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Last active February 15, 2018 15:22
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2018-01-17 Lower-Variance Online Gradient Estimates
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\pderivsq}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}
\newcommand{\lderiv}[1]{\frac{\partial \mathcal L}{\partial #1}}
\newcommand{\pderivgiven}[3]{\left.\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}\right|_{#3}}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\frac12\| #1 \|_2^2}
\newcommand{\switch}[3]{\begin{cases} #2 & \text{if } {#1} \\ #3 &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}}
\newcommand{\pderivdim}[4]{\overset{\big[#3 \times #4 \big]}{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}}
\newcommand{\logfrac}[2]{\log \left( \frac{#1}{#2} \right)}
# Lower Variance online Learning
## Why are we here
Efficient online recurrent learning is basically a pre-requisite for useful trainable spiking networks. The alternative is some form of backpropagation through time, which involves storing an amount of memory proportional to the time-horizon we wish to include in our learning.
## UORO does this!
[Unbiased Online Recurrent Optimization]( is an efficient $\mathcal O(N_{hidden}^2)$ algorithm for training online networks, using an unbiased estimate of the gradient $\pderiv{\mathcal L_t}{\theta}$
We *know* that if we were to have some kind of "oracle" that gave us accurate estimates of this gradient, we could converge *much* faster. We know this because when we use the (hugely inefficient) RTRL, we converge ~50x faster:
**Results on $a^Nb^N(1, 32)$ dataset, where the task is to predict the next character when the input is a string of $N$ a's followed by $N$ b's, where $N\sim \mathcal U\{1..32\}$. Top: Overall Loss, Bottom: Fraction of correct predictions at end of string of b's. Green is RTRL, Blue is UORO. Top is overall loss, bottom is success rate at predicting end of sequence.**
## What's the problem with UORO?
UORO gives us cheap estimates of $\pderiv{\mathcal L_t}{\theta}$, which we'll call $g_t^{uoro} :\approx \pderiv{\mathcal L_t}{\theta}$ which are unbiased - i.e. $\mathbb E[g_t^{uoro}]=\pderiv{\mathcal L_t}{\theta}$, but evidently, the variance of these estimates substantially slows down learning. Note that these estimates can be viewed as a deterministic function of a series of past-draws of a random variables $\epsilon_\tau$, inputs $x_\tau$ and parameters values $\theta_\tau$, and the current target $y_t$: $g_t^{uoro} = g((\epsilon, x, \theta)_{[1..t]}, y_t)$.
# Backpropagation Through the void
Since our problem is basically a problem of variance reduction, it seems sensible to explore literature on reducing the variance of estimators. The paper [BackPropagation Through the Void]( proposes a general method for finding low-variance and estimator $\hat g$ of the gradient of the expectation of a stochastic loss:
\hat g\approx \nabla_\theta \mathcal L(\theta) := \nabla_\theta \mathbb E_{p_\theta (b) }[f(b)]
This is a bit different from our situation. In UORO, $\hat g^{uoro}$ is an estimate of the gradient of a deterministic loss.
\hat g ^{uoro} \approx \nabla_\theta \mathcal L(\theta)
We can compute this gradient exactly, but it is costly. $\hat g^{uoro}$ is an unbiased approximation, but it has high variance.
# Control Variates
A standard way to reduce the variance of an unbiased estimate is with control varience. Suppose we were to find some stochastic variable $g^{cv}$ with a known mean $\mu^{cv} = \mathbb E[g^{cv}]$, and some scaling factor $\lambda\in \mathbb R^+$. $g^{cv}$ may be correlated with $g^{uoro}$. We can create a variable $g'$ with the same mean as $g^{uoro}$ but a lower variance:
g' = g^{uoro} - \lambda (g^{cv} - \mu)
\mathbb E[g'] &= \mathbb E[g^{uoro} - \lambda (g^{cv} - \mu)] \\
&= \mathbb E[g^{uoro}] - \lambda (\mathbb E[g^{cv}] - \mu) \\
&= \mathbb E[g^{uoro}]
So while the mean remains unchanged, the variance becomes
\mathrm{Var}[g'] &= \mathrm{Var}[g^{uoro} - \lambda (g^{cv} - \mu)] \\
&= \mathrm{Var}[g^{uoro}] + \lambda^2 \mathrm{Var}[g^{cv}] - 2\lambda \mathrm{Cov}[g^{uoro}, g^{cv}]
Which is minimized for $\lambda = \frac{\mathrm{Cov}[g^{uoro}, g^{cv}]}{\mathrm{Var}[g^{cv}]}$
**How can we create a good covariate?**: We could learn a recurrent linear model $g_t^{cv} = g_\phi(g_{t-1}^{cv}, x_t, \epsilon_t)$ that correlates with $g^{uoro}$, and $\mathbb E[g_t^{cv}]=0$. It needs to be linear in $\epsilon$ and $h$ so that if $\mathbb E[h]=0$ and $\mathbb E[\epsilon_t]=0$, then $g_t^{cv}, h_t = g_\phi(h_{t-1}, x_t, \epsilon_t)$
Suppose we train it to minimize $\mathcal L_t^{cv} := \| g^{uoro}_t - g_t^{cv} \|^2$. We of course are faced with updating our auxillary parameters $\phi$, which we could do by BPTT, RTRL or our old friend UORO.
**Problem**: $\hat g_t ^{cv}\in \mathbb R^{\dim(\Theta)}$. This is big, and if it's an output, we'd have a fully connected parameter matrix $\phi_{hg} \in \mathbb R ^{\dim(h) \times \dim(g)}$... which is makes this not all that much cheaper than RTRL unless $\dim(h)<<\dim(s)$
**Possible Solution:** Inspired by [Hypernetworks](, we
we can reshape $\theta_r$ (the recurrent part of $\theta$) into a $\dim(S) \times D$ matrix (e.g. for a GRU it would be $\theta_r \in \mathbb R^{\dim(S) \times ((\dim(S)\cdot 3 + \dim(X)\cdot 3)}$,
Then have another linear, recurrent network output our predicted gradients:
h_t^{(i)} = \omega_{hh} h_{t-1}^{(i)} + \omega_{xh} x_t + \omega_{\epsilon h} \epsilon_t \\
\hat g_r^{(i)} := \omega_{h\theta} h_t^{(i)}
Where $(\cdot)^{(i)}$ denodes the $i'th$ row of a matrix, and $h \in \mathbb R^{\dim(S) \times D}$ matrix, where $D$ is some arbitrarily defined size of the hidden state.
This Covariate-network also needs to be trained somehow. For that we could also use UORO.
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