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Created March 8, 2023 20:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Project Euler, Problem 596
Let be T(r) the number of integer quadruplets x, y, z, t such that x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + t**2 ≤ r**2.
In other words, T(r) is the number of lattice points in the four-dimensional hyperball of radius r.
You are given that T(2) = 89, T(5) = 3121, T(100) = 493490641 and T(10**4) = 49348022079085897.
Find T(10**8) mod 1000000007.
def brute_calc(in_r):
"""iterate through hypercube of radius r"""
ring = in_r**2
result = 0
for x_axis in range(-in_r, in_r + 1):
for y_axis in range(-in_r, in_r + 1):
for z_axis in range(-in_r, in_r + 1):
for t_axis in range(-in_r, in_r + 1):
if ring >= x_axis**2 + y_axis**2 + z_axis**2 + t_axis**2:
result += 1
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert brute_calc(2) == 89
assert brute_calc(5) == 3121
assert brute_calc(100) == 493490641
assert brute_calc(104) == 49348022079085897
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Naïve solution to Project Euler problem 596
At testing 1 million coordinates per second, this would take... significantly longer than the age of the universe

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