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Created June 30, 2012 21:03
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Creating and Deploying an EdgeRails (Rails 4) Application to Heroku
# 0. Make sure you have Ruby 1.9.3 installed, and optionally RVM and PostgreSQL
# 0.2 If you are on the Mac, make sure you have a c compiler by installing XCode Command Line Tools or gcc4.2 with homebrew
# 0.5 Make sure you have bundler version ~> 1.2 as Rails depends on it
gem install bundler
# 1. Get edge Rails source (master branch)
git clone
# 2. Create the rails app
# The --edge option will point the Gemfile to rails on github (the tip of the master branch, i.e. EdgeRails)
# Use the --dev option to insated point your Gemfile to your local rails checkout (useful for experimentation)
rails/railties/bin/rails new myapp --edge --skip-bundle --database=postgresql --skip-test-unit --skip-index-html
# 3. (Optional) Create rvm gemset on Ruby 1.9.3 (Rails 4 requires Ruby 1.9.3)
# This step will isolate the gem dependencies of the app from other gems installed on your system
rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.3@myapp
# 4. (Optional) Install gem dependencies and put binaries under ./bin
# If you skip this step you need to prefix commandline commands with "bundle exec"
# NOTE: I had to do the following on my mac for the gcc compiler to be found when the json gem was installed:
# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
bundle install --binstubs
# 5. Set up PostgreSQL database
createuser myapp
bin/rake db:create
# 6. Scaffold some model to test that the app works
bin/rails generate scaffold Post title:string body:text
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rails server
# Add root to: 'posts#index' in config/routes.rb
open http://localhost:3000
# 7. Create repo on github
# Browse to to click the "New repository" button
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git remote add origin # use the URL from github here
git push -u origin master
# 8. Deploy to Heroku
gem install bundler --pre # Needed to specify ruby 1.9.3 for Heroku
# Add gem 'thin' to Gemfile # Typical web server for Heroku deploy
# Add ruby '1.9.3' to Gemfile (after the source directive)
# Add config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false to config/application.rb # Avoid db connect on asset precompile
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake assets:precompile
# (See for more info)
# NOTE: to get eventmachine (thin dependency) to install on my Mac (Mountain Lion) I had to do:
# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-g++-4.2 /usr/bin/g++-4.2
# See:
bundle install
echo "web: bundle exec rails server thin -p \$PORT -e \$RACK_ENV" > Procfile
git add .; git commit -m "Preparations for Heroku deploy"; git push
heroku apps:create peter-myapp # myapp was taken...
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku restart
heroku apps:open
heroku logs --tail
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bricker commented Mar 8, 2013

@jgeiger Thanks - that isn't intuitive but it's apparently necessary (fixed my problem of assets not being found).

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Ok this is really kicking my butt and irritating me. I'm running windows, and I'm assuming that's probably my first problem!

I followed all of the steps in here and still cant deploy to Heroku. I decided to go ahead and do: gem install rails --pre in order to have the rails 4 beta gem installed. The application works perfectly on my local machine for development and test.

I can do "git push heroku master" without any issues, it's the "heroku run bin/rake db:migrate" that keeps saying "/usr/bin/env: ruby.exe: No such file or directory" ...I even tried "heroku run rake db:migrate"

For sanity I went ahead and created a rails 3.2 application and tried to deploy to Heroku and I had no problems at all. I only have issues with the rails 4 deploy. I did notice that the rails 4 application has a bin directory, where the rails 3.2 does not, and that one of the files under it is Rake; does this have something to do with it?

I'm new to Ruby and Rails, but I've been programming for 4 years as a C# asp .net developer for a large corporation. I must say I love RoR MUCH MORE than what I do ...I just wish I could get this working. This is 2 days I've been trying to fix this.

Thanks in advance!

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Untill heroku won't support the new manifest-xxx.json file the assets will be needed to be served by the rails server itself.

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@orbanbotond I'm not sure I understand. I'm sorry, pretty new to Ruby on Rails. I followed the steps above (except I didn't understand "RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake assets:precompile" or where you do that at. I did also follow jgeiger's message about config.serve_static_assets = true.

However, this is what I get after successfully doing a git push heroku master:

c:\Sites\test_app>heroku run rake db:migrate
Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... up, run.2675
/usr/bin/env: ruby.exe: No such file or directory

And I also did some diagnosis on the Heroku server:

c:\Sites\test_app>heroku run bash
Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.8879
~ $ cd ..
cd ..
/ $ cd usr/bin/
cd usr/bin/
/usr/bin $ env
PS1=[\033[01;34m]\w[\033[00m] [\033[01;32m]$ [\033[00m]
/usr/bin $ ruby -v
ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-linux]
/usr/bin $ ruby rake db:migrate
ruby rake db:migrate
ruby: No such file or directory -- rake (LoadError)
/usr/bin $ rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate
/usr/bin/env: ruby.exe: No such file or directory
/usr/bin $ cd ..
cd ..
/usr $ cd ..
cd ..
/ $ cd app/bin
cd app/bin
~/bin $ ls
bundle gem rackup rake2thor ruby scss thin tt
erb irb rails rdoc sass sprockets thor
erubis node rake ri sass-convert testrb tilt
~/bin $

You can see that PATH has /app/bin in it, and when i run "ruby -v" I do in fact get the ruby version, yet when I try to run anything to do with ruby.eve, I get the "No such file or directory" error. If I were to change directory to /all/bin and run "ruby rake db:migrate" it would work fine.

I thought I was okay with doing "ruby rake db:migrate" from /app/bin as it accomplished what I needed to do, but when I navigated to the URL for my test application site, it threw an error. I then did "heroku logs" from my windows command prompt and it was littered with the same error "/usr/bin/env: ruby.exe: No such file or directory"

I have also posted for help on StackOverflow:

I appreciate any help you all can provide ...obviously others have been successful at pushing a Rails 4 application. I'm almost considering restarting my application as a Rails 3.2 app as this is completely frustrating ...I just don't wan tto give up!

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Also worth noting: In some circumstances, you may get an error about railties not being found in the to_spec method; running bundle install --binstubs solves this.

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@Kabniell FYI I found this gist via google and you've posted your database credentials in your last comment. May want to edit them out.

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The above proposed fixes didn't work for me, but turning on this lab feature did:

Not sure I like this solution, but it's good for now.

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