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Peter Boorsma peterboorsma

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Uncaught Exception: DriverException .
DriverException in AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 125:
An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE bolt_muurgedichten SET id = ?, slug = ?, datecreated = ?, datechanged = ?, datepublish = ?, datedepublish = ?, ownerid = ?, status = ?, templatefields = ?, locale = ?, title = ?, author = ?, authorsurname = ?, authororigin = ?, poemcolor = ?, description = ?, poem = ?, poem1minute = ?, about3 = ?, about = ?, about1 = ?, stadsverhalen = ?, about5 = ?, imageinleiden = ?, about2 = ?, imagebetekenisgroep = ?, about4 = ?, quotes = ?, didyouknow = ?, poemoriginal = ?, poemen = ?, poemde = ?, poemfr = ?, poemit = ?, poemes = ?, moreinfo = ?, geolocation = ?, image = ?, image2 = ?, image3 = ?, video = ?, videotext = ?, audio = ?, audiotext = ?, nldata = ?, nlslug = ?, endata = ?, enslug = ? WHERE id = ?' with params ["8", "wahrlich", "2017-09-27 14:19:28", "2018-05-15 10:26:05", "2017-09-27 14:17:00", null, "2", "published", "[]", "", "Wahrlich (1964)", "Ingeborg", "Bachmann", "Dui
name: Muurgedichten
singular_name: Muurgedicht
type: slug
uses: title
group: content
type: locale
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am peterboorsma on github.
* I am peterboorsma ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASCAumJNR3gD388v2FV-Ju02MDXbGbONI-tT3YgvVkbixgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
{% if app.request.get('_route') == "homepage" %}
{{ app.config.get('general/sitename') }} - {{ app.config.get('general/payoff') }}
{% elseif record.title is defined %}
{{ record.title|striptags }} - {{ app.config.get('general/sitename') }}
{% elseif record.title is not defined and app.config.get('general/payoff') %} - {{ app.config.get('general/payoff') }}
{% endif %}
{# description #}
# This file defines the contenttypes on the website. See the documentation for
# details:
name: News
singular_name: Newsitem
type: text
class: large
<div class="large-10 columns">
<div class="panel">
<h3>Vrije plaats</h3>
<div class="availability not-avail"></div>
peterboorsma / Kampeeropties bedienen
Created April 15, 2015 12:18
Kampeeropties bedienen
/// Toggle locaties in verblijfoptielijsten
$('.panelbutton').click(function() {
if($(this).parents('.panelholder').find('.panelcontent').hasClass('open')) {
// sluit deze panel
// button omdraaien