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Last active May 3, 2018 13:53
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postgres logs, batched get_all from kinto (AFTER)
2018-05-03 09:36:19.741 EDT [98312] LOG: statement: BEGIN
2018-05-03 09:36:19.742 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
SELECT principal
FROM user_principals
WHERE user_id = 'basicauth:a9302d2ec674f91c44359646adaf7c51070ef4a3699ca596f22a543954e38c32'
OR user_id = 'system.Authenticated';
2018-05-03 09:36:19.743 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
WITH required_perms AS (
VALUES ('/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases', 'write'),('/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases', 'read'),('/buckets/build-hub', 'read'),('/buckets/build-hub', 'write')
allowed_principals AS (
SELECT principal
FROM required_perms JOIN access_control_entries
ON (object_id = column1 AND permission = column2)
required_principals AS (
VALUES ('basicauth:a9302d2ec674f91c44359646adaf7c51070ef4a3699ca596f22a543954e38c32'),('system.Authenticated'),('system.Everyone')
SELECT COUNT(*) AS matched
FROM required_principals JOIN allowed_principals
ON (required_principals.column1 = principal);
2018-05-03 09:36:19.744 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
SELECT as_epoch(last_modified) AS last_modified, data
FROM records
WHERE id = 'releases'
AND parent_id = '/buckets/build-hub'
AND collection_id = 'collection'
AND NOT deleted;
2018-05-03 09:36:19.745 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
WITH existing_timestamps AS (
-- Timestamp of latest record.
SELECT last_modified, as_epoch(last_modified) AS last_epoch
FROM records
WHERE parent_id = '/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases'
AND collection_id = 'record'
ORDER BY last_modified DESC
-- Timestamp of empty collection.
SELECT last_modified, as_epoch(last_modified) AS last_epoch
FROM timestamps
WHERE parent_id = '/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases'
AND collection_id = 'record'
SELECT MAX(last_modified) AS last_modified, MAX(last_epoch) AS last_epoch
FROM existing_timestamps
2018-05-03 09:36:19.746 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
INSERT INTO timestamps (parent_id, collection_id, last_modified)
VALUES ('/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases', 'record', COALESCE('2018-05-02T18:05:03.336767'::timestamp, clock_timestamp()::timestamp))
ON CONFLICT (parent_id, collection_id) DO NOTHING
RETURNING as_epoch(last_modified) AS last_epoch
2018-05-03 09:36:19.748 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
SELECT id, as_epoch(last_modified) AS last_modified, data
FROM records
WHERE (as_epoch(last_modified) < 1524239260824) AND
parent_id = '/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases'
AND collection_id = 'record'
AND NOT deleted
ORDER BY last_modified DESC
LIMIT 10000;
2018-05-03 09:36:19.955 EDT [98312] LOG: statement:
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count_total
FROM records
WHERE parent_id = '/buckets/build-hub/collections/releases'
AND collection_id = 'record'
AND NOT deleted
2018-05-03 09:36:20.584 EDT [98312] LOG: statement: COMMIT
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