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Created February 23, 2017 07:05
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Minimal JSON-Store based on LevelDB
# leveldb json store
import leveldb
import struct
def i2s(i):
res = ''
while i > 255:
res += chr(i % 256)
i = i >> 8
res += chr(i)
return res
def s2i(s):
res = 0
for e, c in enumerate(s):
res += ord(c) << e * 8
return res
def f2s(f):
return struct.pack('d', f)
def s2f(s):
return struct.unpack('d',s)[0]
class LJS(object):
_NONE = chr(1)
_TRUE = chr(2)
_FALSE = chr(3)
_LIST = chr(4)
_DICT = chr(5)
_STR = chr(6)
_INT = chr(7)
_DBL = chr(8)
_TDIC = {
_NONE : None,
_FALSE : False,
_TRUE : True,
_LIST : [],
_DICT : {},
_STR : '',
_INT : 0,
_DBL : 0.0
def __init__(self, dbpath, root):
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(dbpath)
self.root = root
self.cursor = root
def check(self, v):
vtype = type(v)
if vtype in (type(None), bool, unicode, str, int, float):
return True
elif vtype in (list, tuple):
for e in v:
if not self.check(e):
return False
return True
elif vtype == dict:
for k in v:
if not type(k) == str:
return False
if not self.check(v[k]):
return False
return True
return False
def delete(self, K):
keys = [k for k, _ in self.db.RangeIter(key_from = K, key_to = K + chr(47) )]
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for key in keys:
self.db.Write(batch, sync = True)
def _write(self, K, v):
vtype = type(v)
if vtype == type(None):
self.db.Put(K, LJS._NONE)
elif vtype == bool:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._TRUE) if v else self.db.Put(K, LJS._FALSE)
elif vtype == unicode:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._STR + v.encode('utf-8'))
elif vtype == str:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._STR + v)
elif vtype == int:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._INT + i2s(v))
elif vtype == float:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._DBL + f2s(v))
elif vtype in (list, tuple):
self.db.Put(K, LJS._LIST)
for e, x in enumerate(v):
nK = K + '.' + '%08d'%e
self._write(nK, x)
elif vtype == dict:
self.db.Put(K, LJS._DICT)
for k in v:
nK = K + '.' + k
self._write(nK, v[k])
def write(self, k, v):
K = '.'.join([self.cursor, k]) if k else self.cursor
self._write(K, v)
def _rread(self, K):
Kcomps = K.split('.')
cd = len(Kcomps)
print Kcomps
tstack = [5]
res = {}
collptrstack = [res]
for _k, v in self.db.RangeIter(key_from = K, key_to = K + chr(47) ):
kcomps = _k.split('.')
print kcomps
#print res
kd = len(kcomps)
while kd < cd + len(tstack) - 1 :
if chr(tstack.pop()) in (LJS._LIST, LJS._DICT):
tbit = v[0]
supertype = tstack[-1] # must be collection
thistype = tstack[-1]
#print supertype, thistype, tbit, tbit == LJS._DICT
if tbit == LJS._STR: arg = v[1:]
elif tbit == LJS._STR: arg = v[1:]
elif tbit == LJS._INT: arg = s2i(v[1:])
elif tbit == LJS._DBL: arg = s2f(v[1:])
elif tbit == LJS._LIST: arg = []
elif tbit == LJS._DICT: arg = {}
elif tbit == LJS._NONE: arg = None
elif tbit == LJS._TRUE: arg = True
elif tbit == LJS._FALSE: arg = False
#print arg
if supertype == ord(LJS._LIST):
#print collptrstack, arg
if thistype in (ord(LJS._LIST), ord(LJS._DICT)):
elif supertype == ord(LJS._DICT):
#print collptrstack, arg
collptrstack[-1][kcomps[-1]] = arg
if thistype in (ord(LJS._LIST), ord(LJS._DICT)):
print "ERRRRROR"
return res[Kcomps[-1]]
def read(self, k = None):
if k == None:
K = self.cursor
K = '.'.join([self.cursor, k])
return self._rread(K)
def set_cursor(self, k):
self.cursor = '.'.join([self.root, k])
if __name__ == '__main__':
store = LJS('test', 'ROOT')
smpl = {'none':None, 'int':123, 'true':True, 'false':False, 'float':123.123, 'string':'abc', 'list':[None,True,False,[],{},'2',1,1.1], 'dict':{'a':1,'b':2}, 'emptydic':{}, 'emptylist':[]}
store.write('jsom', smpl)
store.write('json', smpl)
store.write('jsona', smpl)
store.write('json2', smpl)
store.write('json.falseee',[77777, None])
rsmpl ='json')
print smpl
print rsmpl
print smpl == rsmpl
#for k,v in store.db.RangeIter():
# print k
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