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Created February 2, 2012 13:53
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  • Save petemounce/1723563 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save petemounce/1723563 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trying to bootstrap openwrap onto a build-agent, where TW-2266 in TeamCity means if we install to the profile and allow the user PATH environment variable to be set, build-agents can't see system PATH variable at all
c:\src\branches\Ulrika_PD-17298\JustEat\components\JustEat.Testing>bundle exec rake -tv verbosity=debug build_number=666 clobber package
DEBUG - generate assembly info for JustEat.Testing
DEBUG - generate assembly info for JustEat.Testing.Tests
** Invoke clobber (first_time)
** Invoke clean (first_time)
** Execute clean
rm -rf bin
rm -rf src/JustEat.Testing/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
rm -rf testing/JustEat.Testing.Tests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
rm -rf bin/TestResults.xml
** Execute clobber
rm -rf wraps
** Invoke package (first_time)
** Invoke bootstrap (first_time)
** Invoke bootstrap:default (first_time)
** Invoke bootstrap:openwrap (first_time)
** Invoke bootstrap:openwrap:default (first_time)
** Invoke bootstrap:openwrap:install (first_time)
** Execute bootstrap:openwrap:install
cd ../../../3rdparty/openwrap
DEBUG - shell_install: -shellInstall none
cmd /c o.exe -shellInstall none add-remote openwrap-beta
Downloading [...................]
Downloading [..........]
Downloading [................]
Downloading [....................]
Downloading [................]
# OpenWrap Shell
# Copyright c naughtyProd Limited 2009-2011
# Using C:\Users\peter.mounce\AppData\Local\openwrap\wraps\_cache\openwrap-\bin-net35\OpenWrap.dll (
Remote repository 'openwrap-beta' added.
INFO - Updating system openwrap install. This can take some time... (like, minutes)
cmd /c o.exe -shellInstall none update-wrap openwrap -system
# OpenWrap Shell
# Copyright c naughtyProd Limited 2009-2011
# Using C:\Users\peter.mounce\AppData\Local\openwrap\wraps\_cache\openwrap-\bin-net35\OpenWrap.dll (
Searching for updated packages...
System repository: openwrap updated [ ->].
System repository: SharpZipLib up-to-date.
System repository: tdnet-framework up-to-date.
System repository: Mono.Cecil- added.
System repository: openfilesystem up-to-date.
cmd /c o.exe -shellInstall none add-remote openwrap-beta
# OpenWrap Shell
# Copyright c naughtyProd Limited 2009-2011
# Using C:\Users\peter.mounce\AppData\Local\openwrap\wraps\_cache\OpenWrap-\bin-net35\OpenWrap.dll (
The term '-shellInstall' is not a recognized command or alias. Check the spelling or enter 'get-help' to get a list of available commands.
rake aborted!
failed to re-add remote openwrap-beta
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