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Created December 12, 2017 23:41
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2017-12-12 Kasper EM
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\pderivsq}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}
\newcommand{\lderiv}[1]{\frac{\partial \mathcal L}{\partial #1}}
\newcommand{\pderivgiven}[3]{\left.\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}\right|_{#3}}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\frac12\| #1 \|_2^2}
\newcommand{\switch}[3]{\begin{cases} #2 & \text{if } {#1} \\ #3 &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}}
\newcommand{\pderivdim}[4]{\overset{\big[#3 \times #4 \big]}{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}}
\newcommand{\logfrac}[2]{\log \left( \frac{#1}{#2} \right)}
We've assumed the following graphical model:
![enter image description here](
This graph tells us that we can factorize our distribution as:
p(X, C, F, ID; \theta)=p(X|C, F;\theta) p(C|ID;\theta) p(ID;\theta) p(F;\theta)
(Where we use $\theta$ to summarize all model parameters)
Now. How do we do EM on such a model?
Find "responsibilities": $p(C | X, F, ID; \theta_{old})$
Using Bayes Rule, and looking at the dependencies in our graph, we can rewrite this so that we can directly solve for all the terms.
p(C | X, F, ID; \theta_{old}) &= \frac{p(X, C, F, ID; \theta_{old})}{p(X, F, ID;\theta_{old})} \\
&= \frac{p(X, C, F, ID; \theta_{old})}{\sum_{c\in |C|}p(c, X, F, ID;\theta_{old})} \\
&= \frac{p(X|C, F;\theta_{old}) p(C|ID;\theta_{old}) p(ID;\theta_{old}) p(F;\theta_{old})}{\sum_{c\in |C|}p(X|C, F;\theta_{old}) p(C|ID;\theta_{old}) p(ID;\theta_{old}) p(F;\theta_{old})} \\
&:= \gamma(c)
Maximize parameters:
\theta_{new} &\leftarrow \argmax{\theta} \sum_{c \in |C|} p(C=c | X, F, ID; \theta_{old}) p(X, C=c, F, ID; \theta) \\
&=\argmax{\theta} \sum_{c \in |C|} \gamma(c) p(X, C=c, F, ID; \theta) \\
&=\argmax{\theta} \sum_{c \in |C|} \gamma(c) p(X|C=c, F;\theta) p(C=c|ID;\theta) p(ID;\theta) p(F;\theta)
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