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Peter Ritchie peteraritchie

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Simple Estimate

A simple rule of thumb: Estimate that you'll need one parallel job for every four to five users in your organization.

Details Estimate

In the following scenarios, you might need multiple parallel jobs:

  • If you have multiple teams, and if each of them requires a CI build, you'll likely need a parallel job for each team.
  • If your CI build trigger applies to multiple branches, you'll likely need a parallel job for each active branch.
  • If you develop multiple applications by using one organization or server, y

Microsoft Visual Studio SLN GUIDs

[Canonical project GUID reference][1]

As of 2023-7-12:

Microsoft.NET.Sdk C# projects (.csproj) 9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556
Microsoft.NET.Sdk Visual Basic projects (.vbproj) 778DAE3C-4631-46EA-AA77-85C1314464D9

If you're looking for an example of the split required when you're building in Linux and signing in Windows, that's what we do with In particular, you need to:


$rgName = 'learn-rg'
$location = 'EastUS'
$vnetName = 'myVNet'
$vnetAddressPrefix = ''
$subnetName = 'default'
$subnetAddressPrefix = ''
$rgParams = @{
Name = $rgName
$webappname = "mywebapp752638527"
$resourceGroupName = 'learn-deploy-container-acr-rg'
$location = 'eastus'
$tags = @{'createdDate'=(Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); 'intention'='learn'}
az configure --defaults group=$resourceGroupName location=$location

useful quick AZ commands

remove resource group

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Confirm False
az group delete --name $rgName --Yes
az configure --defaults location=westus
az configure --defaults group="scalesetrg"
az vmss create \
--name webServerScaleSet \
--lb-sku Standard \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--upgrade-policy-mode automatic \
--custom-data cloud-init.yaml \
az configure --defaults location=eastus
az configure --defaults group="resourceGroup"
# Create VM in default resource group and default location
az vm create \
--name support-web-vm01 \
--image Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest \
--size Standard_DS1_v2 \
--admin-username azureuser \