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OneSectroGE Example for "gegravity: General Equilibrium Gravity Modeling in Python"
__Author__ = "Peter Herman"
__Project__ = "gegravity"
__Created__ = "March 01, 2021"
__Updated__ = "June 06, 2024"
__Description__ = """A demonstration of the OneSectorGE model and module"""
# ---
# Load Packages
# ---
# Note: The import statements are set to run from the github repository. To run the example code using the packaged
# version of gegravity, remove "src." from the gegravity import statement.
import gegravity as ge
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
# ----
# Load some gravity data (data available on github:
# ----
gravity_data_location = "examples/sample_data_set.dlm"
grav_data = pd.read_csv(gravity_data_location)
exporter importer year ... common_language lndist international
0 GBR AUS 2006 ... 1 9.7126 1
1 FIN AUS 2006 ... 0 9.5997 1
2 USA AUS 2006 ... 1 9.5963 1
3 IND AUS 2006 ... 1 9.1455 1
4 SGP AUS 2006 ... 1 8.6732 1
# Add a constant to the data
grav_data['constant'] = 1
# ----
# Prepare data and parameter inputs for GE Model
# ----
# The model requires two main types of inputs: baseline data and cost parameters. Data frames contianing both sets of
# information are used to create two special objects in the gegravity package, which organize the data and ensure that
# all needed pieces can be consistently found and drawn on while solving the model. Creating the objects largely
# requires identifying the columns in which certain specific pieces of information can be found
# 1. Baseline data:
# Create a new BaselineData object to manage the input trade, output, expenditure, and cost variable data for the
# GE model.
baseline = ge.BaselineData(grav_data,
imp_var_name='importer', # Columns with importer identifiers
exp_var_name='exporter', # Column with exporter identifiers
year_var_name='year', # Column with year (time) identifier
trade_var_name='trade', # Column with trade values
expend_var_name='E', # Column with importer total expenditure values
output_var_name='Y') # Column with exporter total output values
# 2. Cost parameters:
# Define the parameters that will be used to construct trade costs. These values were estimated separately via PPML.
# These estimates were produced with Stata via the following code, although any appropriate software could be used to
# derive these values.
import delimited "D:\work\Peter_Herman\projects\gegravity\examples\sample_data_set.dlm"
encode importer, gen(imp_fe)
encode exporter, gen(exp_fe)
ppmlhdfe trade lndist contiguity common_language pta international, absorb(i.exp_fe i.imp_fe)
# Create DataFrame of coefficient estimates and standard errors. Variable names ('var') should match the column
# names in the baseline data above. Standard errors are used in the MonteCarloGE model but are not used by OneSectorGE
# model (but can still be provided)
ests = [
# 'var', 'beta', 'stderr'
( 'lndist', -0.3898623, 0.0729915),
( 'contiguity', 0.891577, 0.1327354),
('common_language', 0.0326249, 0.0840702),
( 'pta', 0.4711383, 0.1076578),
( 'international', -3.412584, 0.2151235),
( 'constant', 16.32434, 0.4844137)]
ests = pd.DataFrame(ests, columns = ['var', 'beta', 'stderr'])
# Use the ests dataframe to define a CostCoeff object for the gegravity model, specifying the columns containing the variable identifiers, coefficient estimates, and standard errors
cost_params = ge.CostCoeffs(estimates = ests, # Dataframe with estimate values
identifier_col ='var', # Column with variable identifier
coeff_col ='beta', # Column with estimated coefficient values
stderr_col ='stderr') # Column with estimated standard errors
# ----
# Define a GE model and calibrate the baseline version of the model
# ----
# Define OneSectorGE model
ge_model = ge.OneSectorGE(baseline = baseline, # BaselineData input
cost_coeff_values = cost_params, # CostCoeff input
cost_variables = ['lndist', 'contiguity', # Variables to use to construct trade costs
'common_language', 'pta',
'international', 'constant'],
year = "2006", # Year to use for model
reference_importer = "DEU", # Reference importer to use (normalizes IMRs to DEU's IMR)
sigma = 5) # Elasticity of substitution
# The scaling of the outward multilateral resistance term can potentially cause issues when solving the model. Rescaling
# the terms can mitigate this numerical issue. The following method helps identify rescale factors that are likely to
# result in the model being solveable.
potential_factors = ge_model.check_omr_rescale(omr_rescale_range=4)
omr_rescale omr_rescale (alt format) solved message max_func_value mean_func_value reference_importer_omr
0 0.0001 10^-4 True The solution converged. 1.706264e-08 -2.081753e-10 0.050346
1 0.0010 10^-3 True The solution converged. 9.829577e-10 5.869294e-11 0.050346
2 0.0100 10^-2 True The solution converged. 1.566544e-09 1.595307e-10 0.050346
3 0.1000 10^-1 True The solution converged. 3.543053e-08 -1.622280e-11 0.050346
4 1.0000 10^0 True The solution converged. 1.663875e-09 -1.471645e-11 0.050346
5 10.0000 10^1 True The solution converged. 1.648595e-09 1.652183e-10 0.050346
6 100.0000 10^2 True The solution converged. 1.260880e-12 6.217249e-15 0.050346
7 1000.0000 10^3 False The iteration is not making good progress, as ... 4.666270e-01 -3.827271e-02 0.053669
8 10000.0000 10^4 False The iteration is not making good progress, as ... 4.664453e-01 -3.825787e-02 0.053667
# It looks like rescale factors between 0.0001 and 100 all yield a solveable model, produce similar solutions to the
# baseline model (reference importer OMR = 0.050346), and result in function values that are consistently close to zero,
# which are all good signs. Going forward, we'll use a factor of 1, which is the default (i.e. OMRs will not be
# rescaled)
# Build baseline (solves for baseline multilateral resistance trms and calibrates other model parameters)
ge_model.build_baseline(omr_rescale = 1)
Solving for baseline MRs...
The solution converged.
# Examine the solutions for the baseline multilateral resistances
# ---
# Define counterfactual experiment
# ---
# Create a copy of the baseline data
exp_data = ge_model.baseline_data.copy()
# Modify the copied data to reflect a counterfactual experiment in which Canada (CAN) and Japan (JPN) sign a
# preferential trade agreement (pta) by setting the 'pta' variable to one for these countries
exp_data.loc[(exp_data["importer"] == "CAN") & (exp_data["exporter"] == "JPN"), "pta"] = 1
exp_data.loc[(exp_data["importer"] == "JPN") & (exp_data["exporter"] == "CAN"), "pta"] = 1
# Define the model experiment by inputting this data into the GE model
# Counterfactual experiment trade costs are constructed when defining the experiment and can be examined. Trade costs
# in the GE model are represented similarly to trade costs estimated in the econometric model (trade = exp(BX), where
# BX is the trade cost estimate as captured by the model covariates). As a result, the cost values are generally
# positive and higher values imply more trade.
# Check the costs of Canadian exports to Japan
baseline trade cost 11305.165421
experiment trade cost 18108.800547
trade cost change (%) 60.181650
Name: (CAN, JPN), dtype: float64
# Simulate the counterfactual model
# Finally, we can simulate the effects of the counterfactual experiment
# -----
# Access Results
# -----
# Retrieve many of the different sets of model results
# A collection of many of the key country-level results (prices, total imports/exports, GDP, welfare, etc.)
country_results = ge_model.country_results
# The bilateral trade results
bilateral_results = ge_model.bilateral_trade_results
# A wider selection of aggregate, country-level trade results
agg_trade = ge_model.aggregate_trade_results
# country multilateral resistance (MR) terms
mr_terms = ge_model.country_mr_terms
# Get the solver diaganoistics, which is a dictionary containing many types of solver diagnostic info
solver_diagnostics = ge_model.solver_diagnostics
# ----
# Export results
# ----
# Export the results to a collection of spreadsheet (.csv) files and add trade values in levels to the outputs.
ge_model.export_results(directory="examples//",name="CAN_JPN_PTA_experiment", include_levels = True)
# It is also possible to add alternative country identifies such as full country names using the country_names argument.
# See the technical documentation for details
# -------
# Post Estimation Analysis
# -------
# Examine how the counterfactual experiment affected Canadian imports from NAFTA members USA and Mexico
nafta_share = ge_model.trade_share(importers = ['CAN'],exporters = ['USA','MEX'])
# Calculate counterfactual experiment trade based on observed levels and estimated changes in trade
levels = ge_model.calculate_levels()
# Calculate trade weighted shocks
# Start with bilateral level shocks
bilat_cost_shock = ge_model.trade_weighted_shock(how = 'bilateral')
# Now at country-level, which summarizes the bilateral shocks
country_cost_shock = ge_model.trade_weighted_shock(how='country', aggregations = ['mean', 'sum', 'max'])
# ----
# Diagnose model solver problems
# ----
# Define a new model to work with
new_model = ge.OneSectorGE(baseline = baseline,
cost_coeff_values = cost_params,
cost_variables = ['lndist', 'contiguity',
'common_language', 'pta',
'international', 'constant'],
year = "2006",
reference_importer = "DEU",
sigma = 5)
# In addition to the check_omr_rescale method, There are additional tools that can be used to help diagnose issues when
# a model fails to solve. One option is to test that the model system of equations is computable from the supplied data
# and parameters using the following method.
test_diagnostics = new_model.test_baseline_mr_function()
# This method computes the values of the MR system of equation at the initial values (not the solution) to insure
# that the functions are fully parameterized and can be computed. The various vectors and matrices should be filled
# completely with numeric values. The presence of any missing values (nan) is an indication that the baseline data
# and/or trade cost parameters are not complete or defined incorrectly.
# Check one set of parameters (trade cost x expenditure share), for example:
input_params = test_diagnostics['mr_params']
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