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Last active May 4, 2016 11:13
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module Main where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (f, moduleBasePath) = case args of
(file:basePath:_) -> (file, basePath)
_ -> error "No argument"
unwrapParse :: ParseResult (Module a) -> Module a
unwrapParse parseResult = case parseResult of
ParseOk x -> x
ParseFailed loc msg -> error $ "parse failed at loc: " ++ show loc ++ " " ++ msg
toImportDecls parseResult = case parseResult of
Module _ _ _ importDecl _ -> importDecl
_ -> error "XmlPage and XmlHybrid unsupported"
dotSub = map $ \x -> case x of
'.' -> '/'
other -> other
toImportPaths importDecls = map (\decl -> moduleBasePath ++ dotSub (moduleNameToStr $ importModule decl) ++ ".hs") importDecls
getImportDecls :: Module a -> [FilePath]
getImportDecls mod = toImportPaths $ toImportDecls mod
moduleNameToStr (ModuleName _ str) = str
parse :: FilePath -> IO (Module SrcSpanInfo)
parse path = do
putStrLn $ "parsing " ++ path
r <- parseFile path
return $ unwrapParse r
go :: Map FilePath (Module SrcSpanInfo) -> [FilePath] -> IO (Map FilePath (Module SrcSpanInfo))
go acc (x:xs) = do
case M.member x acc of
True -> go acc xs
False -> do
mod <- parse x
decls <- return $ getImportDecls mod
let acc' = M.insert x mod acc -- insert the current module into the acc map
go acc' $ filter (\x -> M.member x acc' == False) decls ++ xs -- push the include list into the remaining list, without repetition
go acc [] = return acc
allModules <- fmap (fmap $ fmap (const ())) $ go M.empty [f]
mapM_ (\x -> putStrLn (show x ++ "\n")) allModules
return ()
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