.analysis.features.ObjectMeasurements
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def server = getServer(imageData)
ObjectMeasurements.addShapeMeasurements(cells, server.getPixelCalibration())
double downsample = server.getDownsampleForResolution(0) // May want to compute at a different resolution!
def measurements = ObjectMeasurements.Measurements.values() as List
def compartments = ObjectMeasurements.Compartments.values() as List
cells.parallelStream().forEach { cell ->
ObjectMeasurements.addIntensityMeasurements(server, cell, downsample, measurements, compartments)
* Get an ImageServer that applies color deconvolution, if needed
def getServer(imageData) {
def stains = imageData.getColorDeconvolutionStains()
if (stains == null)
return imageData.getServer()
def builder = new qupath.lib.images.servers.TransformedServerBuilder(imageData.getServer())
def stainNumbers = []
for (int s = 1; s <= 3; s++) {
if (!stains.getStain(s).isResidual())
builder.deconvolveStains(stains, -> i).toArray());
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