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Forked from YellowSharkMT/
Created November 1, 2012 12:15
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Wordpress Fabfile
# Wordpress Fabfile, for migrating the database, and deploying w/ git.
# For background: "My New & Improved Fabfile for Deploying WordPress"
# This fabfile is specifically-geared for our unique setup, which consists
# of 2 servers (local, remote), and 3 sites (local, dev, and prod). Dev and
# prod sites both live on the remote server.
# In general, a little bit of the programming happens on a local site,
# but the database updates and file uploads (both in Wordpress, and edits
# to versioned files, via FTP) occur on the remote dev site, and ultimately,
# the dev server is considered to be the "center of movement", for this fabfile.
# Top Commands:
# ----------------------------
# deploy_to_prod
# deploy_to_local
# import_dev_db_to_local
# import_dev_db_to_prod
# dev_server git_status
# dev_server git_commit_all_remote_changes
# prod_server git_commit_all_remote_changes
from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import *
import time, random
local_domain = ''
dev_domain = ''
prod_domain = ''
project_handle = 'my_project' # used in just a few weird spots, like in naming DB dump files, for example.
# SSH Host String for dev & prod server
env.host_string = ''
# Module-level vars. Don't set these here, set them further below. Consider this as documentation only.
directories = {
'archive_dir':'', # this is where "temporary" files should be stored (i.e. db dumps that are being migrated)
'web_dir':'', # this is the deployment directory
filenames = {
'db_dump':'', # just holds the partial filename
'db_dump_full':'', # full path + filename
'prefix': project_handle + '_', # feel free to change this one if you like
db = {
### Settings - Change These!!! ###
def prod_server():
""" Public/Private: sets connection info for the db variable. Generally, this is treated as a private function. """
db['host'] = ''
db['name'] = ''
db['user'] = ''
db['password'] = ''
directories['archive_dir'] = '/path/to/archive'
directories['web_dir'] = 'path/to/prod_site'
def local_server():
""" Public/Private: sets connection info for the db variable. Generally, this is treated as a private function. """
db['host'] = ''
db['name'] = ''
db['user'] = ''
db['password'] = ''
directories['archive_dir'] = '/path/to/archive'
directories['web_dir'] = 'path/to/local_site'
def dev_server():
""" Public/Private: sets connection info for the db variable. Generally, this is treated as a private function. """
db['host'] = ''
db['name'] = ''
db['user'] = ''
db['password'] = ''
directories['archive_dir'] = '/path/to/archive'
directories['web_dir'] = 'path/to/dev_site'
### Deploy Commands (assumed deploys are from dev) ###
### ###
### These are intended to be the primary commands. ###
### Other commands ARE available, like the db dump,###
### fetch, and migrate set below, also the git ###
### set gets used pretty frequently also. ###
### ###
def deploy_to_prod():
""" Public: Primary command. Commits/pushes files in dev, pulls them to prod, imports dev DB to prod. """
with settings(warn_only=True): # this allows the git commit & add to fail, like if there's nothing there
def deploy_to_local():
""" Public: Primary command. Commits/pushes files in dev, pulls to local, imports dev DB to local. """
with settings(warn_only=True): # this allows the git commit & add to fail, like if there's nothing there
def deploy_from_prod_to_dev():
""" Public: Reverse deploy, from prod to dev. """
with settings(warn_only=True): # this allows the git commit & add to fail, like if there's nothing there
def deploy_from_prod_to_local():
""" Public: Reverse deploy, from prod to local. """
with settings(warn_only=True): # this allows the git commit & add to fail, like if there's nothing there
### Git Commands ###
def git_status():
""" Public: Navigates to the site directory and executes `git status` """
def git_pull():
""" Public: Navigates to the site directory and executes `git pull` """
def git_push():
""" Public: Navigates to the site directory and executes `git push` """
def git_commit():
""" Public: commits files form server, generic message """
git('commit -a -m "Commit from dev server"')
def git_add_all():
""" Public: Navigates to the site directory and executes `git add * --force` """
git('add * --force')
def git_commit_all_remote_changes():
"""" Public: Executes git add, commit, and push """
### Git Command Execution ###
def git(cmd):
""" Private: Navigates to the site directory and executes cmd=? param """
with cd(directories['web_dir']):
run('git ' + cmd)
### Database Dump, Fetch, and Migrate Commands ###
def import_dev_db_to_local():
""" Public: Dumps/fetches dev DB, inserts/migrates it to local server. """
def import_dev_db_to_prod():
""" Public: Dumps dev DB, inserts/migrates it to prod server. """
dump_dev_db() # for prod, we don't actually need to get the db.
def import_prod_db_to_dev():
""" Public: Dumps prod DB, inserts/migrates it to dev server. """
dump_prod_db() # for prod, we don't actually need to get the db.
def import_prod_db_to_local():
""" Public: Dumps prod DB, inserts/migrates it to local server. """
dump_prod_db() # for prod, we don't actually need to get the db.
def get_dev_db():
""" Private: Dumps and Fetches the dev DB. Not intended strictly as a fab command. """
def dump_dev_db():
""" Public: Dumps dev DB. """
# set up the filename of the dump:
filenames['db_dump'] = 'dev_' + filenames['prefix'] + 'dump_' + str(time.time()) + '.sql'
filenames['db_dump_full'] = directories['archive_dir'] + '/' + filenames['db_dump']
# execute the dump
def dump_prod_db():
""" Public: Dumps prod DB. """
# set up the filename of the dump:
filenames['db_dump'] = 'prod_' + filenames['prefix'] + 'dump_' + str(time.time()) + '.sql'
filenames['db_dump_full'] = directories['archive_dir'] + '/' + filenames['db_dump']
# execute the dump
# note: currently, this DB dump is being downloaded to this here directory. Improving that is a TODO item.
def fetch_dev_db():
""" Private: Fetches dev DB, to this folder. """
get(filenames['db_dump_full'], filenames['db_dump'])
### Internal Migration Command Sets ###
def migrate_db_dev_to_local():
""" Private: Inserts the database dump, and updates domain references in the database """
for c in migrate_db_make_update_commands(dev_domain,local_domain): local(c)
def migrate_db_dev_to_prod():
""" Private: Inserts the database dump, and updates domain references in the database """
for c in migrate_db_make_update_commands(dev_domain,prod_domain): run(c)
def migrate_db_prod_to_dev():
""" Private: Inserts the database dump, and updates domain references in the database """
for c in migrate_db_make_update_commands(prod_domain,dev_domain): run(c)
def migrate_db_prod_to_local():
""" Private: Inserts the database dump, and updates domain references in the database """
for c in migrate_db_make_update_commands(prod_domain,local_domain): local(c)
### Commands That Build Bash/MySQL Commands ###
def migrate_db_make_update_commands(old_server, new_server):
""" Private: Makes the Bash + MySQL commands to move the Wordpress database from one domain to another """
commands = [] # shell commands, just FYI. these are to-be returned.
update_commands = [
'UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, "'+old_server+'","'+new_server+'");',
'UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid,"'+old_server+'","'+new_server+'");',
'UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,"'+old_server+'","'+new_server+'");',
'UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content,"'+old_server+'","'+new_server+'");',
# example for future additions as needed:
# 'UPDATE some_table SET some_column = replace(some_column, "find_term", "replace_term");',
# compile those database commands into shell commands:
for c in update_commands:
commands.append('mysql -u %s -p%s -h %s %s -e \'%s\'' % (db['user'], db['password'], db['host'], db['name'], c))
return commands
def migrate_db_make_insert_dump_command(db_dump_fn):
""" Private: Makes the Bash + MySQL command to insert the contents of a dump file into a database. """
# note: currently, this db dump is being downloaded to this here directory. Improving that is still a TODO item.
command = 'mysql -u %s -p%s -h %s %s < %s' % (db['user'], db['password'], db['host'], db['name'], db_dump_fn)
return command
def migrate_db_make_dump_db_command():
""" Private: Makes the Bash + MySQL (admin) command to dump the database. """
command = 'mysqldump -u %s -p%s -h %s %s > %s' % (db['user'], db['password'], db['host'], db['name'], filenames['db_dump_full'])
return command
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