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Created March 16, 2021 02:46
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scalar Date
type Company {
id: ID!
ticker: String!
name: String!
sector: Int!
currentPrice: Float
type Insider {
id: ID!
cik: Int!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
roles: [InsiderRole]!
holdings: [Holding]
returnRate: ReturnRates
returnRateRelativeToSP500: ReturnRates
transactions: [InsiderTransaction]!
enum TransactionType {
type InsiderTransaction {
company: Company!
date: Date!
transactionType: TransactionType!
numberOfShares: Float!
value: Float!
numberOfSharesAfterTransaction: Float!
type ReturnRates {
average: Float
oneMonth: Float
threeMonth: Float
sixMonth: Float
oneYear: Float
twoYear: Float
threeYear: Float
enum InsiderPosition {
Any insider position held at a company
type InsiderRole {
companyId: ID!
position: InsiderPosition!
type Holding {
companyId: ID!
numberOfShares: Float!
valueOfShares: Float!
input MinMaxInt {
min: Int
max: Int
input MinMaxFloat {
min: Float
max: Float
input DateRange {
start: Date
end: Date
input CompanyInput {
dateRange: DateRange
numberOfInsiderBuys: MinMaxInt
numberOfSharesBought: MinMaxInt
valueOfSharesBought: MinMaxInt
numberOfInsiderSells: MinMaxInt
numberOfSharesSold: MinMaxInt
valueOfSharesSold: MinMaxInt
insiderOwnershipPercentage: MinMaxInt
currentStockPrice: MinMaxFloat
marketCap: MinMaxInt
NAICS numbers
sectors: [Int]
totalReturn_1week: MinMaxInt
totalReturn_1month: MinMaxInt
totalReturn_3Month: MinMaxInt
totalReturn_6Month: MinMaxInt
totalReturn_12Month: MinMaxInt
returnRelativeToSP500_1week: MinMaxInt
returnRelativeToSP500_1month: MinMaxInt
returnRelativeToSP500_3month: MinMaxInt
returnRelativeToSP500_6month: MinMaxInt
returnRelatiiveToSP500_12month: MinMaxInt
type Query {
companies(input: CompanyInput): [Company]!
transactions: [InsiderTransaction]!
insider(cik: Int!): Insider!
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