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Created July 21, 2017 16:52
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* You'll eventually be given instructions how to use this file
* If you want to use it before then, you'll have to figure it out yourself
// You don't actually want to fill *this* value in on line 9, but you'll see
// other places in this file where you'll replace the FILL_ME_IN with a
// different value.
var FILL_ME_IN = 'Fill this value in';
// describe('Introduction to Mocha Tests - READ ME FIRST', function() {
// // A Mocha test is just a function!
// // If the function throws an error when run, it fails.
// // If it doesn't throw an error when run, it doesn't fail.
// // To read more about mocha, visit
// // Once you've read and understood this section, please comment it out.
// // You will not be able to proceed with a failing test.
// it('Throws an error so it fails', function() {
// throw new Error('Delete me!');
// });
// it('Doesn\'t throw an error, so it doesn\'t fail', function() {
// // This test doesn't really test anything at all! It will pass no matter what.
// var even = function(num){
// return num/2 === 0;
// }
// return even(10) === true;
// });
// // In tests, we want to compare the expected behavior to the actual behavior.
// // A test should only fail if the expected behavior doesn't match the actual.
// it('Throws an error when expected behavior does not match actual behavior', function() {
// var even = function(num){
// return num/2 === 0;
// }
// if(even(10) !== true) {
// throw new Error('10 should be even!');
// }
// });
// });
describe('Diner\'s Club', function() {
// Be careful, tests can have bugs too...
it('has a prefix of 38 and a length of 14', function() {
if (detectNetwork('38345678901234') !== 'Diner\'s Club') {
throw new Error('Test failed');
it('has a prefix of 39 and a length of 14', function() {
if (detectNetwork('39345678901234') !== 'Diner\'s Club') {
throw new Error('Test failed');
describe('American Express', function() {
// It can get annoying to keep typing the if/throw, so here is a
// helper function to throw an error if the input statement isn't true.
var assert = function(isTrue) {
if(!isTrue) {
throw new Error('Test failed');
it('has a prefix of 34 and a length of 15', function() {
assert(detectNetwork('343456789012345') === 'American Express');
it('has a prefix of 37 and a length of 15', function() {
assert(detectNetwork('373456789012345') === 'American Express');
describe('Visa', function() {
// Chai is an entire library of helper functions for tests!
// Chai provides an assert that acts the same as our previous assert.
// Search the documentation to figure out how to access it.
var assert = chai.assert;
it('has a prefix of 4 and a length of 13', function() {
assert(detectNetwork('4123456789012') === 'Visa');
it('has a prefix of 4 and a length of 16', function() {
assert(detectNetwork('4123456789012345') === 'Visa');
it('has a prefix of 4 and a length of 19', function() {
assert(detectNetwork('4123456789012345678') === 'Visa');
describe('MasterCard', function() {
// Chai lets you write more human-readable tests that throw helpful errors.
// Expect syntax is one way to do this, but there are others.
// If you want to know more, check out the documentation.
var expect = chai.expect;
it('has a prefix of 51 and a length of 16', function() {
it('has a prefix of 52 and a length of 16', function() {
it('has a prefix of 53 and a length of 16', function() {
// You can also use should instead of expect, which changes the style
// slightly. It really doesn't matter which one you use - check out
// for more info, but it's important
// to be consistent (unlike in this file, where we use BOTH expect
// and should, but that's just for learning), so once you've gotten
// these tests to pass using should syntax, refactor your tests to
// use either expect or should, but not both.
var should = chai.should();
it('has a prefix of 54 and a length of 16', function() {
it('has a prefix of 55 and a length of 16', function() {
describe('Discover', function() {
it('has a prefix of 6011 and a length of 16', function() {
it('has a prefix of 6011 and a length of 19', function() {
for (var prefix = 644; prefix < 650; prefix++) {
it('has a prefix of ' + prefix + ' and a length of 16', function() {
detectNetwork(prefix.toString() + '1234567890123').should.equal('Discover');
for (var prefix = 644; prefix < 650; prefix++) {
it('has a prefix of ' + prefix + ' and a length of 19', function() {
detectNetwork(prefix.toString() + '1234567890123456').should.equal('Discover');
it('has a prefix of 65 and a length of 16', function() {
it('has a prefix of 65 and a length of 19', function() {
describe('Maestro', function() {
// Write full test coverage for the Maestro card
var longNumber = '12345678901234567890';
for (var length = 12; length < 20; length++) {
it('has a prefix of 5018 and a length of ' + length, function() {
detectNetwork('5018' + longNumber.substring(0, length - 4)).should.equal('Maestro');
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