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Created July 6, 2015 23:51
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Hacking team client renewal
Originally posted at:
From: Client List_Renewal date.xlsx
Name Country Name Maintenance Status
AFP Australia Australian Federal Police - Expired
AZNS Azerbaijan Ministry of National Defence 6/30/2015 Active
BHR Bahrain Bahrain 5/5/2015 Not Active
PHANTOM Chile Policia de Investigation 12/10/2018 Delivery scheduled (end of november)
MDNP Colombia Policia Nacional Intelligencia 10/30/2016 Active
SENAIN Ecuador Seg. National de intelligencia 10/30/2016 Active
GNSE Egypt Min. Of Difence 12/31/2014 Active
INSA Ethiopia Information Network Security Agency 10/31/2015 Active
HON Honduras Hera Project - NICE 4/30/2015 Active
INTECH-CONDOR K Iraqi Kurdistan Iracheno 6/30/2015 Active
KNB Kazakistan National Security Office 12/31/2014 Active
MACC Malaysia Malaysia AntiCorruption Commission 1/31/2014 Expired
MIMY Malaysia Malaysia Intelligene 12/31/2014 Active
PMO Malaysia Prime Minister Office 3/31/2015 Active
CUSAEM Mexico Police - Expired
DUSTIN Mexico Durango State Government 11/30/2015 Active
EDQ Mexico Queretaro State Government 3/31/2014 Expired
GEDP Mexico Puebla State Government 7/31/2014 Expired
MCDF Mexico Mexico Police - Expired
MXNV Mexico Mexico Navy - Expired
PEMEX Mexico Army Mexico 3/31/2015 Not Active
PF Mexico Policia Federal - Expired
PGJEM Mexico Procuradoria General De Justicia 12/31/2014 Active
SDUC Mexico Campeche State Governement 6/30/2014 Expired
SEGOB Mexico Seg. National de Gobernacion (CISEN) 12/31/2014 Active
SEPYF Mexico State Government Baja California 9/21/2015 Active
SSPT Mexico TaumalipasState Government 7/20/2015 Active
YUKI Mexico Yucatan State Government 11/30/2015 Active
MOACA Mongolia Ind. Authoirty Anti Corruption 6/3/2015 Active
ALFAHAD-PROD Morocco Minister of Interior 12/31/2014 Active
CSDN-01 Morocco Intelligence Agency 12/31/2014 Active
BSGO Nigeria Bayelsa Government 11/30/2013 Expired
ORF Oman Excellence Tech group Oman 12/31/2014 Active
PANP Panama President Security Office 5/31/2014 Expired
KVANT Russia Intelligence Kvant Research 11/30/2014 Not officially supported
GIP Saudi Arabia General Intelligence Presidency 12/31/2015 Active
MOD Saudi Arabia Minister of Difence 7/15/2015 Active
TCC-GID Saudi Arabia Genaral Intelligence Direcotrate 6/1/2015 Active
IDA-PROD Singapore Infocomm Development Agency 2/28/2015 Active
SKA South Korea The Army South Korea 12/31/2014 Active
NISS-01 Sudan National Intelligence Security Service 12/31/2014 Not officially supported
THDOC Thailand Thai Police - Dep. Of Correctoin 7/31/2014 Expired
ATI Tunisia Tunisia (demo) 7/3/2011 Expired
TNP Turkey Turkish Police 11/10/2014 Active
MOI UAE Minister of Interior 12/31/2014 Active
UAEAF UAE UAE Air Force 5/31/2015 Active
DOD USA Dep.of Defence Not Active
KATIE USA Drug Enforcement Agency 12/31/2014 Active
PHOEBE-PROD USA FBI - USA 6/30/2015 Active
NSS Uzbekistan National Security Service 1/31/2015 Active
EU Clients
EU Cyprus Cyprus Intelligence Service 1/29/2015 Active
EU Czech Republic UZC Cezch Police 12/31/2014 Active
EU Hungary Special Service National Security 12/31/2014 Active
EU Hungary Intelligence Inforamtion Office 12/31/2014 Active
EU Luxembourg Luxemburg Tax authority 5/31/2015 Active
EU Poland Central Anticorruption Bureau 7/31/2015 Active
EU Spain Policia Nacional 1/31/2016 Expired
EU Spain Centro Nacional de Intelligencia 1/31/2016 Active
Tot Active 38
Tot Expired 14
Not Active 3
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