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Peter Bourgon peterbourgon

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./main.go:36: cannot use myServer literal (type *myServer) as type etcdserverpb.KVServer in assignment:
*myServer does not implement etcdserverpb.KVServer (wrong type for Compact method)
have Compact("".Context, *etcdserverpb.CompactionRequest) (*etcdserverpb.CompactionResponse, error)
want Compact("".Context, *etcdserverpb.CompactionRequest) (*etcdserverpb.CompactionResponse, error)
package main
import (
type myServer struct{}
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class PositionListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_selection_modified(self,view):
text = "Pos:"
sels = view.sel()
for s in sels:
text += " " + str(s.begin())
if not s.empty():
text += "-" + str(s.end())

in re: weaveworks/scope#515 (comment)

Whats the downsides of this approach? I'm not a huge fan of the factory style, if only because it pollutes potentially clean APIs (it would work better if golang had optional parameters...)

The downside is that it pollutes the global namespace—all else equal, our goal should be to have no global state—and makes testing harder, i.e. this

oldStubThing := stubThing
defer func() { stubThing = oldStubThing }()
stubThing = func() Thing { return mockThing{123} }
package main
import (
func main() {
<ptrb> mattheath: curious if my idea of the interaction between
Transport and Codec maps to yours... viz.
<mattheath> yeah think so
<mattheath> i’d see the codec as the serialisation part between the
transport (http/zmq/rmq) and the server itself which handles a decoded
<aybabtme> ptrb: i've thought of storing log entries into context.Context but found it would be too cumbersome `ctx.Value("log").(*log.Entry).Info("message")`
<aybabtme> ptrb: another thing i thought of doing was add a context.Context aware func to our logger, `log.Ctx(ctx).Info("message")`
<aybabtme> ptrb: but then it would mean all the fields in `ctx` would get logged, which im not sure we always want
<aybabtme> responding here to avoid derailing the PR more with my comments =P
<mattheath> what’s the advantage of logging with the context? is the aim being able to correlate specific log lines back to a specific request?
<mattheath> (which would be awesome)
<aybabtme> mattheath: have you read might provide ...context...
<aybabtme> =P
<mattheath> "context" nice ;)
<ptrb> aybabtme: I guess it's a tradeoff, do you complect your method definitions or the code within them
$ cat main.go
package main
var x = "abc"
func main() {
$ cat alt.go
./mysvc \
-identity foobar \
-upstream.endpoint "$UPSTREAM_ENDPOINT" \
-baz.dsn "$BAZ_DSN" \
-read.timeout "$READ_TIMEOUT" \
-write.timeout "$WRITE_TIMEOUT" \
# The environment changes based on dev/staging/prod.
# Production might look like e.g.
peterbourgon / set.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
set comparison
package main
import (