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Created January 4, 2018 15:36
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2017-11-20 Online Learning Update
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\pderivsq}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}
\newcommand{\lderiv}[1]{\frac{\partial \mathcal L}{\partial #1}}
\newcommand{\pderivgiven}[3]{\left.\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}\right|_{#3}}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\frac12\| #1 \|_2^2}
\newcommand{\switch}[3]{\begin{cases} #2 & \text{if } {#1} \\ #3 &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}}
\newcommand{\pderivdim}[4]{\overset{\big[#3 \times #4 \big]}{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}}
\newcommand{\logfrac}[2]{\log \left( \frac{#1}{#2} \right)}
# Online learning update:
Goal: We are looking to do slow-rank approximations of gradients in order to speed convergence on online learning problems.
We define a low-rank approximation $\text{R}_1: |S|\times |\Theta| \rightarrow (|S|, |\Theta|)$
We can do it all in one step:
\widehat{ \pderiv{s_t}{\theta}} = \text{R}_1\left( \pderiv{s_t}{s_{t-1}} \widehat{\pderiv{s_{t-1}}{\theta}} + \pderivgiven{s_t}{\theta}{s_{t-1}}\right)
Or we can break it down into 2 steps (as is done in UORO)
\widehat{ \pderiv{s_t}{\theta}} = \text{R}_1\left( \pderiv{s_t}{s_{t-1}} \widehat{\pderiv{s_{t-1}}{\theta}}+\text{R}_1\left( \pderivgiven{s_t}{\theta}{s_{t-1}}\right)\right)
In the end, we want something that, on average, does a good job at estimating the gradient. ie.
\mathcal L = \left\|\frac 1T \sum_t^T \left(\pderiv {s_t}{\theta}- \tilde s_t \otimes \tilde \theta_t \right)\right\|
Is minimized.
# Approaches:
Suppose A is our matrix:
## UORO:
(See paper for details)
If you draw $\nu \sim \{-1, +1\}^M$, you can approximate a matrix $A\in\mathbb R^{M\times N}$ as
\tilde A = \nu \otimes (\nu^T \cdot A_{i, \cdot})
Where $e_i\in \{0, 1\}^M$ is a one-hot vector.
Reasoning being that
\mathbb E_\nu [\tilde A] &= \mathbb E\left[\nu \otimes (\nu^T \cdot A_{i, \cdot})\right] \\
&= \mathbb E_\nu\left[ \left(\sum_i\nu_i e_i\right) \otimes \left(\sum_i \nu_i \cdot A_{i, \cdot}\right)\right] \\
&= \mathbb E_\nu\left[ \left(\sum_i\nu_i^2 e_i^T A_{i, \cdot}\right) + \sum _i \sum_{j\neq i}\nu_i\nu_j \cdot e_j^T \cdot A_{i, \cdot}\right] \\
&= \sum_i e_i^T A_{i, \cdot} = A\\
## Hadamard/Orthogonal
We observe that UORO is based on the cancellation of rows over time, we can accelerate this method by selecting $\nu$ such that we achieve optimally fast cancellation. This will work if $\nu$'s are drawn from an orthogonal matrix.
## Iterated:
The intuition behind this one is that, if we're approximating we alternate between greedily minimizing $u$ given $v$, and $v$ given $u$.
v_0 &\leftarrow \mathcal N(0, 1)^N \\
A' &\leftarrow 0^{M\times N} \\\\
A' &\leftarrow A'+ A_t \\
u_t &\leftarrow \argmin{u_t}\left|A'-u_t\otimes v_{t-1}\right| = \frac{A'\cdot v_{t-1}}{\|v_{t-1}\|^2}\\
u_t &\leftarrow \frac{u_t}{\|u_t\|} \text{ ... for numerical stability}\\
v_t &\leftarrow \argmin{v_t}\left|A'-u_t\otimes v_t\right| = \frac{u_t\cdot A'}{\|u_{t}\|^2} = u_t\cdot A' \\
A' &\leftarrow A' - u_t\otimes v_t
The problem is, we have to store a full-rank matrix $A'$.
# Experiments
See [previous documents for plots on matrix-approximation](!provider=gist&gistId=b3a668193e5c83512176b282abc03a7b&filename=iterated-matrix-decomposition)
Generate a random stream of data $(x_t, y_t)$, and compare the true gradient $\pderiv {s_t}{\theta}$ to the approximation: $\widehat{\pderiv {s_t}{\theta}}$
![enter image description here](
Again, it seems that our iterated approach works very well. Why then, when we run it on $a^nb^n(1, 32)$ do we get such drastic failure?
![enter image description here](
It could have something to do with compounding errors.
With unbiased estimators, if $\widehat{\pderiv {s_{t-1}}{\theta}}$ is an unbiased estimator of $\pderiv {s_{t-1}}{\theta}$, then
\widehat{\pderiv {s_{t}}{\theta}} = \pderiv {s_t}{s_{t-1}} \widehat{\pderiv {s_{t-1}}{\theta}} + \pderivgiven{s_t}{\theta}{s_{t-1}}
Is an unbiased estimator of $\pderiv {s_{t}}{\theta}$ (because unbiasedness survives affine transforms).
However, the iterated estimator is not even stochastic (so clearly not unbiased).
We need to understant when
\widehat{ \pderiv{s_t}{\theta}} = \text{R}_1\left( \pderiv{s_t}{s_{t-1}} \widehat{\pderiv{s_{t-1}}{\theta}} + \pderivgiven{s_t}{\theta}{s_{t-1}}\right)
Does not converge.
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