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Forked from OlivierBlanvillain/final.scala
Created October 18, 2018 16:30
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object Playground extends App {
sealed trait IExp
final case class Lit(i: Int) extends IExp
final case class Neg(e: IExp) extends IExp
final case class Add(r: IExp, l: IExp) extends IExp
sealed trait Tree
final case class Leaf(s: String) extends Tree
final case class Node(s: String, ts: List[Tree]) extends Tree
sealed trait NCtx
final case object PosCtx extends NCtx
final case object NegCtx extends NCtx
sealed trait FCtx[T]
final case class LCA[T](t: T) extends FCtx[T]
final case class NonLCA[T]() extends FCtx[T]
trait Exp[T] {
def lit(i: Int): T
def neg(t: T): T
def add(l: T, r: T): T
object Exp {
implicit val expInt: Exp[Int] = new Exp[Int] {
def lit(i: Int): Int = i
def neg(t: Int): Int = -t
def add(l: Int, r: Int): Int = l + r
implicit val expString: Exp[String] = new Exp[String] {
def lit(i: Int): String = i.toString
def neg(t: String): String = s"(-$t)"
def add(l: String, r: String): String = s"($l + $r)"
implicit val expTree: Exp[Tree] = new Exp[Tree] {
def lit(i: Int): Tree = Node("Lit", List(Leaf(i.toString)))
def neg(t: Tree): Tree = Node("NegCtx", List(t))
def add(l: Tree, r: Tree): Tree = Node("Add", List(l , r))
implicit def negDownExp[T](implicit e: Exp[T]): Exp[NCtx => T] = new Exp[NCtx => T] {
def lit(i: Int): NCtx => T = {
case PosCtx => e.lit(i)
case NegCtx => e.neg(e.lit(i))
def neg(x: NCtx => T): NCtx => T = {
case PosCtx => x(NegCtx)
case NegCtx => x(PosCtx)
def add(l: NCtx => T, r: NCtx => T): NCtx => T =
c => e.add(l(c), r(c))
implicit def flattenExp[T: Exp]: Exp[FCtx[T] => T] = new Exp[FCtx[T] => T] {
val e = implicitly[Exp[T]]
def lit(i: Int): FCtx[T] => T = {
case LCA(t) => e.add(t, e.lit(i))
case NonLCA() => e.lit(i)
def neg(x: FCtx[T] => T): FCtx[T] => T = {
case NonLCA() => e.neg(x(NonLCA()))
case LCA(l) => e.neg(e.add(l, x(NonLCA())))
def add(l: FCtx[T] => T, r: FCtx[T] => T): FCtx[T] => T =
c => l(LCA(r(c)))
implicit val wrapping: Exp[Wrapped] = new Exp[Wrapped] {
def lit(i: Int) = new Wrapped {
def value[T](implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.lit(i)
def neg(t: Wrapped) = new Wrapped {
def value[T](implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.neg(t.value[T])
def add(l: Wrapped, r: Wrapped) = new Wrapped {
def value[T](implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.add(l.value[T], r.value[T])
object ExpSyntax {
def lit[T](i: Int) (implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.lit(i)
def neg[T](t: T) (implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.neg(t)
def add[T](l: T, r: T)(implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.add(l, r)
import ExpSyntax._
object ExpFancySyntax {
def lit[T](i: Int)(implicit e: Exp[T]): T = e.lit(i)
implicit class ops[T](t: T)(implicit e: Exp[T]) {
def unary_- : T = e.neg(t)
def +(r: T): T = e.add(t, r)
def tf1[T: Exp]: T =
lit(8) + (-(lit(1) + lit(2)))
def lf1[T: Exp]: T = add(lit(8), neg(add(lit(1), lit(2))))
trait Mult[T] {
def mul(l: T, r: T): T
object Mult {
implicit val multInt: Mult[Int] = new Mult[Int] {
def mul(l: Int, r: Int): Int = l * r
implicit val multString: Mult[String] = new Mult[String] {
def mul(l: String, r: String): String = s"$l * $r"
implicit val multTree: Mult[Tree] = new Mult[Tree] {
def mul(l: Tree, r: Tree): Tree = Node("Mult", List(l , r))
implicit def negDownMult[T](implicit e: Mult[T]): Mult[NCtx => T] = new Mult[NCtx => T] {
def mul(l: NCtx => T, r: NCtx => T): NCtx => T = {
case PosCtx => e.mul(l(PosCtx), r(PosCtx))
case NegCtx => e.mul(l(PosCtx), r(NegCtx))
object MultSyntax {
def mul[T](l: T, r: T)(implicit e: Mult[T]): T = e.mul(l, r)
import MultSyntax._
def lfm1[T: Exp : Mult] = add(lit(7), neg(mul(lit(1), lit(2))))
def lfm2[T: Exp : Mult] = mul(lit(7), lf1)
val lf1Tree = lf1[Tree]
type ErrMsg = String
def readInt(s: String): Either[ErrMsg, Int] = {
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
Try(s.toInt) match {
case Success(i) => Right(i)
case Failure(f) => Left(f.toString)
trait Wrapped {
def value[T](implicit e: Exp[T]): T
def fromTree0[T: Exp](t: Tree): Either[ErrMsg, T] = ???
def fromTree[T: Exp](t: Tree): Either[ErrMsg, T] = {
val e = implicitly[Exp[T]]
t match {
case Node("Lit", List(Leaf(n))) =>
case Node("NegCtx", List(t)) =>
case Node("Add", List(l , r)) =>
for(lt <- fromTree(l).right; rt <- fromTree(r).right)
yield e.add(lt, rt)
case _ => Left(s"Invalid tree $t")
// def fromTree1(t: Tree): Either[ErrMsg, Wrapped] = t match {
// case Node("Lit", List(Leaf(n))) =>
// readInt(n) => new Wrapped { def value[T: Exp]: T = lit(x) })
// case Node("NegCtx", List(t)) =>
// fromTree1(t) => new Wrapped { def value[T: Exp]: T = neg(x.value) })
// case Node("Add", List(l , r)) =>
// for(lt <- fromTree1(l).right; rt <- fromTree1(r).right)
// yield new Wrapped { def value[T: Exp]: T = add(lt.value, rt.value) }
// case _ => Left(s"Invalid tree $t")
// }
fromTree[Wrapped](lf1Tree) match {
case Left(err) =>
case Right(t) =>
def fromTreeExt[T]
(recur: => (Tree => Either[ErrMsg, T]))
(implicit e: Exp[T])
: Tree => Either[ErrMsg, T] = {
tree => tree match {
case Node("Lit", List(Leaf(n))) =>
case Node("NegCtx", List(t)) =>
case Node("Add", List(l , r)) =>
for(lt <- recur(l).right; rt <- recur(r).right)
yield e.add(lt, rt)
case t => Left(s"Invalid tree $t")
def fix[A](f: (=> A) => A): A = f(fix(f))
def fromTree2[T: Exp](t: Tree): Either[ErrMsg, T] = fix(fromTreeExt[T] _)(t)
def fromTreeExt2[T]
(recur: => (Tree => Either[ErrMsg, T]))
(implicit e: Exp[T], m: Mult[T])
: Tree => Either[ErrMsg, T] = {
case Node("Mult", List(l , r)) =>
for(lt <- recur(l).right; rt <- recur(r).right)
yield m.mul(lt, rt)
case t => fromTreeExt(recur).apply(t)
def fromTree3[T: Exp : Mult](t: Tree): Either[ErrMsg, T] = fix(fromTreeExt2[T] _)(t)
val lfm2Tree = lfm2[Tree]
def pushNeg[T](e: NCtx => T): T = e(PosCtx)
pushNeg(lf1[NCtx => Int])
println(lf1[NCtx => String].apply(PosCtx))
println(lfm1[NCtx => String].apply(PosCtx))
println(lfm2[NCtx => String].apply(PosCtx))
println(lf1[FCtx[NCtx => String] => NCtx => String].apply(NonLCA()).apply(PosCtx))
object Bijection {
implicit def initialize: Exp[IExp] = new Exp[IExp] {
def lit(i: Int): IExp = Lit(i)
def neg(t: IExp): IExp = Neg(t)
def add(l: IExp, r: IExp): IExp = Add(l, r)
def finalize[T](i: IExp)(implicit e: Exp[T]): T = i match {
case Lit(l) => e.lit(l)
case Neg(n) => e.neg(finalize[T](n))
case Add(l, r) => e.add(finalize[T](l), finalize[T](r))
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