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Peter Ritchie peteraritchie

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jdhitsolutions / Send-MastodonPost.ps1
Created December 21, 2022 20:19
A PowerShell function to post a Mastodon status.
#requires -version 5.1
Based on a function from
You need an access token that has at least write access to your status
* go to settings -> Development
* Click "New Application"
* Enter a name

Many distributed NoSQL databases (and Cosmos DB specifically) are unique in their ability to scale to massive size but still maintain millisecond request latencies and also remain highly efficient in performance AND cost. However, achieving this takes knowledge. Finding an optimal design also requires some trial and error too as you will have to test at scale to validate your design will scale.

For those who are new to distributed NoSQL databases (and especially if you have years of experience in designing and using relational databases) and want to undestand how to design a database for scale and performance we recommended consuming this content below to learn some of these key concepts and techniques before getting too far in your design.

Generally speaking, deep undestanding of relational database design will not help in this regard. In fact, in most cases applying relational concepts and techniques are anti-patterns here. Additionally, some of the concepts are unintuitive.

We hope you find this conte

darrelmiller / NewWebAppRegistration.ps1
Last active September 5, 2023 16:46
Use Microsoft Graph PowerShell to create an Application Registration for an ASP NET Web Site using Auth Code Grant
# updated to remove my really ugly first attempt, based on awesome feedback provided.
$web = @{
RedirectUris = "https://localhost:5001/signin-oidc"
ImplicitGrantSettings = @{ EnableIdTokenIssuance = $true }
$createAppParams = @{
DisplayName = "AspNetWebApp"
Web = $web
alexruzenhack /
Last active June 2, 2024 18:59
Summary of #ddd by Eric Evans

The heart of software

  • Leaders within a team who understand the centrality of the domain can put their software project back on course.
  • Software developer is like a researche, both have the responsability to tackle the messiness of the real world through complicated domain that has never been formalized.
  • There are systematic ways of thinking that developers can employ to search for insight and produce effective models.

One. Crunching Knowledge

Ingredients of effective modeling

dknoodle / Windows Defender Exclusions VS 2017.ps1
Last active September 12, 2024 04:14
Adds Windows Defender exclusions for Visual Studio 2017
$userPath = $env:USERPROFILE
$pathExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$processExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\assembly') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add($userPath + '\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0') > $null
aelij / RoslynReflection.cs
Last active November 5, 2019 23:12
Reflection using Roslyn (without loading assemblies into the app domain)
var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("C")
foreach (var type in
from assemblySymbol in compilation.SourceModule.ReferencedAssemblySymbols
from module in assemblySymbol.Modules
from n in module.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers()
where n.IsNamespace
from type in n.GetTypeMembers()
select type)
rodneyrehm / gist:40e7946c0cff68a31cea
Last active November 7, 2022 09:11
Diagrams for Documentation

some tools for diagrams in software documentation

Diagrams For Documentation

Obvious Choices


mjeaton /
Last active August 13, 2024 20:46
Jerk faces who need to receive throat punches

On October 30, 2023, the Throat Punch List turned 10! In honor of that occasion, I'm putting some old favorites back on the list!

  1. Chad Green
  2. Jeff Fritz
  3. Anyone that uses ask as a noun or that says stuff like "solutioning a problem"
  4. Jim Holmes
  5. Darby
  6. Strauss
  7. JB
clemensv / gist:4253067
Created December 10, 2012 20:21
ForwardTo with Topics and Session Queues
namespace ConsoleApplication2
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
clemensv / gist:4252776
Created December 10, 2012 19:33
ForwardTo Minimal Sample
namespace ConsoleApplication2
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)