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Created March 13, 2018 12:27
Script to import binary masks & create annotations (see also QuPath-Export binary masks.groovy)
* Script to import binary masks & create annotations, adding them to the current object hierarchy.
* It is assumed that each mask is stored in a PNG file in a project subdirectory called 'masks'.
* Each file name should be of the form:
* [Short original image name]_[Classification name]_([downsample],[x],[y],[width],[height])-mask.png
* Note: It's assumed that the classification is a simple name without underscores, i.e. not a 'derived' classification
* (so 'Tumor' is ok, but 'Tumor: Positive' is not)
* The x, y, width & height values should be in terms of coordinates for the full-resolution image.
* By default, the image name stored in the mask filename has to match that of the current image - but this check can be turned off.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import ij.measure.Calibration
import ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection
import ij.process.ByteProcessor
import ij.process.ImageProcessor
import qupath.imagej.objects.ROIConverterIJ
import qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject
import qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassFactory
import qupath.lib.scripting.QPEx
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
// Get the main QuPath data structures
def imageData = QPEx.getCurrentImageData()
def hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// Only parse files that contain the specified text; set to '' if all files should be included
// (This is used to avoid adding masks intended for a different image)
def includeText = server.getShortServerName()
// Get a list of image files, stopping early if none can be found
def pathOutput = QPEx.buildFilePath(QPEx.PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'masks')
def dirOutput = new File(pathOutput)
if (!dirOutput.isDirectory()) {
print dirOutput + ' is not a valid directory!'
def files = dirOutput.listFiles({f -> f.isFile() && f.getName().contains(includeText) && f.getName().endsWith('-mask.png') } as FileFilter) as List
if (files.isEmpty()) {
print 'No mask files found in ' + dirOutput
// Create annotations for all the files
def annotations = []
files.each {
try {
annotations << parseAnnotation(it)
} catch (Exception e) {
print 'Unable to parse annotation from ' + it.getName() + ': ' + e.getLocalizedMessage()
// Add annotations to image
hierarchy.addPathObjects(annotations, false)
* Create a new annotation from a binary image, parsing the classification & region from the file name.
* Note: this code doesn't bother with error checking or handling potential issues with formatting/blank images.
* If something is not quite right, it is quite likely to throw an exception.
* @param file File containing the PNG image mask. The image name must be formatted as above.
* @return The PathAnnotationObject created based on the mask & file name contents.
def parseAnnotation(File file) {
// Read the image
def img =
// Split the file name into parts: [Image name, Classification, Region]
def parts = file.getName().replace('-mask.png', '').split('_')
// Discard all but the last 2 parts - it's possible that the original name contained underscores,
// so better to work from the end of the list and not the start
def classificationString = parts[-2]
// Extract region, and trim off parentheses (admittedly in a lazy way...)
def regionString = parts[-1].replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
// Create a classification, if necessary
def pathClass = null
if (classificationString != 'None')
pathClass = PathClassFactory.getPathClass(classificationString)
// Parse the x, y coordinates of the region - width & height not really needed
// (but could potentially be used to estimate the downsample value, if we didn't already have it)
def regionParts = regionString.split(',')
double downsample = regionParts[0] as double
int x = regionParts[1] as int
int y = regionParts[2] as int
// To create the ROI, travel into ImageJ
def bp = new ByteProcessor(img)
bp.setThreshold(127.5, Double.MAX_VALUE, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE)
def roiIJ = new ThresholdToSelection().convert(bp)
// Convert ImageJ ROI to a QuPath ROI
// This assumes we have a single 2D image (no z-stack, time series)
// Currently, we need to create an ImageJ Calibration object to store the origin
// (this might be simplified in a later version)
def cal = new Calibration()
cal.xOrigin = -x/downsample
cal.yOrigin = -y/downsample
def roi = ROIConverterIJ.convertToPathROI(roiIJ, cal, downsample, -1, 0, 0)
// Create & return the object
return new PathAnnotationObject(roi, pathClass)
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