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Created June 8, 2023 16:01
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HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If your repository requires reviews, pull requests must have a specific number of approving reviews from people with <em>write</em> or <em>admin</em> permissions in the repository before they can be merged.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can personalize GitHub Codespaces by using a <code>dotfiles</code> repository on GitHub or by using Settings Sync.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Create a pull request to propose and collaborate on changes to a repository. These changes are proposed in a <em>branch</em>, which ensures that the default branch only contains finished and approved work.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If your repository requires reviews, pull requests must have a specific number of approving reviews from people with <em>write</em> or <em>admin</em> permissions in the repository before they can be merged.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>After <a href=\"/en/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace/creating-a-draft-github-marketplace-listing\">creating a draft GitHub Marketplace listing</a>, you can configure a webhook that notifies you when changes to customer account plans occur. After you configure the webhook, you can <a href=\"/en/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events\">handle the <code>marketplace_purchase</code> event types</a> in your app.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><em>Pre-receive hooks</em> enforce rules for contributions before commits may be pushed to a repository.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can configure the <code>dotnet</code> command-line interface (CLI) to publish NuGet packages to GitHub Packages and to use packages stored on GitHub Packages as dependencies in a .NET project.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You may be alerted to a security incident in the media, such as the discovery of the <a href=\"\">Heartbleed bug</a>, or your computer could be stolen while you're signed in to In such cases, changing your password prevents any unintended future access to your account and projects.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>To keep certain files from displaying in diffs by default, or counting toward the repository language, you can mark them with the <code>linguist-generated</code> attribute in a <em>.gitattributes</em> file.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If you commit sensitive data, such as a password or SSH key into a Git repository, you can remove it from the history. To entirely remove unwanted files from a repository's history you can use either the <code>git filter-repo</code> tool or the BFG Repo-Cleaner open source tool.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You'll need to update your saved credentials in the <code>git-credential-osxkeychain</code> helper if you change your username, password, or personal access token on GitHub.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>The <code>git rebase</code> command allows you to easily change a series of commits, modifying the history of your repository. You can reorder, edit, or squash commits together.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>People with <em>owner</em> or <em>team maintainer</em> permissions can remove team members from a team. This may be necessary if a person no longer needs access to a repository the team grants, or if a person is no longer focused on a team's projects.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When a customer purchases a paid plan, free trial, or the free version of your GitHub Marketplace app, you'll receive the <a href=\"/en/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events\"><code>marketplace_purchase</code> event</a> webhook with the <code>purchased</code> action, which kicks off the purchasing flow.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If you need to manage multiple projects within a single repository, you can use a <em>subtree merge</em> to handle all the references.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can attribute a commit to more than one author by adding one or more <code>Co-authored-by</code> trailers to the commit's message. Co-authored commits are visible on GitHub.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>GitHub Enterprise Server uses <code>syslog-ng</code> to forward system and application logs to the server you specify.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>GitHub Enterprise can gather data with <code>collectd</code> and send it to an external <code>collectd</code> server. Among other metrics, we gather a standard set of data such as CPU utilization, memory and disk consumption, network interface traffic and errors, and the VM's overall load.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can personalize GitHub Codespaces by using a <code>dotfiles</code> repository on GitHub or by using Settings Sync.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Whenever you propose a change in Git, you <a href=\"/en/articles/creating-and-deleting-branches-within-your-repository\">create a new branch</a>. Branch management is an important part of the Git workflow. After some time, your list of branches may grow, so it's a good idea to delete merged or stale branches.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Issues and pull requests can be filtered based on the milestone they're associated with. Once you've <a href=\"/en/articles/associating-milestones-with-issues-and-pull-requests\">associated an issue or pull request with a milestone</a>, you can find items based on their milestones. Within a milestone, you can prioritize issues and pull requests.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Use the <strong>Available for hire</strong> checkbox to view GitHub Jobs posts within GitHub.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>GitHub allows you to add as many email addresses to your account as you like. If you set an email address in your local Git configuration, you will need to add it to your account settings in order to connect your commits to your account. For more information about your email address and commits, see \"<a href=\"/en/articles/setting-your-commit-email-address\">Setting your commit email address</a>.\"</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>As you make changes to your project locally, you can keep them up-to-date with your remote repository. In Git, a <em>remote</em> is the server where your code is stored. In your case, that server is a repository on GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Once <a href=\"/en/articles/installing-git-large-file-storage\">Git LFS is installed</a>, you need to associate it with a large file in your repository.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Apply the <code>good first issue</code> label to issues in your repository to highlight opportunities for people to contribute to your project.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>This error means your version of <code>ssh-add</code> does not support macOS keychain integration, which allows you to store your passphrase in the keychain.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When creating a <code>Dockerfile</code> for a Docker container action, you should be aware of how some Docker instructions interact with GitHub Actions and an action's metadata file.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Use the REST API to get, create, edit, and delete discussion comments on a <a href=\"/en/rest/reference/teams#discussions\">team discussion</a> post.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If you're <a href=\"/en/github/getting-started-with-github/about-remote-repositories\">cloning GitHub repositories using HTTPS</a>, we recommend you use GitHub CLI or Git Credential Manager (GCM) to remember your credentials.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>To replace a GitHub Enterprise Server node, you must mark the affected nodes offline in the cluster configuration file (<code>cluster.conf</code>) and add the replacement nodes. This might be necessary if a node were to fail, or to add a node with more resources to increase performance.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You must configure a remote that points to the upstream repository in Git to <a href=\"/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/syncing-a-fork\">sync changes you make in a fork</a> with the original repository. This also allows you to sync changes made in the original repository with the fork.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can work with GitHub Codespaces directly from your command line by using <code>gh</code>, the GitHub command line interface.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can personalize GitHub Codespaces by using a <code>dotfiles</code> repository on GitHub or by using Settings Sync.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can work with GitHub Codespaces directly from your command line by using <code>gh</code>, the GitHub command line interface.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can personalize GitHub Codespaces by using a <code>dotfiles</code> repository on GitHub or by using Settings Sync.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Use your favorite text editor, such as <a href=\"\">Visual Studio Code</a>, to make changes to your project, then use GitHub Desktop to visualize useful commits.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can streamline your Markdown by creating a collapsed section with the <code>&#x3C;details></code> tag.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>GitHub Pages supports using custom domains, or changing the root of your site's URL from the default, like <code></code>, to any domain you own.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>To <a href=\"/en/marketplace/listing-on-github-marketplace\">list your app</a> in the GitHub Marketplace, you'll need to write descriptions of your app and provide images that follow GitHub's guidelines.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can store and manage Docker and OCI images in the Container registry, which uses the package namespace <code></code>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>A <em>billing manager</em> is a user who manages the billing settings for your organization, such as updating payment information. This is a great option if regular members of your organization don't typically have access to billing resources.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can quickly find proposed changes to a method or function in a pull request in <em>.go</em>, <em>.js</em>, <em>.ts</em>, <em>.py</em>, <em>.php</em>, and <em>.rb</em> files.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Any organization member can create a <em>public</em> team discussion post. To create a <em>private</em> team discussion post, you must be a member of the team or an organization owner.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can create commits on behalf of an organization by adding a trailer to the commit's message. Commits attributed to an organization include an <code>on-behalf-of</code> badge on GitHub.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>If a person with the <em>billing manager</em> role no longer needs to view or change your organization's billing information, you can remove their access to the organization.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Cancelling a GitHub Marketplace app triggers the <a href=\"/en/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events\"><code>marketplace_purchase</code> event</a> webhook with the <code>cancelled</code> action, which kicks off the cancellation flow.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Sometimes, firewalls refuse to allow SSH connections entirely. If using <a href=\"/en/github/getting-started-with-github/caching-your-github-credentials-in-git\">HTTPS cloning with credential caching</a> is not an option, you can attempt to clone using an SSH connection made over the HTTPS port. Most firewall rules should allow this, but proxy servers may interfere.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>GitHub Pages supports using custom domains, or changing the root of your site's URL from the default, like <code></code>, to any domain you own.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You may choose to <em>close</em> a pull request without <a href=\"/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/incorporating-changes-from-a-pull-request/merging-a-pull-request\">merging it into the upstream branch</a>. This can be handy if the changes proposed in the branch are no longer needed, or if another solution has been proposed in another branch.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can skip workflow runs triggered by the <code>push</code> and <code>pull_request</code> events by including a command in your commit message.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can use <code>ghe-migrator</code> to transfer data from a <em>source</em> location (either a organization or a GitHub Enterprise Server instance) to a <em>target</em> GitHub Enterprise Server instance.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When you perform a <code>git rebase</code> operation, you're typically moving commits around. Because of this, you might get into a situation where a merge conflict is introduced. That means that two of your commits modified the same line in the same file, and Git doesn't know which change to apply.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Use <code>git push</code> to push commits made on your local branch to a remote repository.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>This error occurs when you try to <a href=\"/en/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account\">add a key</a> that's already been added to another account or repository.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Here's a short tutorial on using <code>git rebase</code> on the command line.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can keep your local repository in sync with your remote repository as you make changes to either one. In Git, a <em>remote</em> is the server where your code is stored. In your case, that server is a repository on GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>In rare circumstances, connecting to GitHub via SSH on Linux produces the error <code>\"Agent admitted failure to sign using the key\"</code>. Follow these steps to resolve the problem.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can store and manage Docker and OCI images in the Container registry, which uses the package namespace <code></code>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><em>Nodes</em> are GitHub Enterprise Server instances that operate in a cluster. Each node runs a set of services that are provided to the cluster, and ultimately to the users.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Team maintainers and organization owners can determine whether a team is <em>visible</em> or <em>secret</em>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>By default, <a href=\"/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/about-forks\">forks</a> are not shown in search results. You can choose to include them in repository searches, and in code searches if they meet certain criteria.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can search for a file in a repository using the file finder. To search for a file in multiple repositories on GitHub, use the <a href=\"/en/search-github/github-code-search/understanding-github-code-search-syntax#path-qualifier\"><code>path</code> code search qualifier</a>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When a workflow is configured to run on the <code>workflow_dispatch</code> event, you can run the workflow using the Actions tab on GitHub, GitHub CLI, or the REST API.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can <a href=\"/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/incorporating-changes-from-a-pull-request/merging-a-pull-request\">merge pull requests</a> by retaining all the commits in a feature branch, squashing all commits into a single commit, or by rebasing individual commits from the <code>head</code> branch onto the <code>base</code> branch.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When creating a <code>Dockerfile</code> for a Docker container action, you should be aware of how some Docker instructions interact with GitHub Actions and an action's metadata file.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>For the best experience with GitHub, we recommend using the latest version of <a href=\"\">Chrome</a>, <a href=\"\">Edge</a>, <a href=\"\">Firefox</a>, or <a href=\"\">Safari</a>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can work with GitHub Codespaces directly from your command line by using <code>gh</code>, the GitHub command line interface.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Create a pull request to propose and collaborate on changes to a repository. These changes are proposed in a <em>branch</em>, which ensures that the default branch only contains finished and approved work.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Use the REST API to get <code>.gitignore</code> templates that can be used to ignore files and directories.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can sort <a href=\"/en/articles/searching-on-github\">GitHub search</a> results using the Sort menu, or by adding a <code>sort</code> qualifier to your query.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can search for a file in a repository using the file finder. To search for a file in multiple repositories on GitHub, use the <a href=\"/en/search-github/github-code-search/understanding-github-code-search-syntax#path-qualifier\"><code>path</code> code search qualifier</a>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>By default, <a href=\"/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/about-forks\">forks</a> are not shown in search results. You can choose to include them in repository searches, and in code searches if they meet certain criteria.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Scopes let you specify exactly what type of access you need. Scopes <em>limit</em> access for OAuth tokens. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already has.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>When an account's <code>NameID</code> changes on your identity provider (IdP) and the person can no longer sign into your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must update the <code>NameID</code> mapping on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p><em>Pre-receive hooks</em> are scripts that run on the GitHub Enterprise Server appliance that you can use to implement quality checks.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Create a pull request to propose and collaborate on changes to a repository. These changes are proposed in a <em>branch</em>, which ensures that the default branch only contains finished and approved work.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can view a list of the people in your organization and filter by their role. For more information on organization roles, see \"<a href=\"/en/organizations/managing-peoples-access-to-your-organization-with-roles/roles-in-an-organization\">Roles in an organization</a>.\"</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can sort <a href=\"/en/articles/searching-on-github\">GitHub search</a> results using the Sort menu, or by adding a <code>sort</code> qualifier to your query.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Modify the default permissions granted to <code>GITHUB_TOKEN</code>.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>Upgrading or downgrading a GitHub Marketplace app triggers the <a href=\"/en/marketplace/integrating-with-the-github-marketplace-api/github-marketplace-webhook-events\"><code>marketplace_purchase</code> event</a> webhook with the <code>changed</code> action, which kicks off the upgrade or downgrade flow.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>To use the included <code>actions/setup</code> actions on self-hosted runners without internet access, you must first populate the runner's tool cache for your workflows.</p>"}
HAD_TO_CHEERIO : {"html":"<p>You can use <code>gh</code>, the GitHub command line interface, to work with GitHub Classroom directly from your command line.</p>"}
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