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Created December 27, 2012 16:59
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A quick and dirty game of bingo, written in ruby
mappings = {
1 => 'Kelly\'s Eye',
2 => 'One Little Duck',
3 => 'Cup of Tea',
4 => 'Knock at the Door',
5 => 'Man Alive',
6 => 'Tom Mix',
7 => 'Lucky',
8 => 'Garden Gate',
9 => 'Doctors Orders',
10 => 'Tony\'s Den',
11 => 'Legs Eleven',
12 => 'One Dozen',
13 => 'Unlucky for Some',
14 => 'Valentines Day',
15 => 'Young and Keen',
16 => 'Sweet Sixteen',
17 => 'Dancing Queen',
18 => 'Coming of Age',
19 => 'Goodbye-Teens',
20 => 'One Score',
21 => 'Key of the Door',
22 => 'Two Little Ducks',
23 => 'Three and Me',
24 => 'Two Dozen',
25 => 'Duck and Dive',
26 => 'Pick and Mix',
27 => 'Gateway to Heaven',
28 => 'Over Weight',
29 => 'Rise and Shine',
30 => 'Dirty Gertie',
31 => 'Get up and Run',
32 => 'Buckle my Shoe',
33 => 'Dirty Knee',
34 => 'Ask for More',
35 => 'Jump and Jive',
36 => 'Three Dozen',
37 => 'More than Eleven',
38 => 'Christmas Cake',
39 => 'Steps',
40 => 'Naughty Forty',
41 => 'Time for Fun',
42 => 'Winnie the Pooh',
43 => 'Down on your Knee',
44 => 'Droopy Drawers',
45 => 'Halfway There',
46 => 'Up to Tricks',
47 => 'Four and Seven',
48 => 'Four Dozen',
49 => 'PC',
50 => 'Half a Century',
51 => 'Tweak of the Thumb',
52 => 'Danny La Rue',
53 => 'Stuck in the Tree',
54 => 'Clean the Floor',
55 => 'Snakes Alive',
56 => 'Was she worth it',
57 => 'Heinz Varieties',
58 => 'Make the, Wait',
59 => 'Brighton Line',
60 => 'Five Dozen',
61 => 'Bakers Bun',
62 => 'Turn on the Screw',
63 => 'Tickle Me',
64 => 'Red Raw',
65 => 'Old Age Pension',
66 => 'Clickety Click',
67 => 'Made in Heaven',
68 => 'Saving Grace',
69 => 'Either Way Up',
70 => 'Three score & Ten',
71 => 'Bang on the Drum',
72 => 'Six Dozen',
73 => 'Queen B',
74 => 'Candy Store',
75 => 'Strive & Strive',
76 => 'Trombones',
77 => 'Sunset Strip',
78 => 'Heavens Gate',
79 => 'One More Time',
80 => 'Eight & Blank',
81 => 'Stop & Run',
82 => 'Straight On Through',
83 => 'Time for Tea',
84 => 'Seven Dozen',
85 => 'Staying Alive',
86 => 'Between the Sticks',
87 => 'Torquay in Devon',
88 => 'Two Fat Ladies',
89 => 'Nearly There',
90 => 'Top of the Shop'
intros = [
"Thanks for turning up everyone, let's get started!"
chitchat = [
"Isn't it a lovely day? Lets get going!",
"Shall I tell a joke? Ok, never mind, on with the game!",
"Here we go!",
"Next number!",
"Are we ready?!"
endings = [
"That's a wrap folks! Thanks for coming everybody!"
potential_numbers = (1..90).to_a
def speak(text, pause = 1)
`say "#{text}!"`
speak(intros.sample, 2)
while potential_numbers.size > 0 do
number = potential_numbers.sample
potential_numbers.delete number
speak(chitchat.sample) if rand(5) == 1
if mappings.has_key? number
speak("#{mappings[number]}", 1.0/3)
speak("#{number}", 4)
speak(number, 4)
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